Rejected mate

4437 Words
Triggers: rejected, cheating, s*x with strangers Blind dates. Nothing more horrible than not being able to destroy your best friend's dream of going on double dates with her, her amazing successful boyfriend, and his (he is amazing, no one knows why he's still single) friend. Well, that is a lie. I was able to destroy her dream countless times, but tonight is Valentine's day and I'll be damned if I spend it alone again. I want to at least be able to post a story on ** with the drinks and a male hand in the background. So here I am, at a really fancy restaurant, fashionably dressed, fashionably late and... alone. That asshole stood me up? On Valentine's day! Who does that? I am about to call Miranda and take revenge on her by stopping by her house and ruining her passionate, mandatory s*x with her amazing boyfriend when the waiter comes to take my order. "Miss? This is a very busy night. If you could...?" He starts and I am too pissed to let him finish. "And I am a customer and I will order when I am ready!" I say "I think it's shitty to rush people out the door when they're alone. I mean... that couple in the corner that is too over each other to bother ordering? Why don't you go stress them? They arrived before me!" "Alright, Miss. Please take your time." The waiter answers politely, but I hear him whispering Karen when he turns around. A few people look at me whispering. Great. I think I embarrassed myself enough for one night. I look at the clock. It's been one hour. I am done with this. Humans are really horrible. All of them! I hate them all! As I get up to leave, the corner of my dress gets stuck in the chair. The damn unpolished hipster monstrosity falls on the ground with a loud bang and everyone looks at me again. Well, that was it with my quiet escape. Now I have no choice but to tip the mean waiter so I won't feel too judged. I hear a laugh from behind me and I turn around. A lonely asshole, just like me, has the audacity to laugh at me! "Like you are any better!" I say, rolling my eyes as I pass by him. I am so relieved when I get outside. The fresh air of the night calms me down a bit. God, I miss running in the woods, letting all my feelings explode and burn until only silence rules over my soul. But if I go back I'll have to face the "Oh, so sorry your mate rejected you, poor thing." all over again. At least in the human world, no one is really happy in their crappy relationships. Except for tonight. Tonight, everyone has to act like they have found their soulmate and everything is perfect. I wish I could scream at them from the top of my lungs: You are going to break up! Just likely destined one, the one person that was made just for me...broke my heart. In my self-pity parade, I didn't notice the stupid hole in the ground. "Damn it!" I curse, holding my broken heel in my hand. I take a step back from the busy strat and I lean on a car to see if I can just push it back to get me home at least. "I think you are sitting on my car." A voice, sounding a bit amused, accuses me. I look up and what do I see? The asshole that laughed at me earlier. "And I think you are getting on my nerves, so we are even." I answer, getting up. But my poor patched-up heel decides that his time has truly come and crumbles under me. I was so mad that I forgot about it, so when the floor suddenly gets closer than a second ago, I lose my balance. My luck is that I fall in the arms that were ready to catch me. My unluck is that those arms belong to the asshole. "You should have said earlier, I would be thrilled to get to know you." He says with that cocky laugh. I look at him, ready to give him a piece of my mind, when... Look. you can judge me or you can understand me. I was stood up on Valentine's day. I was surrounded by happy couples. And my other option is to go eat chocolate alone and drunk in my small apartment. So how bad can it be to have a one-night stand with a hot stranger? Right? RIGHT?! I kiss him. Strong, deep, messy kiss. After a second, he actually answers me kiss, putting his hands on my naked back. The touch of his cold fingers electrified me and my mind turned off. I remember everything covered in a deep fog. The ride to his apartment. The moment when he turned me around and slammed me aginst his door and kissed my neck. How he ripped my dress. How he stopped to look at my exposed chest. Hos slowly and methodically kissed my whole body. Every kiss, lick, bite and touch. Ok, maybe my memories are not so foggy. They are perfectly clear. Just like the small blood dot on his perfectly white sheets in the morning. I bite my lip. I always imagined my first night to be the one when my mate would claim me. But now... I am in this city, with a stranger, and asshole stranger to be exact, far from my pack, far from my expectations. I wish I would be more disappointed though, but for someone who is not my mate... the s*x was absolutely amazing. I almost feel sorry for leaving before he wakes up. As I get out the door, Miranda calls me. "You are such an asshole, Crystal. The poor guy waited for you for an hour!" She starts complaining at the phone before I have the chance to. "Him? He stood me up!" I shout. Maybe a little too loud. I am trying to figure out where is the elevator. "Wait what? You were there?" She aks, confused. "Yes..." I answer confused. "At Mytherd's?" She asks more confused. "Yes!" "At the one next to the lake?" She tries to ask again. OH MY GOD! "There are two Mytherd's?" I ask in disbelief. "Crystal, are you for real? I told you! I made reservations at both so you can go to one and I can go to the other. You choose the one next to the lake! But we decided to stay in at the last moment..." She sighs, probably happily remembering why they decided to stay in. But, yeah, that does ring a bell, but I wasn't paying attention, to be sincere... They both looked the same. "I am coming over!" She declares and I shout no. "Why...?" "Because... I am not home?" I say. "You shady! Are you with a guy?" She asks excitedly to hear some morning tea. "Kind of..." And like that, I tell her what happened last night. "Hun, sorry to disappoint, but that sounds like you slept with an escort..." Miranda says, a bit worried, a bit amused. "With a good one from what I'm hearing." "Where did this idea come from???" I shout again. "I heard about it at work!" Miranda defends herself. "They wait at busy restaurants on Valentine's day for women that are alone. They are hot so after some wine, bam, you are in their bed and you can't refuse to pay." "But he didn't say anything about money..." "The good ones never say! You just leave the money on the nightstand when you leave. It's called good manners, Crystal!" Holly s**t. Did I just run away without paying a Valentine prostitute? "What do I do now?" I ask, almost crying. "Will he call the police? Like when you run out of restaurants without paying?" Moon Goddess... Why didn't you get me a better mate? I wouldn't have ended up in this human world having these problems... "Can't you go back?" Miranda asks. "Like sneak back in his apartment?" "Yes!" "No!" I answer, thinking not only about stealing... s*x, but breaking into someone's home? Isn't that bad? How this world works?! "You just put money on the nightstand and run. In and out!" I am pretty sure that at this point, Miranda wants to see some action more than to find justice for my male escort. But she has a point. Whatever his choices in life, he deserves to be paid for his work. And it was good work. Very good work. "Ok, I'll call you after." I say and hang up the phone. How much should I leave? I do a quick search on google... Damn, they are expensive. But it was my mistake, I can't be cheap after the... service. Do I leave a tip too? Finally, I take the money out of my wallet, to have the ready ad open the door to his apartment. I take a deep breath and I slowly walk in, but when I get in the bedroom... He's gone. I freeze for a second, but then I hear the shower. Great! I throw the money on the nightstand and I am about to sneak out when the shower stops. Shit! Now what? At that moment my brain decided to play dead and I decided to... hide under the bed? I hear the bathroom door opening and I hold my breath. I take a moment to thank the Goddess that I am a werewolf and in the worst-case scenario, this dude will be laughed at in a police station. I can't imagine how terrifying this situation would be for a normal human girl. Footsteps are slowly approaching. Closer... Closer. He stops right next to the bed. I think he noticed the money on the nightstand. "What the f**k?!" I hear him curse. Oh no... I didn't leave enough. But I didn't know! He said nothing. Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz Right there and then... MY PHONE STARTS TO RING. I try to close it, but it's too late. I see his face as he looks under the bed. To find me... the girl who didn't pay enough...under his bed... "I can explain!" It's the first thing that I shoot out of my mouth. I don't think I have a good explanation, but I do have one... "That should be good... Do you mind getting out before or are you comfortable as a squatter?" He says and at least he doesn't sound mad mad. Just a bit mad. And a bit in disbelief... I crawl out like a worm and get up to face the man. But my eyes go straight to his lower part, where only a towel covers his... business partner. "Do you see something worth your money?" He asks and I go flaming red. "I am sorry. So sorry. I... I've never done that and I didn't know how much. I didn't even realize you were a... you do that till I got out and my friend called and she told me. She explained how it works and it made sense, I mean you were a hot guy alone on Valentine's day and you are good in bed..." I ramble like crazy. "I am a hot man that's good in bed?" He smirks and I blush even harder. "I mean... you do that for a living...of course you..." I try to say, but he raises his hand to interrupt me. Good, I had no idea what to say anyway. "And tell me, what are you going to do if I say I am not a... male escort?" He asks and I freeze. Oh, God, tell me he's joking. "Ae you a...?" I ask. "No." He answers, visibly trying to contain his laughter. I am out of words. I just had my first one-night stand and I left money on his nightstand and then hid under his bed. "And this is why you shouldn't sleep with strangers." I say after I give up trying to make this mess less embarrassing. "You never know when you meet crazy." "Hello, crazy. My name is Daemon. Would you like some coffee? I have some money to spare." He says as he points at the money I threw on his nightstand. Fair, I guess. I am so ready to say no, wtf, this day was embarrassing enough, I won't continue... But then I remember that I was truly the asshole in this situation and I own the man at least a coffee for... this. Plus. What am I going to do home? Watch Netflix, cry about my life, and talk with my parents that try to convince me to come back to my pack to see my ex-mate happy with his girlfriend? "Sure, I am sure the worst that could happen already did." I answer. "What size do you wear?" He asks after he looks at me, both puzzled and intrigued. "That's rude..." I say. "Do you intend to wear a broken dress to coffee? I must admit, it matches your broken heel." Fair point. But what is he going to do about it? Oh, God, tell me he is not some gigolo that keeps women's clothes around because he sleeps with so many and rips their clothes off every time. "Size 4... and 6 for the shoes." I answer, curious if he's going to take out a box full of clothes and start to throw things around. Maybe he has them labeled. But he doesn't do that. Instead, he calls someone and tells them to bring clothes my size, upstairs. Upstairs? Where the f**k are we by the way because now I remember I couldn't find the elevator. He takes some clothes from his huuuuge closet and goes to the bathroom to change. I am left alone in the bedroom and I take the chance to text Miranda, threatening her with bodily harm for putting me in this situation. She gives me a message with the thumbs-up emoji and I roll my eyes. Her way to say go for it. I wonder if I could take her down. She is a werewolf too, but her mate was human, so she decided to come live with him, as he owns a company and it would have been harder for him to live everything behind. Not like she had too much left in the pack anyway. Her family died and the majority of so-called friends started to make fun of her when they found out she had a human mate. After she found out that my mate rejected me, she invited me to stay some time with her in the human world. Just to disconnect and heal a bit. First, I thought it was weird since we weren't close before, but when I saw my mate at a romantic picnic with his girlfriend the next day, I decided to go for it. Here we are, now, three years later, and best friends. But that doesn't change that Miranda is happy with her mate while I stay alone in my apartment. Maybe this is why I accepted this coffee. For the first time in three years, last night, I didn't feel lonely. I don't want to go back into my hole again. I knock on the door scares the crap out of me. He is still in the bathroom. Should I answer? It's not my house, but I guess someone came with the clothes... I gather the courage to open the door after the second knock and in front of me, there's a gorgeous woman. She looks more mature, like she in her forties, but her face and body are so perfect, that teens should be jealous. I certainly am... She looks at me from head to toe and I suddenly feel very embarrassed again by the state of my outfit. I feel the need to explain to her that this is not how I usually look, but I keep my mouth shut. After a few seconds, though, she smiles warmly and gets inside, dragging an entire garderobe after her. "Mr. Daemon wasn't very specific so I brought something of every style. I am sorry if I'm too much, but he never brings girls home. I got too excited. I am Delia, his assistant." She starts to talk in such a cheerful tone. A weight gets lifted off my shoulders. Humans tend to have faster heartbeats when they lie and with my hearing, I can notice that (can I get a prayer for poor Miranda's boyfriend?), but her beats sound normal. So she's telling the truth? He never brings girls home? So I am the... first? Can't help but put on a cocky smile, that disappears quickly when I remember that he probably will never again after this first one put money on his nightstand after. "Thanks for bringing them, Delia. You can leave now." Daemon says as he gets out of the bathroom, but Delia looks at him like he just stayed a joke. "I will help you choose. If... you want me, of course..." Delia looks at me hopefully and Daemon signs me to say no. Joke on him, I already made a fool of myself in front of him. With her, I have the chance of a fresh start for a good first impression. "It would be a pleasure." I answer with a big smile and I hear him grunt. "I will be in my office, then." He says and leaves. "Ignore him, he is just mad that I was right and I won the bet. Look, he even left me the money." Delia says and to my horror, she grabs the money I left on the nightstand. "A... What bet?" I ask super confused. "Ah... me and my big mouth... Sorry dear, I hope this won't make you feel bad. But this guy is so caught in his work, he spends all his day alone in an office and all his nights alone in his room. So for Valentine's day, I convinced him to let me find him a perfect girl for a blind date. We even made a bet on the fact that the girl I'll find will swipe him off his feet. And here you are. Oh, I knew you will be amazing. Your mother, Elena is always talking about you. But I have to admit you look a bit different from your pictures. You are so much prettier in reality." My heart sinks. Good Goddess, what did I get myself into? I think Delia notices that I went white as a ghost because she comes to put her arm around me. "Dear, I am so sorry. I didn't want to make you feel bad. It was just a silly bet." She seems so worried and I just try to make sense of the situation... I shake my head. I guess my best chance is to ask him. Was he stood up too? Then why was he so cooky? I end up choosing a simple summer dress and some white sandals. I just brush my hair. It's long and straight so it doesn't need much styling. Delia gives me her number to talk later and I rush out as fast as I can in the direction she pointed as Daemon's office. "You were on a date there?" I ask as I burst inside. He smiles and puts down his file. "Yes and no. I had a date that night at Mytherd's. And as I promised Delia, I went." He answers. My mind connects the dots instantly. "You had the date at the one next to the lake and you went at the one downtown! You stood your date up!" "You too." He answers unbothered. "How did you...?" I ask. "You screamed next to my door. Hard not to hear that. Too bad I got into my shower before you decided I am a hooker. I would have spare you of the pain of sneaking under my bed." He answers so freacking amused. "I am sorry... but, Are you insane? Really!" I ask, truly in disbelief. "Me? You ask me that?" He asks surprised. "Yeah, you! You knew all that... And you invited me to coffee? What's wrong with you?" He looks at me shocked. I look at him shocked. And then his phone starts ringing. He answers, looking relieved that our conversation ended, but frowns as he listens to the other person. The voice sounds familiar and I almost choke when I realize... he is talking with my Alpha. Moon Goddess, are you having a blast? You were bored and decided to throw all the madness on my life today? Alpha is trying to say something about some pack members that got arrested in the city for fighting at a party. "I will take care of it, Thomas." Daemon answers and hangs up. "You are... Daemon Thorn. The inside man of the pack." I say, more to conclude my thoughts than to tell him. "Pack... Are you?" He asks, looking as surprised as me. "A member." I answer, a little satisfied that he looks lost of words. At least now he knows how I felt all day. "Crystal Moor." He says. "You know me?" I ask. "Everyone does. Your mate..." He starts to say, but I interrupt. "Yeah yeah. He rejected me." Even he knows about that? I want to dig a hole in the ground and end this... "Not a loss. I always have to get him out of prison. He comes to parties in the city and sleeps around with girls. He ends up fighting with their boyfriends. If I have a guess, he is the one that caused problems today too." He answers, rolling his eyes. My ex-mate... is an asshole? I wonder how I never knew that, but taking into consideration that he is Beta's second son, probably all this crap was swept under the rug by the Alpha. Lost in mythought, I didn't notice Daeomn standing next to me. "Are you ok?" He asks, sounding sincerely worried. I guess he knows what a mate means to a werewolf. But he's not my mate. He is my ex-mate. I jump and hug him tight. "I am free! I can move on!" I scream, crying as the pressure of self-doubt that was building for years suddenly was released. "Can I come with you to take him out? "Are you sure?" "Yes. There is something that I need to do." Daemon agrees and with that, our coffee transforms into let's get my ex-mate out of prison. We get there and Daemon goes to talk with the officers. From the gossips I heard around the pack, he is some important person in the city, owning some important business and being good friends with that mayor. I go to where the cells are and I feel the smell of my ex-mate. I feel the alcohol too. "Oh..." Is all he says when he sees me there. "Why did you reject me, Matt?" That time, when he did break my heart three years ago, I didn't have the courage to ask. Now, his answer will close this chapter of my life forever. "Are you for real?" He asks. "Yeah." "Good Goddess, Crystal. Look at me. Since you are here, I guess you know what I did. What I usually do. I am a piece of s**t that cheats on his girlfriend all the time and fools around. And I am happy with that. It's not like anyone has ever had expectations from the second son. I am free to just do whatever s**t I want. But a mate... I knew I couldn't do that to my mate. I heard stories. If I ended up hurting you it would have killed me. And look at me. I would have hurt you, later if not right away." He answers and I must admit, I didn't expect that. "You expect time to believe that you did it to protect me?" I ask. "No. I did it to protect myself." His eyes are clear as he looks at me. "Maybe the mate bond would have fixed you." I say. "Or destroy both of us. I didn't want to take the risk." "Then why don't you leave to another pack? Start new." I ask. "My father won't let me. So no one else will find out what a f**k-up I am." Matt answers and his eyes get darker with anger. "Are you done?" Daemon asks coming next to me, taking my hand and looking straight into Matt's eyes. I am surprised, but his hand is warm and comforting, so I don't let go. "Yeah... I think I am. But I still want to ask you a favor." We go back to the pack, in Daemon's car, with Matt in the back. I must admit, this is not the way I expected to make my grand return. Once there, The Alpha and the Beta are waiting for us. My parents too, as I think they felt my smell from miles away. My mom's screams as she hugs me tight. "My stubborn baby!" She cries as she smacks my head. "Three years!" I am caught in my reunion with my parents, but I see Daemon signing me that he will handle my request with the Alpha. Half an hour later, when I am halfway through the story of how I ended up with Demon Thorn (Without the spicy part, of course. i don't think my dad could handle that), I see Matt coming out of the pack house with a huge smile on his face. He comes to me and gives me a huge hug. My parents almost faint. "Thanks. My dad is sending me off. Daemon asked the Alpha and they couldn't say no." She whispers in my ear. "You are welcome. And you are not a f**k-up. A real one would never admit that." He says goodbye and thanks me once again before running home to pack his bags. A few moments later, Daemon walks out of the pack house too and before I have the chance to say a word, my mother grabs his arm. "How about the two of you stay for coffee." She demands and we look at each other with complice smiles. "Well, a coffee sounds perfect." Daemon answers and gives me a playful wink. God... I have a lot to tell Miranda.
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