Chapter 4 - Waking Pains

1145 Words
     After two days of surgery and rest, Anise was still showing no sign of waking. Steven had spent the whole time, once the surgeries to stop her internal bleeding were done, by her side talking to her. Anise's mother was never far away, using Steven's room to get sleep since she didn't want to be far. Her father still gave Steven distrustful glares for the first day, but once he knew that nothing would keep Steven from watching over her, they began to get farther and father apart. Now, at times, both parents would leave her in his care to rest and eat.       Steven talked to her about everything. What was going on with the pack. In school. What he knew about training sessions. Who had become friends or dissolved friendships. What the prisoners had been up to. Begging for her forgiveness. Telling her the things he wanted to do for her once she opened her eyes. He was in the middle of telling her about his snickerdoodle cookie recipe when he heard her voice. "Those sound tasty. Bring a batch of those and a carton of milk and I think I'd be very happy," Anise croaked out with her long, unused voice. She gently squeezed his hand before letting go so she could rub her eyes.       Steven started to run out to get her parents, but at the fear crossing her face once she saw who was next to her. He slowly backed up and got on his knees so she might not feel as cornered. He spoke softly and quietly, repeating the things about the prisoners, her forgiveness, and what he wanted to do for her. He knew she wasn't hearing him at the moment, too busy trying to figure out where she was and how she had gotten there. When she tried to get up to run off, he put his hands up to stop her. When her legs were unable to support her, and she started to fall, he jumped forward to catch her and support her. When she felt his arms around her, her panic mode was set off and she started trying to do him serious damage. She even managed a few shots to the face as he called over his shoulder for help.      The Alpha, Beta, Doctor, and Anise's parents ran in from different areas of the house and held her down so Steven could back away to a safe distance. Once the doctor was able to get a sedative in her system. They all turned to ask him what had happened, but the absolute horror on his face made them all stop and watch him. All he could do was, after a moment of looking at her, he slowly stood up and walked out of the room.      He'd been standing on the porch of the pack house when Alpha Jackson came out to stand beside him. "They tucked her back in bed and were going to take shifts to keep an eye on her till she's safe to get up." His dad's voice dropped quieted with his next statement. "We think it would be a good idea if you didn't stay alone with her anymore. Not until she's had time to figure everything out." Steven nodded, but couldn't stop the tears from rolling down his face.      "Actually, Dad, I think I need to join the others in the cells. I shouldn't be allowed around her at all. It's my fault she's in this condition and hurting so bad. I should have stopped Hector long before at got as bad as it did. I'm just as guilty as they are for hurting her, if not more so." He looked up to his Dad, his heart breaking as he said it. "She was looking to me to save her, and I didn't until he almost r***d her. If I hadn't realized she was my Mate when I did, I would have just stood there and watched him do it. I don't deserve her forgiveness. I'll wait for her punishment with the rest of the criminals." Steven turned and headed for the holding cells, knowing his dad would send someone to eventually let him in.      "Steven, before you go, try to look at it from her perspective. She's just woken up after a massive beating, were one of her best friends was there as a participant. She doesn't know anything about how you saved her, and from what you've told me, had already been knocked unconscious before you beat the Hell out of Hector. She has no idea that with what you did to him, he should probably be in there right beside her. Instead, you made it so she would have the choice of what his punishment would be. If it had been, me in your shoes, he'd already have been killed. I'd have killed him before I even brought her back here. But you're giving her the chance to forgive him, and all of you, if that's what she decides is right. I wouldn't be able to do that. Just give her some time," Jackson said as he walked Steven down to the cells. As he locked the cell door behind Steven, he had one last thing to add. "Trust her. She's your mate. She'll want the best from her the way you want it for her."      Steven knew there was nothing to do but wait. Being in the first cell near the door made the air a bit fresher, but it did nothing to stop the mouths of the people in other cells. Hector, Amos, and Winston kept throwing out comments about how he was a traitor and what they would do to Anise when they got out. Henry just sat silently in his cell, staring at the door like he could will it to open and someone would miraculously come free him.  Steven sat facing the other cells, his back to the door, and closed his eyes to concentrate. He shut out the world and focused on what he hoped would happen.      He hoped Anise would forgive him. He hoped the rest of the fighting females would as well. He hoped Hector got a particularly horrible punishment, right along with Amos and Winston. He hoped Henry learned he was a better person than the other assholes locked up with them. That he really would be the next Alpha, and Anise would let him make her the next Luna. She would make the best Luna. She would protect the pack the way a Luna should. She'd give orphaned pups a home. She would make sure women who weren't fighters trained until they were. He could see her making everyone's lives better. He sighed and laid his head back onto the wall. He just had to trust her. ~AnabelleLee

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