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"You shouldn't talk nor touch him. He's a ruthless and weird guy. Little did you know, even our teacher here doesn't talk to him because he doesn't want someone to talk to him. He's totally a weird alien, right? I can't even imagine where the planet that guy came from." Frey says, filled with annoyance in her voice while applying another layer of red lip tint onto her lips before closing her compact mirror.  We are here in our dorm. After the embarrassing incident earlier when I hugged Kevin they brought me here, to bring my things, change uniform, and make me calm down because I was looking so pale earlier. Maybe because of unexpected things that Kevin had shown to me. I can't believe it. He did that to me. He pushed me. He yelled out on me.  "Right! Frey is right!" Sammy, on the other hand, gets up from lying on her bed and looks at me with her perfect round eyes. "And why did you hug him? You even call him 'Kevin'? Who's Kevin?" She asks confused, emphasizing the name 'Kevin.' "Right, who's Kevin?" an added question from Yassi. Frey just raised her brows in confusion as well.  I take a deep sigh, stood up, walk towards the huge mirror here in our room, and look the reflection of my self on it. I roamed my eyes in every corner of my face. Nothing has changed on me, so why he didn't recognize me?  "Kevin is my best friend-- Wait." I turn around to face them, still bringing up their bewildered expression. "Isn't he Kevin?" I ask.  "No, he's not Kevin. His name is Hiro. Hiro Alexander Tuazon. Son of rich." Yassi says.  "What?" My forehead wrinkled. I can't believe what she had said. "His name is Hiro? Not K-Kevin?" "Uh-huh." Frey nodded, crosses her arm as well as her legs, sitting sexy. "Did you hug him because you think he's your best friend Kevin?"  "Because he's really my best friend. He is Kevin." I insisted and show them the hand-made bracelet that Kevin had made to me. "He has this kind of bracelet like mine. And this bracelet we have made before for one another." "Wait! Wait, Joy huh." Sammy walks towards me and she took my wrist to look at the bracelet. "Seriously? My sister also has this. I mean, she loves to do such things like this. So maybe, the bracelet that Hiro had was made by his younger sister for him. Or am I wrong?" "Younger sister? Excuse me, Hiro don't have any siblings." Yassi interrupted while chewing chocolate.  Sammy wandered. "Huh? Didn't he had?" "Okay. Let's just say you have the same thing that looks like Hiro's bracelet, and you did it for him. But the problem here is that he is not Kevin your best friend. Maybe, they have the same shape as the face. You know, that happens." Frey stood up. "Look at Sammy." She pointed Sammy and Sammy look at her. "She looks like, Avril Lavigne, right?" "Right." Sammy looks at me and does a pose which made her looks like Avril Lavigne.  I bit my lower lip and sighed in confusion. I sat on the chair beside Frey, with my two shoulders went down. "No way. Impossible." I mumble, glancing at my bracelet.  'I'm really pretty sure that he is my best friend, Kevin. I can feel it.' "Oh damn it!" Yassi stops eating chocolate suddenly when she something in her phone that made her eyes parted in shock. "Look at this, girls! Come on!" They called us quickly so we run to her and look at her phone.  "Omg! Did just Nathalia slapped Hiro?" Frey's reacts surprisingly.  "Aw!" Sammy.  I'm also shocked to the video when a girl had slapped Hiro, but I'm more even shock when Hiro throws deadly words towards the girl.  He's indeed ruthless.  "I think this video is everywhere on campus. Ah really, Nathalia is on fire now." Yassi shakes her head.  "See, Joy? I bet now, he's not Kevin." Sammy.  "Impossible," I mumble. I can't really believe this.  "You know what Joy, there are really things that are impossible to happen. What you feel right now is just an illusion. Perhaps, you just miss your best friend, therefore you see him in someone else. So, it's an okay girl." Frey says softly and taps my back.  "But, where is your best friend?" Yassi asks questioningly.  -- "So, you and Hiro-- I mean Kevin are an orphan kid before?" Yassi says, astonishing after I told them about my life before with Kevin.  We're currently walking, going to our classroom when the bell rang for class hours.  "Yeah. The two of us were very close to the point that we were comfortable and knew each other's secrets. He's so kind, laughs often, loving and caring. But when the day came for Kevin to be adopted, before me, we never met again. He promised to go back to me, but he didn't until I found my biological parents." "So, you mean, the one who adopted you is your real parents?" Frey.  "Yes, you're right. Beforehand, my parents brought me to America, I returned to the orphanage in three days straight. I'm hoping he might come back. But..." I shake my head as a no.  "That's tragic," Sammy says. "So, when I saw Hiro was wearing a bracelet like mine, I thought I already found my best friend," I added with a deep sigh and looks away.  "I also want to believe that Hiro is Kevin, but Joy this is absurd. Hiro is a ruthless guy. Whoever ruin his mood, receives either a fabulous hit from him or deadly words, just like what you see earlier, right? Everyone admires him on his first day of school here, especially Nathalia, the girl in that video, but when his admirers found out how asshole he is, girls avoided him. Probably, he's far from the only character who has your best friend, Kevin, right?" Frey.  I didn't speak. I guess what they are saying is right. When I saw how Hiro looked at me earlier, I didn't see Kevin in his eyes. He's dangerous.  But, there's something inside me telling me that, he is really my best friend. He's really Kevin. 'Ahh! I don't know. I'm stuck between 'believing that he's Kevin' and 'he's not.'  Until we reached in our classroom. I didn't expect that I would be Hiro's classmate. He's sitting in the corner, besides the tinted glass of a window. In our whole class, I was unable to listen to the discussion. I'm out of focus. My eyes are on him, staring at him secretly. Fantasizing his handsome face that really looks like my best friend, but the way he acts, and the way his eyes stares, is far from the characteristic Kevin has.  I heaved a sigh.  'Are you not really my best friend? Are you not... really Kevin?' --
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