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TWO YEARS LATER (Clein's POV) When I heard the news that Tyron De Quia woke up from the coma, after battling with death for three years, I precipitously drove my Lamborghini and traveled back to RavenStone. I could imagine the shock on Christine's angelic face upon seeing her mate once again at the back of my head. I grinned whilst a warm feeling squeezed my chest. Being Charlie Moon's daughter, the alliance gave me the privilege to learn that Tyron survived the Arc Bridge Fall incident and for his fast recovery, they had to hide him. Lucy Reid knew it and Jadee Joon also because she's the one who dreamt where the water current took Tyron when he fell on the cliff. An old couple took care of him before he was found and they saved him from near demise. Sadly, we had to keep Tyron alive from Christine because we had to protect her. We all witnessed how she extremely suffered and mourned for Tyron to the point of breaking down. Tyron was still in critical condition back then and was in a deep sleep. No one knew when he was going to wake up which compelled us not to tell Chip. We couldn't risk giving her false hope for we were not sure if Ty was going to make it. Yet, Moon Goddess showed mercy and gave the Alpha of Raven Stone one more chance to live and to reunite with his Luna and Tyler. A loud snicker broke out of my mouth. Possibly, Ty's also feeling festive at that moment. No one told him about his son. It would be a great surprise for his comeback and that thought brought tears to my eyes but I wiped them immediately and I heaved a deep sigh of solace. Things were deliberately falling to their right places however, as my thoughts darted to the vicious creature who incited the war two years ago, my hand clutched the steering wheel in front of me tightly. The evil boss of the rogues. That cold-blooded mother fucker. It was all his fault. I assumed that he was the one who mercilessly shot Tyron De Quia in the Arch Bridge. I could still remember his apathetic face. His eyes were deprived of emotions confirming that he's a psychopath. My teeth ground. 'I swear that I'll make him pay for all of his crime once the Moon Goddess gives me an opportunity to run into him.' He should pay for all the lives sapped in the wolves' war. For all the sins he committed. For shooting the Alpha of Raven Stone, bringing the Arch Bridge down, and bombing the whole Grim Stone pack. Calculating all his evil deeds, I sneered in resentment. That man is a real definition of a villain. He should be burned in hell before he inflicted severe havoc in the werewolf realm. Those sentiments were running inside of my mind when I creased the speed of my Lamborghini and cussed the mentally disturbed ass. I was too preoccupied with condemning him that it was too late to catch sight of someone crossing the road. "Damn it!" I rasped and quickly slammed my foot to the brake pedal of my car, avoiding whoever it was. That caused a loud screeching noise and as soon as my Lamborghini turned to a halt, my body jerked forward if not for the seat belt, my head would have smashed into the dashboard. "What the actual f**k!" I yelled out in shock. Who the hell is that? Is he or she committing suicide? All my blood rose to my head as anger gradually formed in my chest. Enough to ignore that I was in the middle of a dangerous property binding Savage Stone and Moon Stone pack. Peeling off my seatbelt with my trembling hands, I went on uttering profanity and opened the door to my left. Then, I slid off my car to confront whoever the brainless son of a b***h was, only to grimace when I saw no trace of anyone in front of the vehicle. My eyes peered through the foliage and scanned the entire area, catching sight of trees and the long asphalt road leading to my destination. To my utter bafflement, there were no wild animals that I mistook for individuals. Just plain nothing. "Weird," I murmured, my hands resting on both sides of my waist. I was certain that someone passed by in front of me, but there was no one out there. Scratching my neck, I exhaled sharply. 'Seriously? Is this all in my head? Or am I having a hallucination due to my hangover? 'I raised a question to myself and eventually agreed.' 'Perhaps the latter.' The other day, I had a big fight with my mother because of my precious twin sister 'f*****g note the sarcasm' who robbed my identity and was always prying into my business. Diane had someone monitoring me and the i***t spy wannabe reported that I was having a relationship with a woman. My mother who has a major gender preconception nagged at me that my ears bled for almost half an hour. She asserted I was a disgrace to the Moon Famiglia and she was ashamed of having an unethical daughter like me. Blah, blah, blah. That was something I was already used to. She has a tendency to overreact to minor issues, and she is also gullible. Even if it wasn't true, she always acknowledged what Diane told her. It's no surprise she couldn't tell I was the real Diane Moon she adores. Anyway, I wasn't in a relationship with a girl, and if I am, I don't see any issues with it. It's fine as long as we're not causing harm to others. However, the she-wolf they mistook for my girlfriend is honestly a high school friend. We frequently got together when we were bored to catch up and bond. As a result, she wished for me to have fun before my parents forced me to marry. My mother thought I was a moron and that I am oblivious to Thanatos Creed of Savage Stone's frequent visits to Moon Stone. With his money, the frugal Alpha wishes to own everything. One afternoon, when I eavesdropped on their conversation I found out they were plotting something. My parents were discussing the possibility of combining Moon Stone and Savage Stone. The only way to accomplish this is for me to send me off and marry the conceited, greedy s**t Thanatos Creed. Yeah, I wouldn't deny that he has the face, great body, and everything, but I've been told how covetous he is. He's sick in the head, so no. I'm not interested in someone like him. Shaking my head, I veered my attention back into my Lamborghini. I kicked Thanatos Creed, my mother, and Diane's images out of my mind and was about to hop back into the driver's seat of my car when I noticed some movement in my peripheral vision. Ninja, my moody wolf, snarled as an unpleasant scent hit our noses. I knew right away what it was. Rogue! Hearing a warning bell, I immediately reached for my katana from the side of my car and was about to spin around when a powerful blow was delivered directly to my face. I was knocked down to the ground and I swear I heard my nose bridge crack. My vision was filled with dark beads and a warm sticky liquid dripped down to my lips. Still dazed, whoever launched a surprise attack on me did not give me time to recover. A hand grabbed the collar of my leather jacket and compelled me to stand up straight, but only to cover my nose with a handkerchief. 'No! I stumbled and pushed the hand away, but another swat landed in my stomach, causing me to yelp in pain. The air had stuck in my lungs, making me dizzy. The hanky was pressed against my snout for the second time, and I inhaled a strong chemical that entered my brain and caused both of me and Ninja to grunt. 'What the hell is going on? What exactly does the rogue want from me?' I listened to the car door being nudged open before I was pushed into the backseat. Even in my frail state, I took that as an opportunity to flee because I suspected the scoundrel was kidnapping me. My body, on the other hand, refused to cooperate. My eyelids began to drop as I became extremely drowsy as if a heavyweight was preventing me from regaining my stability. "Sleep, for the time being, Miss Moon," the rogue said, and my car roared to life. "f**k you," I mumbled before sinking into the depths of darkness. ________ Mad Wolves Territory (Third POV) The four corners of the rogue Boss's room were filled with a loud moan. "Please hurry, my Lord!" the unclothed woman beneath him pleaded, scratching his back with her sharp, blue-coated nails as she looked at his handsome face. Sun Gunnar's skin was stained with blood as a result of the sensual act. "You f*****g b***h!" he grumbled. His red orbs were scorching in pure ardor while he was banging his slut for the night. "My Lord, please give me more!" Sun growled, admiring how she begged for more. He flipped her on her back and buried his thick c**k inside the rogue's cunt from behind. "Oh, f*****g yes, my Lord! f**k me harder! f**k me deeper! I am yours!" the slut exclaimed, oblivious to the fact that she was scraping the bedsheet with her long nails. Sun's brow creased in an instant, not appreciating that she had ruined the bed sheet that his mother gifted him. He purposefully stopped f*****g the she-rogue and pulled his erect dripping with precum girth from her wet p***y. "Out," he said in a deep, monotone voice, rising from his bed. "M-my Lord?" the woman uttered and blinked, perplexed as to why his mood had suddenly changed. "Get the f**k out of my room or I'll kill you, b***h," he muttered, and even though his voice was flat and cold, she could tell he was angry. The she-eyes rogue's widened. She jumped out of the mattress, grabbed all her clothes, and bolted like the devil was chasing her. However, just as the woman was about to reach the end of the corridor, a gunshot pierced the night's silence, bringing her to a halt. The poor she-rogue let out a soft cry and collapsed to the carpeted floor, dead on the spot.
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