2. Betrayal

1370 Words
VALERIE’S HEAD WAS THROBBING in agony as she recalled the events of last night. The girls certainly did surprise her with their sexy gifts and that gorgeous hunk. Her eyelids felt heavy and she could barely see her room when an arm held her waist tightly. “Good morning, beautiful.” A hoarse voice greeted her. It came from someone she was familiar with, but it wasn’t Paul’s voice. “You!” she shrieked and immediately covered her body with anything she could grab on to when she found where the voice came from. “Ah Rie, you have a voice of an angel. You keep praising me last night, begging me for more. Didn’t Paul live up to your expectations that you easily succumb to my stick?” a grin formed in his face as she turned pale realizing what she had done. “No! No, no. This could not be happening to me. Mason, you sly bastard. I was saving myself for Paul. How could you?” she slapped his face left and right then she ran off, making sure to give ample space between them. “You were experienced if I could recall, correctly. The way your hips swayed while I was thrusting. You knew how to keep me drawn for more. It’s not how a virgin would be in bed. Tasting you is so addicting.” He licked his middle finger while giving her a side eye. The fog in his eyes held such passion and vigor reserved for her. Tears ran down her face while contemplating on her response. Surely, Paul would forgive her if she told him what happened. She blacked out and didn’t know about Mason visiting the island. It was a private island her family owned. She wanted to run out of her room, but Mason was fast. He blocked the door, showing the perfect v shaped muscles in his hips and those hard toned abs. He was like a Greek god with his physique and talk about his blonde, unruly hair. Every girl would drop everything just to get a taste of him except her. She vowed never to give him the pleasure of admiring his body. She only had eyes for Paul, the love of her life. “Let me out! Or I will call for security. You are trespassing private property.” She held on to the remaining strength she had. Her legs were wobbling in disgust at what she had done. This was not how she envisioned her bachelorette party would turn out to be. It was supposed to be a send off party for a new chapter in her life, not a death sentence. “I will, if you agree to marry me. If not, I will show Paul how you loved my stick that you keep screaming for more.” His lips curved up like a menace as he pulled his phone, showing a video of them having s*x. She pondered on her next words. If she played her cards correctly, there might be a way for her to dodge his blackmails. It would be easy to deny the video, given how gullible Paul was. He was head over heels in love with her, so it might not be over just yet. “Tell me how much you want and I will pay you. In return, delete all copies of this video from your phone and the cloud. If not, I will make your life suffer by suing you in court.” She was quick to call in the law into her favor. Remembering the news of women falling prey to lewd machinations of men and years later, they sued them. “I am not calling your bluff, Rie. We both know you would die than tarnish your reputation in the public eye. The heiress of the biggest shipping company claiming she was raped. No one would buy that since we knew each other for ages.” His voice slowed down on the last part, emphasizing they had known each other for a long time. She was at her wit’s end already. The man knew her very well to a point he used it against her own judgement. “I won’t be the one to break Paul’s heart. If you don’t care about your brother, then go on and show him the video. I don’t care. If you ruin my wedding, I will make sure to make your life a living hell.” She fixed the stray hair that fell in front of her face. Even if she was slowly breaking down inside, she refused to show it to Mason. That bastard didn’t deserve to see her suffer. Days passed by so fast, all the wedding preparations were done. It was finally time for her to tie the knot with Paul. After that excruciating exchange of words with Mason, she never heard anything from him again. She was anxious every time Paul would mention his brother’s name, but there wasn’t any word about the video or whatever happened on the island. Paul showered her with affection, giving her all the love and support as they finished preparing the items for the wedding. Her reflection stared back at her as the make-up artist fixed her hair. He was doing the final touches and then on to pictorial. After that, she would wear her gown and walk down the aisle. “Dear, aren’t you happy? Why do your eyebrows scrunch?” Her mother stepped in to check on her. She was all dolled up with her pearl necklace and matching earrings. Even in her fifties, she was still a stunner. Her salt and pepper hair was pulled back into a bun, showcasing her long neck and squared jaws. “I just remembered some last-minute item. I am sure the coordinator will be able to handle it.” She replied. Not wanting to make a conversation of her thoughts. All she wanted was to bury that memory into oblivion. Her mother smiled a bit knowing she was just thinking of some item. “Oh, I thought you were contemplating on backing out. In the last few days, you were looking distraught and behaving differently. Is Paul treating you badly?” she whispered the last part, not wanting the glam team to hear her questioned. “Mom! I love Paul so much that I can’t wait to start calling him hubby.” She beamed with pride as she spoke those words. Although a sharp knife pierced through her heart as she spoke. She knew very well she wasn’t in the right headspace after the bachelorette party. Her mother tapped her shoulder and went out to help with entertaining some of the bridesmaids and relatives. The slow instrumental music played in the background as she stood in front of the aisle. Everyone who mattered to them was present. The coordinator signaled for her to start walking. At first she was nervous, but she took a deep breath and walked one step at a time. Her parents were waiting in the middle of the path while her groom stood in front of the altar. Halfway through, she saw the man on the altar. It wasn’t Paul but Mason, who wore the groom’s suit. She looked around but could find Paul. Stopping for a moment, her father tightened his grasps on her arm. “Don’t think of backing out now. Be thankful that Mason stepped up the last moment when Paul went missing a few hours ago. Just go with the ceremony. No one will know that Mason is the one standing in front except us. I am glad they were twins at this very moment or we would be humiliated.” Her father spoke in a soft but stern manner, emphasizing his authority over her. “Let me remind you, I can take you off my will if you ran off now. Don’t embarrass me in front of my business partners and relatives.” He warned her again when she stopped walking for a bit. Tears ran down her face while continuing to walk towards the altar. She knew her life was over the moment she stepped out of the bridal car.
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