Chapter 3

1930 Words
My fears were confirmed when he bulleted from the room as if I smelt terrible. I sat up looking at the door hoping he had come back in but when he did not, I decided to see what he brought me, pulling the tray carefully towards me so I didn’t spill anything. Then I grabbed the glass of water first and took a big gulp, it was the perfect tempture and tasted Devine. Then I started eating some of the bread and other items he brought up to me, everything tasted wonderful I have never tried dried meat or figs before I found I enjoyed both. As I finished the door burst open again and the man was standing there with black eyes, his breathing was heavy, and he looked deranged. I scooted back as far as I could on the bed as I pulled the blankets up to my chin.   "You are mine." He growled. "Say It!" "I am yours." I said, "But only by title, not by heart or soul."      His face became anger and somehow his eyes became darker. He came into the room and stood by the end of the bed, he reached down and grabbed the chain pulling me towards him at an achily slow pace, soon I was at the edge of the bed flat on my back with my legs hanging over the side with him in-between them. He let go over the chain and bent over me placing a hand on either side of my body, his face was only inches away from mine.   "You are mine." He growled "In all ways." "How can you say that?" I asked, "You do not even know me, you cannot expect me to love a man who does this to me." I said as I jiggled my ankle. "Will you stay here without running?" He asked in a deep voice. "Yes." I replied honestly. I will not run again; I will stay here and learn to love my situation if that is possible. "I will take it off than, and you can sleep in our bed instead of here." He said as he quickly took the chain from my ankle. "I don’t want to crowd you; I don’t mind sleeping here." I said. "No, you will sleep in our bed." He said bluntly.   "Okay." I agreed. "You are mine in all ways." He said again.      I didn’t reply I just started into his pitch black eyes trying to understand him, but I have a feeling I will spend the rest of my life trying to figure him out without any luck, Regardless I will still try my hardest. He lowered his face close to mine catching me off guard, I inhaled quickly before holding my breath, he moved his lips up and kissed me softly on my forehead which threw me off even more. He confused me more than anyone else has before. He pulled away and stood up straightening his clothing before holding his hand out to me. I took it and let him lead my downstairs and into the living room. I looked to see there was a paused movie on the exceptionally large tv and on the coffee table he had laid out popcorn, candies and some soda.   "I thought we could watch a movie together, there is a storm moving in, so we are stuck inside." He said with a hopeful look. "Sure, but I have never seen a movie before." I said sitting down on the sofa. "What?" He asked surprised. "My parents said I was to read, paint and play piano and that I had no time for children's play like tv." I said looking down at my hands. "I would like to hear you play one day, but right now I would like to watch this film with you." he smiled. "I didn’t know what your favorite candy or pop was, so I laid out some options." "What is your favorite?" I asked him. "M&M's and Coke." He said. "You?" "Umm, I do not know, another first for me." I replied. "How old are you?" He asked me. "I just turned 21 one today." I said. "Why didn’t you tell it was your Birthday?" He asked me to look a little angry. "I am sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you." I said pulling my legs to my chest. "I am not angry with you Rose; I am annoyed with myself. I wish I had known." He said sitting next to me with a softer face. "It is alright." I said. "I will take you shopping tomorrow if the weather is favorable." He said nodding. "You don’t have to do that." I objected. "I do, it is your birthday and you deserve gifts." He said. "I have never received gifts before, it truly is alright." I said. "I am pleased there are many firsts I get to experience with you." He smiled. "Ready?" "Yes." I said softly turning my attention to the tv.       Out of the corner of my eye I saw him put the bowl of popcorn between us and then he grabbed the big bag of M&M's along with two cokes. He opened one for me and handed it to me watching, I took a drink and coughed on the fizzy sensation it made him giggle. It was a lovely sound; he also had a perfectly stunning smile to accompany his lough. I could not help but look at him with a big smile. Within the last 5 hours this stranger has grown on me a little.     "What is your name?" I asked him. He looked up at me with surprise. "I forgot to tell you my name." He said shaking his head and cursing under his breath. "Colter. Colter Coldwell." "Colter." I repeated. As soon as his name pasted my lips his eyes went black. I just sat there staring at him. "I am sorry Rosalie; it takes all my composer to not take you." he confessed. "Take me?" I asked. "Yes, into our bed." He said. "Like in a physical way?" I asked. "Yes." He replied.     I gulped and then licked my lips, even though I did not know him, the way he made my body respond to his touch I didn’t care I wanted to feel the overwhelming warmth again many times over. I placed my soda down on the coffee table with shaky hands before turning my body towards him.   "What If I want the same?" I asked with a nervous voice. "I will need to hear you say it Rosalie." He said with heavy voice. "I would like you to take my virginity Colter." I said in a soft low voice.       Before I knew what was happening he picked me up and we were in the room where he was setting me to my feet, I placed my hands on his arms and stood on my tippy toes staring into his eyes.   "Are you sure?" He asked me with dark longing eyes. "Yes." I whispered.      He lowered his head placing his lips to mine, I did not expect his kiss to be so soft and tender. It was gentle, I could feel the longing and need but it was not in an aggressive way it was nice. As we kissed his hands explored my back, then my lower back and down to my rear end, he placed his hands on both cheeks before lifting me up pressing me against his body and wrapping my legs around him. He walked over pressing me to a wall letting me feel the growth between his legs pressing against my apex causing a soft moan to escape my lips. He pulled back and looked at me with a soft face, before he quickly took my shirt and bra off exposing my breasts to the cold air making my n*****s instantly eruct. He sucked one between his lips lightly nipping it with his fangs as his hands worked their way into the band of my yoga pants, letting my legs down just enough to slid them off, than he quickly took his off throwing them to the side with the other pieces of clothing.   "Please." I whispered. "Chut, je vais prendre soin de toi mon amour." he said       I wanted to know what he said but I did not want him to stop his feather soft touches, he wrapped my legs around his waist letting the feeling of our skin touch for the first time fully. He walked over to the bed laying me down softly as he continued to kiss my lips than my neck. As he traveled down my body, he trailed kisses leaving a patch of fire behind until he was hovering over my bud, he leaned down sucking me into his mouth as he quickly slid his fingers inside my empty entrance. I threw my head back and raised my chest as the familiar heat started building inside me, he played me so well. Knowing just what to do to keep the heat building without setting it off until he wanted to.   "Colter Please." I begged gripping the sheets and a fist full of his hair.      He growled into me sending the perfect vibrations through me allowing the ball of heat to explode racking through me, setting ever nerve in my body to catch fire. He placed himself over me as I came down from my climax with dark wild eyes.   "Please." I whispered placing my hands on his chest. "You are sure mon amour?" he said with a heavy breath. "Yes, just be gentle." I said. "Always." he replied.       He placed him at my entrance gently pushing himself into me, soon he was fully seated and I felt a sharp pop inside of me causing my to jerk a little, he stilled himself looking into my eyes checking if I was okay, I looked up at him with a warm smile. He leaned down kissing me before he started working his hips back and forth slowly at first, his pace started quickening and the familiar sensation started building inside of me again, I wrapped my arms and legs around him clinging to him, using him as a life boat so I wouldn’t drown. He wrapped his arms around me bringing me up sitting on his lap as he continued to move in and out of me making my climax that much stronger, I placed my forehead to his riding it out until I threw my head back allowing him access to my neck. He placed a kiss to the side just before he sunk his fangs in taking deep pulls until he was satisfied. Laying me down on my stomach hiking one leg up and knelling in between my legs he thrust into me with on swift strong movement making a moan escape my lips. He was rough, hungry and greedy this way, pumping into me as he spanked me helping another climax build until his last thrust when we exploded around each other riding our climaxes out together.       He rolled from me pulling me into his arms and then a blanket over us. I laid my head on his chest closing my eyes and letting my breathing even out and become a steady normal pace. His arms tightened around me as his legs tangled with mine.   "You are mine in all ways." He said. "Yes." I whispered. "Tu seras toujours à mes côtés." he said resting his head on the top of mine. "What does that mean?" I asked him. "I will tell you one day mon amour." he replied. "Rest."       I did as he asked, relaxing my body and closing my eyes allowing myself to drift off into a dreamless warm sleep wrapped in the arms of a vampire who I know would protect me from all things. 
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