Chapter 4

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"I think if we round up here on Fifth we'll be okay..." "And the luggage?" "She's a person, Edward." Rosie looked up from where she was twisting her fingers in her lap and caught Edward's heavy eyes over the hood of the Impala, where he and Sam were arguing over a map. They'd been at this for at least twenty minutes, complaining about a quick reach to a friend that was having some kind of trouble with a...something. Rosie hadn't really been paying attention, so she didn't hear but she did know Sam was concerned that it would be too much for her. Edward had protested but finally conceded in driving her off course and dropping her off at this bunker they were headed to before rounding back and catching up to whatever problem was causing them so much frustration. "You sure you'll be fine all alone, sweet cheeks," he winked at her and that roused Rosie from her half-dazed state. Her cheeks tinted pink and she c****d her head slightly, nodding before she returned her attention to her lap. Honestly, she didn't think she would be but there wasn't much of a choice seeing as she was at their mercy for the moment...with her consent, of course. They didn't kidnap her, but they had made the girl she was disappear - or, at least, Edward had. She didn't mind, really, because that life was an old one, a boring one and Edward's was so much more interesting than the life of a timid waitress. With Edward she was alive and sexy and - "Rosie," she jumped when she beard Sam's soft, throaty voice and gazed up at him; he was leaning in against the top of the car and the door, smiling at her. "Hey, mind if I sit up front for this stretch?" She blinked once, twice and then shook her head slowly, wiggling out of the front seat. The leather cracked against the back of her thighs where she stuck but only she seemed to notice because no one even gave her a side glance. She slid into the back seat and Sam shut the door for her, flopping down in the passenger seat unceremoniously. Edward had already started the engine and was pulling off from the curb they had pulled up against, whistling as he turned onto a slightly deserted road - okay, it was completely deserted. "We shouldn't be gone more than a couple of hours," Sam hummed and strummed his fingers on the door he leaned against. "Just make yourself at home..." "I'll show ya to my room, babe," her eyes found Edward's in the rearview mirror. "Mine as well get familiar with it, you'll be there for -" "Edward," Sam groaned and scrubbed a hand over his face, looking at his brother. "Please, just not right now, okay? I'm sure you're gonna abuse my eardrums with...noises," he said it like it was an icky taste, as she expected from a younger brother. Edward snickered and strummed his fingers on the steering wheel, throwing the car into park. "You run back to the armory and restock the car," Edward jerked open the door. "I'll get her...settled in." A shiver ran down Rosie's spine, the lump in her throat making it hard to swallow as she climbed out of the car. Sam had fished a small box from his pocket and had produced a key from it, taking the few steps down to a utility door while Rosie hung behind him. Yet another trill shot up her spine when a broad hand cupped the firm globe of her ass, making her arch to her toes when he gave it a harsh squeeze. She bit her tongue to keep from squealing, but he was already past her before she could even guess what to do next. Rosie followed close behind him and Sam, her eyes adjusting quickly as lights hummed and flickered around them, revealing the bunker that sunk further beneath them. Edward and Sam shrugged down the steps to what looked like a table lit behind with a map worked into the table. There was an extensive library stretched beyond that, making Rosie's mind reel with the possibilities; not all of these books could be of just monsters...right? Even then, Rosie found the urge to study on the monsters almost irresistible. She would find common ground with these two, hopefully give her and Sam something to talk about. "Come with me baby girl," was Edward's deep, coaxing voice in her ear, his big hand eclipsing hers and pulling her along. Her cheeks were flushed and her belly cramped as she followed behind him, her body taught and anticipating...something. The halls were not dark, but they were far from bright as her led her into them; such tight spaces, she jumped at even his anticipated, heavy boot claps. He stopped in front of a seemingly harmless door, opening slowly like that alone would spook her - he wouldn't be wrong, really. Inside the room was small and dark, even after he had clicked on the light, leaving her feeling vulnerable in the middle of the room. The weapons that hung along the wall were more intimidating than the demon prowling around behind her in sharp circles, all heavy looking and menacing; meant to kill. Rosie swallowed thickly, finding a reprieve in the deeply worn photo of a man and a woman, a young boy in her arms; she knew the bright green of those eyes anywhere. "Wish I could try you out on the bed," her eyes fluttered closed and she resisted the urge to scrunch up as his lips suckled against the base of her skull. "But ya," his teeth nipped at her earlobe. "Blah," he wanted into her ear, kneading the flesh of her right hip with one hand, fingers skimming the edge of her breast with the other. "Blah..." Rosie trembled and leaned back into him, moaning softly as his hand eclipsed her breast and set to work kneading it. What was he doing to her? He was...he was intoxicating, he was driving her to thoughts she had never even thought she was capable of producing. She rolled her hips, grinding her ass back into the prominent lump in his jeans. He groaned in her ear and ducked his head, lips and tongue lavishing the curve of her jaw and making her whimper. "You two are acting like two horny teenagers," Edward snarled in Rosie's ear and she jumped back to reality. "Edward, seriously he needs our help - we gotta go." Edward growled again and unwillingly peeled himself from Rosie, who was still flushed and panting as she adjusted her curls, giving Sam a sheepish look. His eyes were fixated in an annoyed and almost...yeah, that was a b***h face he was giving his demon brother as he brushed past him. Sam sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before he noticed Rosie, giving her a small smile of reassurance. "Don't worry," Sam murmured. "I don't judge you, alright," Rosie blinked slowly at him. "I...I was in love with a demon once...its a strange feeling." Rosie licked her bottom lip, crossing her hands over her chest as she nodded. "Yeah...yeah, it really is," common ground found, if he didn't mind her trying to open old wounds. He gave her another fleeting smile, growing slightly serious as he fished something out of his back pocket. "It doesn't have a lot of kick back," Rosie's nostrils flared as he held out a short barreled gun; it looked so delicate. "Really meant for close get you out of a tight bind sk you can make an escape...but this is just in case something happens - but don't expect anything." Rosie nodded softly and cradled the gun in her hand; it had looked so small in his hand. "Its...don't I need to learn how to use this?" Sam chuckled. "Point and shoot," he arched an eyebrow. "Pretty easy - for that, anyway. If I was giving you something heavier, I'd insist on training." Rosie nodded again and lowered her arms, gun dangling at her side. "Got it," and then she gave him her own smile. "Both of you be seem a little troubled about this, but I'm sure you can handle this." Sam chuckled softly. "Yeah...we've handled worse," his smile faltered. "We'll be back as soon as possible - like I said, make yourself comfortable, get a feel for the layout...have a feeling you'll be staying with us for awhile." Her lips seemed to fuse together at the sentence for some reason, though she had already made her peace with the whole deal. He left after that, Rosie firmly rooted to her place even after she heard the bunker door slam shut and echo around her. ~~~ "Ow, dammit," Rosie murmured and hurried to the sink, thrusting her finger under the cold water. Third time she had burnt her finger, and pudding was the assailant. Rosie shook her head softly and turned off the water, drying her hand on her shirt before she cut off the stove and moved the pudding to the side. She had run out of things to do nearly two hours ago, after exploring what she felt she was allowed to of the bunker and skimming through quite a few books and notes on demons; she figured why not and try to learn a little more about what Edward was, exactly. She had found the box of pudding in the back of one of the cabinets and her stomachs rumbling response was enough to confirm that yes, she was very hungry. "Should have kept up with the time," she murmured and glances at the loudly-ticking clock above the door. Rosie didn't know how long the boys had been gone, but she wished they would get back soon. She knew it had to be a couple of hours, at least, but she hadn't kept up with the clock while she trolled around. She was too paranoid to sleep, considering praying and seeing if that would bring the angel in to entertain her but she didn't want to pull him out of something important. He was an angel, he had to be doing something worth while...right? "Lucy, we're home!" Rosie jumped and then cursed his timing, but her heart wasn't only humming from the scare. She adjusted her shirt and raked her hands back through her hair, praying she looked decent and then went in search of the voice. They were in the archives, Sam standing in front of someone else and Edward was heading back towards the rooms. When he saw Rosie, he changed his course and was front and center in an instant, making Rosie skitter back a step. He caught her hip and drug her against him, his lips catching hers in a hungry and claiming way. But she wasn't protesting, she could have just melted right there had they not gotten a haughty throat clearing from behind them. "I think we have more important things to worry about..." Sam started. "I don't," Edward rumbled against Rosie's lips. "Edward, come on you have all the time in the world -" "Apparently not," but he pulled back, keeping his arm around Rosie's hips as he stepped to the side. "Meet Garth," he gestured to the hunched over, spindly little man sitting in one of the chairs at the long table. He waved at Rosie. "Hi there," he looked like he wanted to chirp, but he also looked pretty shaken. "Can I..." He looked up at Sam. "I need a shower." "Sure," Sam rumbled and looked between Edward and Rosie. "I'm gonna go get him set up, you two..." He trailed off and then waved a hand, bracing a hand against Garth's back as he stood. "Ah, you're just gonna do whatever anyway." Edward pulled Rosie out of Sam's way and she waited with bated breath before she craned her neck to look up at Edward. His lips were against hers in an instant, but not hungry and demanding, opposing that with a sense that he was savoring the kiss; were mood swings a part of being a demon? When he pulled away, Rosie was beyond out of breath, and it showed how her voice quivered around her words. "Wh-What...what happened," she murmured, fingers tightening and flexing in the fabric over his chest. Edward sighed against her forehead, something that sent odd relief over her; yep, demons had mood swings like a girl on her period. "Garth lost his wife tonight," Rosie sucked in air between her teeth. "And we may have a bigger problem on our hands than what we thought...guess I gotta pray ta Cas," the thought of a demon praying almost made her smile. "Do I get to know?" "Duh," he barked and tugged her against his side, following the path towards his room. "Not like you're gonna do won't fight or anything." She bit her tongue; she wanted to learn, but would save the option for another time. "What's the problem?" Hesitation. Hesitation in a demon is never a good sign. "We think the hounds finally pulled off Ragnarok." ~~~ "Gotta say, the Gods did a s**t job keeping Ragnarok out of reach." "Edward." "What, all I'm sayin' is that they could have made it a little harder to just make happen." "Well," Sam scratched at the side of his head. "It hasn't exactly happened yet," he ran a hand down his face, eyes fixated on the ancient text beneath his elbow. "Garth and Bess just happened to be around, that's what was causing the tremors and the weather phenomenon - Bess being tortured and crying out. Had to upset one of the wolves guarding the gate..." Edward looked up from his beer when Sam trailed off and didn't finish. He seemed intent on gnawing straight the the end of his pen, leaving deep gouges in his wake. Edward pursed his lips a little and then quirked the corner of his mouth before he snapped his fingers loudly at Sam. "Hey," Sam grumbled as Edward took part in furrowing his own brow. "What else does it say?" Sam sighed. "Says the final key is fresh face innocence, fresh corruption and pliable - which could mean anything - blinded by the light of Fenrir's gaping maw," he paused. "But not before the three roosters have crowed - and we wouldn't be able to know when that happens considering only one takes place on Earth, the other in Valhalla and the other in the Norse Hel, but I'm assuming that's still ours." Edward hummed and sipped languidly at his bottle. "Maybe I'll take a trip downstairs, see if anything been croonin' lately," Sam went to roll his eyes, thought better of it. "Lets talk about the fresh faced thing first." Sam scratched his chin and flipped back a few pages. "Fresh faced was properly translated from the old meaning, which was supposed to be the blood of an innocent God spilt - but the key is in mortal blood and I guess that means innocent -" "But corrupted," Edward hummed. "Well, the first thing that comes to mind is pretty obvious." Sam grumbled. "Always comes back to s*x," he mumbled. Edward chuckled. "Bingo," he chirped. "Which does seem most logical, plenty of people have s*x and still remain innocent...weirdos," he cleared his throat. "Could be someone who had deliciously divine premarital s*x, someone who witnessed a crime but had no chance in Hell to stop it - could be a number of things." "Well, we got a month to figure it out," Sam slid a bookmark against his page, shutting the time with a firm puff. "After that, the second wolf will be awakened and then the hunt for this fresh faced thing will start." "And why can't we stop the second one from waking up again," Edward kicked up from his chair, swilling down the final mouthful of his drink before he dropped the bottle in the trash. "Because that's one thing that's out of our control - the second awakening. It just happens, like an uncontrollable timer is set after the first, but we can still stop Ragnarok from happening - it'll just mean some pissed off wolves that have to start their cycle again." "I'm not even taking the obvious bait," Sam sighed for what felt like the millionth time that night. "Where'd Garth go?" "Guess he crashed somewhere," Sam murmured as he began to flick off lights. "He can't leave the bunker, not without the key." Edward yawned and arched his back, dissatisfied with the lack of crackle in relief of his spine. "Well, I'm gonna go get laid," he nearly skipped. "Sleep tight, lil brother," when he winked over his shoulder, Sam could have sworn he saw black. But Edward whistled and trailed away, leaving Sam with a sick taste in his mouth. He had tried to get Edward cured time and time again, but Edward refused and Sam supposed so long as he wasn't wreaking havoc and flipping on a dime, everything was...okay. Even Castiel said so long as Edward showed no signs of losing control, he could remain as he was. Still, Sam had to feel sorry for Rosie, who appeared to be well beyond infatuated with his brother for some reason. Maybe he was using some demon mind trick on her?, because Edward and Rosie had met before he was a demon and she was the first person he thought of after they had been ambushed - Was it possible his demonic brother felt something for the girl? Sam blinked a couple of times and scrubbed at his eye, flicking off the final light to the archives. "Stop over thinking," he murmured.
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