Chapter 2 – Don’t Look

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Madison inwardly cursing, she tried to keep herself from trembling. Rick’s smoky breath surrounding her, Madison held tight to Darius who was in turn was clinging to her. “You know Madi, I can’t remember the last time I f****d that tight little p***y of yours. You have been such a good girl lately.” Laugher surfacing once more from Rick’s deranged self, she tried to pull herself free with no success as his grip strengthened. Dennis leaving the cuffs on Darius, he detached him from the floor allowing him to stick to Madison’s side for the time being as they moved through the establishment. The scent of her mate aside, Madison felt like she needed to protect Darius. Now he was just going to have horrific memories burned into his little mind. Forced toward the basement rooms, Madison continued trying to escape as Darius clung to her side watching on with fear. A little boy not ten years old brought to a supernatural s*x trafficking horror show. Kidnapped for ransom, Madison had heard of some of the children actually being returned. Though others slaughtered and left to die. Little girls were always retained, they kept the cash flowing and the customers returning. Much like Madison herself, they were a commodity, a treasure. Especially if they were pure. Selling their innocence brought in huge profits. Thrown into a room, only a bed with a metal frame and chains sat against the wall of the darkened square prison. Madison fell to the floor protecting Darius with her arms as her head met the metal bed frame with a thwack. Darius screaming out, Madison tried to stand gripping to the edge of the bed. Darius stayed at her side as he tried to help her. Blood seeping from the wound on her scalp, Rick and Dennis did not bat an eye lid as they entered closing the door behind them. Pushing Darius with more force than she intended toward the side of the room, Madison’s voice sounded sternly, “Face the wall and cover your ears. Don’t turn around till I come get you.” Five years, six months and four days, that was how long Madison had been away from home. Not that she had been conscious and lucid for all of them. Nowadays they were few and far between, one day blending into the next. She no longer dreamt of going home, no longer wished for rescue. If that was going to happen, it would have been done a long time ago. Nobody was looking for her and Madison made her peace with that a long time ago. She wanted to die, but every opportunity she got, she could not go through with it, could not end the Torment that was her life. When she was first taken at 16, she had run away from home. Madison had a fight with her father over something she could no longer even remember. She had planned only to leave for a week or two then go back. Prove that she was serious about whatever it was, prove that she could make her own choices. Though she went too far, she broken connection to the pack. She walked down the wrong street, met the wrong person while exploring this new world she never got to see beyond the borders of the pack. She still remembered that day clearly, how gullible, how silly and rebellious she had been. For the first few years, everyday in her dreams she relived the day she was taken. The moment when she was invited into the back room of the club, and every night she screamed at herself not to go, to run, but she didn’t. The door closed behind her as always sealing her fate. Collapsing back to the ground, Madison’s vision was impaired significantly as the room spun in circles. It was almost like the feeling of severe intoxicated, yet instead of feeling weightless and free, she felt heavy. Like she was chained to the Earth. Having fallen back to her ass, Rick stepped forward lifting her with ease throwing her across the soiled mattress. Wasting no time, Dennis joined Rick who made eye contact as his eyes enlarged. “What’s the limit Dennis?” Dennis’ voice ringing in Madison’s ears, he gripped her foot pulling down the bed. “It’s Malcom, if it’s her, he had no limit.” Rick eagerly ripping at Madison’s lingerie, he gripped her chin as Dennis positioned himself behind her. Dennis not waiting, he grabbed her hips raising her to her knees before spitting as her entrance to get himself inside. Thrusting immediately, he shoved himself inside her little sheath. Groaning out, his strong fingers held her in place disallowing her bodies urge to follow gravity, collapsing to the mattress beneath her. Rick watching on with his own needs thickening his c**k, his chunky fingers kept hold of her chin clumsily before forcing his way into her mouth. Whimpering out, Madison could not stop herself as tears of disgust and pain rolled down her face. There was no point trying to get away, trying to stop them. She would only be hurt further, and as it was, Darius’ had not listened. She tried not to look, but his widening green eyes were watching her in utter horror as his whole body shook in the corner of the room. Growing more sober by the second, a knot of what felt like shame was forming in Madison’s stomach as the onslaught continued. If Darius ever got home, would he tell her mate of this? Surely her mate would know this was not the first or second time this had happened. In fact, these days most of the time she was complicit in s*x with her customers. The day she realized she was not leaving this place and fighting just made it harder… she stopped fighting. What was the point? “How is your p***y still so tight after all this time?” Dennis picking up his thrusts, he pushed himself to new depths as Rick maintained his groans pushing himself down her throat. Hey guys I hope you enjoy the chapter. Just letting you know if you wish to read ahead and support me further, My Torment is posted chapters ahead on my Patreon Recognition to my Support Me Harder  Tier -Vanessa Larson -Amanda
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