4. The town meeting

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After what felt like days ( which was only three hours) Isabelle's ears twitched, footsteps ..yep she definitely heard footsteps approaching her room, jumping from her bed Isabelle attempted to smooth her ruffled t-shirt and wipe her tear from streaked face composing herself - It would not do for an Alpha female never mind twin to show such weakness in front of a pack member. Isabelle stood stiffly and tried to force a demeanour of authority and calmness waiting the pack member no doubt whom her dad sent entering. As she stood awaiting the door handle to turn she caught the familiar scent of lavender and visibly relaxed. " Hi mum" Isabelle cautiously said trying to determine her mother's mood whilst thinking about her next words carefully but before she could complete her assessment her mother using the speed of a Luna raced across the room with lightning speed and embraced her in a warm hug squeezing her so tightly Isabelle took a deep breath. " MUM ..i cant breath" " Oh my darling I am sorry," Sarah said letting go immediately and began to lovingly wipe the last few tears from Isabelle's cheeks. " I did not mean to hurt you, I forget my own strength, I was so worried Isabelle when I heard Rogues had attacked and your whereabouts was unknown and we could not contact you by the mind- link I... no ...we began to fear the worse.." Sarah explained taking a seat on Isabelle's queen-sized bed covered with pink silk sheets and overflowing with girlie cushions  ( her mother chose the bedding the colour was awful in Isabelle's opinion but she secretly loved the feminine feeling of the silk and the homeliness of the cushions - not that she would ever openly admit it)   " I know mum, I am really really sorry I didn't mean to frighten you ..or dad... I just needed some space. "  Isabelle now sitting on the bed next to her mother peaked through her lowered lashes and seeing her mother was now smiling at her lovingly and listening to her she continued "I love you mum and Hanna but this past week has been truly overwhelming for me mum, I know the annual werewolf ball is approaching and this year I am meant to be introduced and you and Hanna are trying to mould me into a perfect future Luna but its .. just not me .. I am hopeless mum there is nothing ladylike about me I will never be Luna material I am so sorry to disappoint you.." " Oh my sweet child, you could never disappoint me. I know the more ladylike aspects of a Luna's role do not come easily to you. Isabelle, they are expected but are not the only qualities or indeed the most important qualities of a Luna, the most important qualities of a Luna are that she is kind, compassionate, loyal to her pack and Alpha and most importantly loving .. My dear has exceed all of these expectations, you are also brave, strong and intelligent any pack or Alpha would be lucky to have you, the rest .....we will work on ." Sarah gently stroked her pups back as she talked trying to put her mind at ease.  " You always know what to say to make everything better mum thank you, I will try harder I promise and I honestly did not think I would be in any danger slipping my guards and going off on my own or cause you both such a fright it won't happen again ." " Good because your dads getting old you might just give him a heart attack !" Sarah replied trying to inject a bit of humour and move on from this mornings ordeal feeling reassured her daughter had understood the seriousness of her actions and wanting to try and forget the feeling of desperation and fear that overtook her when her baby was missing.  " Josh and I were the ones going to have a heart attack when we saw dads face when we got home....can you believe he called us delinquents ?" Isabelle following her mother's attempt at humour replied. Sarah chuckled " I can it seems a most fitting description for the pair of you at times .." Sarah glanced at her watch becoming serious " Darling it's 5:30 pm quickly now go freshen up and change into something appropriate for the town meeting I will meet you and your brother downstairs at 5:45 sharp, do not doddle and be late after you and your brother's misadventures this morning if you are late then you really will see your father angry... " leaving the warning hanging in the air Sarah left her daughter to ready herself making her way downstairs to organise their transport Sarah silently prayed to the Moon Goddess her pups heeded her warning and did not make them late. They reached the town hall with three minutes to spare, thank the Moon Goddess Sarah thought as she led her pups onto the stage to sit behind her mate who was standing at the podium waiting for the last of pack members to enter the hall before the meeting began. Sensing the presence of his mate Alpha David turned to smile at her, she was indeed beautiful he thought, her jet black hair was pulled up into a practical bun but a few wild strands had escaped and hung loosely framing her oval face,  Sarah wore a black pencil skirt that hugged her figure beautifully and a cream coloured silk blouse and although the blouse was buttoned to her chin and her attire looked completely professional there was no denying the sight of her aroused him, he imagined hiking up the black skirt and roughly ploughing his length into her wet core forcing screams for passion from her full pink lips. Her lips were so full and pink he couldn't help but think of them wrapped around his.. suddenly he was brought out of vivid daydream by commotion next to his mate, THE TWINS! The twins were arguing amongst themselves about who received the worst punishment when their dads loud warning growl stopped them abruptly. Good David thought at least they had the sense to look down well chided, there was no doubt those two were a handful, two little devils at times the pair of them thick as thieves got up to all sorts of mischief.  He sighed at least they both looked somewhat presentable he thought as he scanned them taking in their appearance.  Josh was wearing a polo shirt with tanned trousers, his unruly hair combed into a neat gel style and he wore polished brown shoes. Isabelle he noted forced herself to wear a dress, it was white with navy stripes and an adorable huge navy bow at the waist her outfit was completed with white laced ankle socks and matching navy shoes. Isabelle's usually neglected hair was put into a bun to match her mothers her clothes were even mud and grass-stained free - wow she must be feeling really guilty he thought as he tried his best not to show his amusement at the sight of his tough little warrior looking so defeated simply by wearing a dress. He looked at the seat next to Josh, Hanna his eldest sat with her legs crossed at the ankles in the perfect ladylike pose. Her yet black hair sculpted into a tight french braid, she had the same porcelain complexion as her mother and sister however an array of dark brown freckles lay across her cheeks and bridge of her nose. She wore black pinstriped trousers and a fawn-coloured polo neck adorned with one of her mother pearl necklaces. Hanna's eyes were shyly downcast as she attempted desperately to blend into the background. Although an Alpha female and the rightful heir Hanna had taken after her mothers sweet and kind nature and did not possess many Alpha qualities other than enhanced strength and speed. Shy in nature David doubted when the time came she would step up to take over as Alpha instead being more comfortable as a pack Luna once she met her mate. In that case, the Alpha title would be jointly shared between Josh and Isabelle until such time as when Isabelle too found her mate and joined her mate's pack as Luna or in her case co -Alpha David supposed - knowing Isabelle's fierceness and strong independent streak. Suddenly Alpha David was unexpectedly interrupted from his appraisal of his family " That's every member seated Alpha .. shall we begin ?" an elder approached him to ask. "Mmm.. yes lets." with that the meeting began. All 112, pack members were seated in the hall looking to their Alpha awaiting him to speak, most had heard the rumours of an attack but the details were still unknown. " I have summoned you all here to inform you of an incident this morning.." Alpha David boomed using his Alpha tone to quickly bring the room to a hushed silence. " As some of you may have heard the rumours already and yes it is true our northern patrol group was ambushed by Rogues in the early hours of this morning.."  Loud gasps and fear-induced chatter spread throughout the hall ..after a few minutes David regained the focus of the pack..." SILENCE.. please, the ambush resulted in  Five dead, three seriously injured its unknown if they will make it and seven seriously injured but stable, the families of those deceased and injured have been notified, we as a pack are sorry for your loss and will pray to the Moon Goddess that the souls of your loved ones who were our brave warriors are kept safe in her gentle embrace." David scanned the hall to look into the grieve stricken faces of the families of the deceased to show his support. " That is not all it was reported that this was no normal Rogue attack, the Rogues  somehow managed to mask their scent and use this to hide strategically in the forest, they may not have been as strong as our elite warriors but due to this tactic they were successful in their attack and should be considered extremely dangerous.. the Rogues reportedly were also lead by an Alpha.." David paused to let this shocking news sink in. " I know what you are thinking as the elders have already expressed their doubts as Rogues by nature are lone wolf's who can't respect authority and work as a pack but the surviving warriors claim this is what they saw so I believe them. Due to the unprecedented circumstances of the attack, the elders, my Beta and I have authorised the following rules to keep everyone safe with immediate effect.. no one is to travel solo at any time but in minimum groups of two wolf's in the residential area and town and groups of no less than five near the boarders, Unnecessary travel across our borders and visits from other packs is to cease immediately unless authorised by myself, there will be a 9 pm curfew until further notice for everyone except warriors patrolling or those on official pack business, She-Wolf's, pups and the vulnerable are to be assigned a guard, and travelling into the forest is absolutely forbidden unless you are a warrior on patrol .."  David turned to look at Isabelle meaningfully when announcing the last command. " These measures seem ... invasive I know but are in place to keep you safe I will not lose another pack member, those who break the rules will be severely punished .." he said in his Alpha tone to make his point understood. " Furthermore we have written to both the Pack Alphas and the King to apprise them of the situation we will inform you of any updates accordingly or commands from our King, in the meantime follow my commands, keep vigilant and pray for the recovering injured warriors, that is all you may return home, thank you for coming.. I have work to do Beta Watt will now take any questions. "   With that, the majority began to file out of the hall still in shock whilst a few stayed behind to speak to Watt, David approached his family hugged them tightly and began to lead them out of the side exit of the hall towards home.  " Do you think they will attack again ?" Sarah asked out of the hearing range of her pups. " I hope not my love, the first attack was so random though I do not understand their motives, wolf's who are so unpredictable are dangerous all we can do is be prepared and pray they do not."  As the Alpha and his family walked back home, the Luna and Alpha saying a silent prayer to the Moon Goddess the Rogues would not attack again, blood-red eyes watched them vigilantly. The Luna really was a pretty thing even in her older age, his father had not over-exaggerated her beauty at all he could see why his father had lusted after her the Rogue Alpha thought as he with deadly silence stalked them through the streets towards their home.  She is too old for me though her eldest daughter held some of her mother's beauty perhaps he would keep her alive for a while as his personal toy before killing her too, the wicked thought brought a smile to his face.  It really was too bad the youngest daughter was so young she was a rare beauty even surpassing her mother however although he was without doubt a monster he would not molest a child he would just have to kill her too he thought as he followed them all the way home and watched them hurry inside. He turned and started to walk back to the forest " Enjoy the safety of your home and embrace of your loved ones whilst you can, soon I will return for my revenge. " With that, he returned to the depth of the forest rejoining his pack they blended into the background perfectly plotting their attack.
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