Chapter 1

1587 Words
Have you ever been at the height of anger that you're literally annoyed at everything on your sight? You want to lash out on something, but you can't ? Yep, that's where I am right now. I let out a little groan as I heard another ding on my phone. I don't even have to look at it to know that it was from my ex-boyfriend as this has been happening for about two hours now. He had been sending at least a text for every minute. It made me wonder how long before he finally realized that I was never going to answer him. I mean, would he answer my call if he was in my shoes? "Jeez, he really needs to stop texting you," My best friend Lana said, "He's mad if he thinks you're going to reply to his texts" I nodded my head solemnly without looking at her, "I guess he is trying to spew more lies to me. I can't believe he had been cheating on me all this time. I even introduced him to my family, " I grumbled, mentally scolding myself. I should have waited for a year or two before doing that. "Honestly, I am not surprised." I looked up to see Lana shrugging, "That guy ripped all the money he can from you but never spent enough time with you. We should have suspected earlier" I thought about it for a while and nodded in agreement. That douchebag was always in need of money, and I thought I should help him out since we were in a relationship. Isn't that what people in relationships do? Help each other out in times of need? "He was a walking red flag," I sighed, "And I was too naive. So I guess this is on me. " From my peripheral vision, I could see Lana make her way towards me, "This is what you call a blessing in disguise. You deserve better, Charlotte. " She sat next to me, "It is time to flush that i***t off your mind and start looking for a rebound. " She winked playfully. I rolled my eyes at her, "That's the last thing on my mind right now" I said and at the same time, I received another text, "I am going to focus on myself after this. I need some self care and self-love. " I am a little traumatised for a rebound right now, and I hate to start it all from the beginning. It is all very time-consuming. Lana nodded her head in agreement, "I understand that. Don't worry, you will get through this phase before you know it. " She patted my shoulders. I forced a painful smile at her and reached out to take my phone. "Are you going to-" Lana stopped herself from whatever she was going to say as she watched me switch off my phone, "I thought you were going to reply to him" She smiled sheepishly when I raised my eyebrows at her. I gave her a look, "No, I am never giving him a chance again." Lana grinned, "That is how it should be, girl" She chirped approvingly, "However, I am concerned how you're going to break this news to your parents" The smile on her lips wavered. I felt something in the pit of my stomach as well, "That is going to be a headache" I mumbled, looking down at the engagement ring that was still on my finger, "Ugh, they were so excited" I grumbled, taking off the ring. My parents loved Jake as much as I did. They were looking forward to our wedding as they kept pestering us to tie the knot since our second year anniversary. My mother was literally dancing with joy when I told her that Jake finally popped that question. "Your father would be disappointed," Lana sighed, "He wanted to see you get married before- you know" She smiled sadly at me. I felt an immense wave of sadness hit me at that. My eyes teared up a little but with great effort, I managed to keep them at bay, "I hope the doctors can miraculously find a cure soon" I bit my lower lip when my voice cracked. Sympathy glazed over Lana's eyes, and I hate to see that expression on her face, "I rather be that friend who speaks the truth and hurts you than the friend who keeps your hopes up." I nodded at her, "Let's keep this as a secret for now. I don't want them finding out just yet, " "I agree to that on one condition." I waited for Lana to go on. I groaned when she gave me a look that I know all too well, "No. Not tonight. " I shook my head, "I hope you don't mind me crashing here for the night. " I stood up from the sofa. "Come on, we can have some fun." She grinned, "You're not someone's girlfriend anymore, and that means you can have a lot of fun, Charlotte!" She added, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. I looked down at her, "Not in the mood for a party at the moment. Maybe next weekend we can have some fun. Maybe that is. I am not in the mood to dance with a room full of strangers right now. " Lana tried to win me by giving me the saddest expression she could muster, "Please." I gave her a look before groaning out loud in defeat, "Seriously? Fine. Let's go, " I grumbled, wondering how she is my best friend.I shouldn't have given in so easily, but I know she will have her way no matter what. So why not save a few bickering before doing as she said? "Aren't you going to get changed?" She asked. "No," I shook my head. Lana frowned, "That's not fun-" "You have eight minutes now," I interrupted her abruptly, tapping my watch with my finger. Her eyes went round, and without another word, she rushed to her room to get ready. I sighed, shaking my head again at her retreating figure before flopping down on the sofa again. I looked down at my phone again and sighed. I shouldn't turn off my phone like this. Especially when I have a sick father. What if something happens to him and my mother can't contact me? I grabbed my phone again and contemplated if I should it turn it on or not. Biting down my lower lip, I switched it on again, and just like I dreaded, my phone started ringing again. It was Jake. I glowered at my phone screen until my phone stopped ringing, only for it to start ringing again after a few seconds. Seems like he is not going to stop for a while. Sighing, I blocked his phone number. Personally, I think blocking someone from contacting you ever again is a little childish, but desperate times call for a desperate decision. Maybe it is a good thing to go out right now. A few drinks could be the ointment my shattered heart for now. I will definitely patch it up soon, but still, I could use some pain relief now. "I am ready," Lana sang happily. I snapped my head up to look at her, and my jaw dropped to the ground, "How- how did you do that so fast?" I asked, impressed and shocked to see her all glammed up for the party. It will take me about forty-five minutes to get glammed like her. "I may have picked a dress earlier," She grinned, "Just in case if we were going to go out." I pressed my lips into a thin line and shook my head, "You already decided to go out when I told you Jake cheated on me, right?" Her answering wink didn't surprise me. I was low-key glad that we were going out for some drinks right now, but I will never let her know about that. "You sure you don't want to change?" Lana asked, her eyes running over my frame critically. I shook my head. She released a sigh, "Oh well. That is a shame, but at least you agreed to go out. " She shrugged, strutting past me, and I followed her wordlessly. "Where we going again?" I asked her. There are plenty of nightclubs around here, but I wasn't sure which one she had in her mind at the moment. She didn't answer me. Instead, she locked the door after I stepped out and proceeded to her car. Suspicion spiked in me, "Lana?" I called, "Where are we going?" I asked, keeping up with her pace. "Oh, you'll see," She chirped, getting in her car. When she saw me hesitating, she rolled down her window, "Come on, don't you trust me?" "No," I deadpanned. The smile on her lips widened, "Come on, I promise nothing but fun tonight." There is no way I can win in this with her. Her victorious smile only got wider as I slumped my shoulders in defeat and made my way to the passenger seat, "If I end up regretting this, I will burn the new outfit you bought the other day" I warned her, fastening my seat belt. She looked taken a back for a split second, but she shrugged, "You're too noble for that," She said, stepping on the gas pedal. Dang. "Don't sweat on it. It will be fun" She repeated when I fell silent. It better be.
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