The Beach

3287 Words
The Beach It was a sweltering night. Darkness gave the baked earth a chance to free itself of the heat it had absorbed during the day. Despite the air conditioning in my apartment, I felt restless. I had showered, brushed my teeth and was lying in bed waiting for sleep, but I just couldn’t settle. This is ridiculous, I thought as I rolled from one side to the other in an attempt to make myself comfortable. Finally, in exasperation, I got up, pulled on a pair of shorts and grabbed my car keys. It was the perfect night for a drive and, let’s face it, I wasn’t the least bit sleepy. Despite the early start I had in the morning, I pulled out of my driveway and headed for the main road. I had no idea where I was going, nor did I care. I turned on the car radio. “Wuthering Heights” by Kate Bush was playing and suddenly visions of me at eight years old, sitting in the family room watching “Countdown,” the iconic Aussie music show, filled my head. Kate was in a red dress, dancing and spinning in a field of green like something from another world. That voice. Those eyes. I couldn’t help but sing along. I ended up driving along the West Coast Highway. How I got there I didn’t know. Perhaps it was an instinct. I’d always loved the beach. I found a car park and pulled in. After turning the engine off, I sat in moonlit darkness deciding whether I wanted to stay in the car and stare blankly off into space or go down onto the beach. The water was hidden by sand dunes, although I could hear the waves crashing onto the shore. It was a lonely sound, and yet it lured me from my car and to the shore’s edge. With bare feet and nothing but my shorts on, I waded through the white, foamy water, loving the feeling of it splashing against the bare skin of my legs. A few spots even made it to my unclad torso. I looked up and down the beach and toward the dunes, listening and watching for any signs of people, but there were none. I was completely alone. Only then did I peel my shorts off. I felt powerful, wild and free, my naked flesh exposed to the elements. I knew I’d feel like s**t in the morning, but for the moment I was exactly where I wanted to be. I began to walk through the breaking waves. My shorts were scrunched up in my hand and every inch of me below my n*****s was drenched. I shivered a little as the breeze picked up before it died again, leaving me feeling refreshed and exhilarated. After a short while, I got the feeling that I was no longer alone, which unnerved me. I stopped walking and looked behind me, though the beach appeared as deserted as it had been earlier. Once more I checked the dunes, which were so shrouded in darkness that a whole army could have been there and I wouldn’t have detected them, but as far as I knew no one was there. My heart began to beat a little faster. My muscles had become tense. Should I turn back? What would be the point? I wasn’t ready to go home yet, and besides, it was just my mind playing tricks on me. Twice I had looked, and twice I had not seen a single soul. In the belief that I was completely alone, I squatted down in the surf and enjoyed the sensation of the waves splashing up against my arsehole. Every little drop was like a tiny kiss that tickled. I sat down in the surf and let the waves run over me before they were pulled back out to sea. Again and again they broke against my naked flesh. Their relentless desire to erode might have worked on the rocks that had been there for millennia, but I was made of sturdier stuff. It occurred to me how uninhibited a person could be when alone with just their senses. The ease with which I reverted to a childlike state surprised me, and yet I found the experience gratifying at the same time. Who cared that I was a thirty-nine-year-old man sitting down in the surf and laughing at the waves as they crashed over me? Who cared if I was sliding this way and that because of the action of a few waves? “I completely agree,” said a deep voice from behind me. I gasped and twisted around; the hand holding onto my shorts dropped to my crotch. Shit. Now they’re wet! “What?” I said. “I don’t understand why people let go of that part of themselves so easily,” said the man. I stumbled but managed to get to my feet. I held the shorts over my crotch, knowing that the man couldn’t possibly see my privates in this darkness, but I wanted to be sure nevertheless. “How did…?” I began. “How did I know what you were thinking?” said the man. “Well, I am no man. Let us get that straight right from the start. I am a demon and my name is Dzool.” He said it as casually as if he’d been giving directions. I would have laughed if the situation hadn’t been so unsettling. Images of my body being found in the surf and headlines saying something like “Maniac on the Loose” flooded my mind. I laughed nervously. “Unfortunately,” I said as I sidestepped away from him, “it is way past my bedtime. I’m awfully sorry, Mr Dzool.” “What is the time?” he asked. He had me. I wasn’t wearing my watch. “Way past my bedtime,” I replied. “I really have to be going now.” I had only walked a few steps when I heard a mournful sigh. It stopped me in my tracks. Perhaps I had been too harsh. Perhaps this man was just some lonely itinerant. “Is there a problem?” I asked. Another sigh. “No. Go home. Leave me to my thoughts and the endless ocean. Everyone else does.” I took a step toward him. “Pardon? That’s a little dramatic, isn’t it?” “The minute I tell someone I’m a demon they can’t get away fast enough,” said Dzool. I didn’t know what to say. “Well,” I began a lot of sentences with that word. I didn’t even know what it meant, exactly. “Well, can you blame them? I mean, it would be the same as if I introduced myself as ‘Hello, my name is Wayne and I’m a vampire.’ What do you think the reaction would be?” “But you aren’t a vampire.” I felt an ounce or two of my patience drain away. “And you aren’t a demon,” I replied, shrugging. So…?” “Yes, I am,” replied Dzool. “You can’t really see me at the moment, but if you could, you would know that you were in the presence of something truly evil.” “Well,” there I went again, “if you’re so evil, why haven’t you attacked me? Bitten me? Or at least turned me into a toad or something? You’re just a lonely man wanting some attention. I understand that. But I have to go home. I have a job. A very important one. I have to be at work at seven-thirty tomorrow.” I turned to leave. “Take my hand,” said Dzool. I turned back. “Pardon?” “Take my hand. Here. I’m holding it out.” “What for?” I asked. “Just take it!” I didn’t like his tone, although his insistence captured my curiosity. I walked back toward the sound of his voice and, in the darkness, managed to locate his hands. I grasped them and suddenly, by a force unknown to me, I could see him. I saw his face first, a little snub nose and two tiny horns rupturing the pale grey skin at the top of his head. His eyes were large and the irises were golden with small streaks of red bleeding through them. His lips were seductively thick and sensual, and had a dark hue around the edge. Then I saw his body, lean and muscular, and covered in the same pale grey skin. He was as naked as I was. I could see that his c**k was hairless, semi-hard and growing. It was leaking pre-c*m in thick ropes which oozed out and stretched downward to the sand. When he smiled, his eyes sparkled and his teeth were so brilliantly white that I almost didn’t see the overly large incisors. There was more human about this creature than there was demon, at least as far as I could see. “Do you see me?” asked Dzool. It took a moment for the question to register. There was so much else to take in. “Yes,” I said. “I see you.” “And am I pleasing to your eyes?” I couldn’t lie, for there was much that pleased me about this demon’s body. It was the body of an athlete. His c**k was temptingly large and the pre-c*m dribbling out had my own c**k thickening into an upright position. There was even beauty in his face, if you didn’t study it too hard. “I need you to touch me,” said Dzool. “But I am…” His hand brought mine to his c**k and pressed it against the erect muscle. “Touch me,” he asked with such tenderness that I wrapped my fingers around the engorged organ and began to stroke it. “That’s it,” cooed Dzool. “Oh, that’s the way. How long I have waited for someone to touch me like this.” I began jerking him off with one hand and soon had my free hand stroking my own erect c**k. There I was, under the light of a half-moon, feet in the surf and hand on a demon’s c**k, m**********g him. “I don’t suppose,” Dzool began. And then “No. You wouldn’t.” “What?” I asked. “I was just going to say that I don’t suppose you’d consider sucking my c**k. I’d really love it if you would.” I thought about it, a demon’s c**k in my mouth? It was one thing to hold it in my hand and stroke it, but to take it into my mouth; to swallow it down my throat. “I knew you wouldn’t do it,” said Dzool. I didn’t know why, but I took offense at the remark and became indignant. “How do you know I wouldn’t?” I asked, removing my hand from his c**k. “You assume too much. How can you possibly know what my decision is when I haven’t even reached one yet?” The demon paused and then asked. “Have you reached one now?” I don’t know what it was about the demon, but he was really twisting my balls. I’ll show him, I thought. “Yes, I have, as a matter of fact,” I said, and promptly dropped to my knees. I took his prick into my mouth and sucked the head as though I was going for gold. Opening my throat up, I took the poker-hard organ right down to the back of my throat before bringing my head back off it, almost to the tip before sucking it down again. As soon as I got my rhythm up, I was showing that demon what I would and wouldn’t do! My mouth was like a vacuum cleaner, sucking firmly while my lips and tongue provided a velvety-soft sheath around his demon tool. I bet there was no better c**k-sucker in Hell. I tongued the eye of his c**k, licking out small globules of pre-c*m as they rose to the tip then took the whole c**k down my throat as far as it would go. When he placed his hands on the back of my head and forced my mouth even further down on his c**k I knew that I was doing a good job. “But what if you..?” “Whaaa?” I asked, mouth full of c**k. “Nothing,” said the demon. “You didn’t really want to suck my c**k. I can’t ask you what I was going to.” “Wha oo you mean?” I asked with his c**k halfway down my throat. “I mean that you wouldn’t even consider doing what I’d really like you to do.” “How do you know?” I asked, finally releasing his erection from the confines of my mouth. “Alright then. Lick my arse,” Dzool said. “I can’t remember the last time someone really got their tongue up there and did it like they loved it.” I blinked my eyes. My tongue up a demon’s hole wasn’t a very nice image to have in my head. “But I know I’m wasting my time,” said Dzool. I’m not a stupid person. I knew exactly what that old demon was trying to do. Reverse psychology. By telling me that I didn’t want to do something, he was hoping that I’d protest and prove him wrong. The thing is that I was onto him. I sucked his c**k because I wanted to suck his c**k, and that was the only reason. I was suddenly feeling amorous, what with both of us being naked and in public and his c**k hard and right in front of me. But I wasn’t going anywhere near a demon’s arsehole. “I knew it,” said Dzool. “Chicken. Get the deep fryer out ‘cause we’re having chicken tonight.” I felt my body tense. I looked at the demon’s c**k swaying before my face and slapped it out of the way. “You think I’m too chicken to lick your hole? Well, I’m not. And don’t think I don’t know what you’re trying to do to me. Your little mind games. I’ll lick your hole if I want to and I…” “Go on then,” said the demon, “eat my hole.” I remember frowning as he turned around. I’ll show that little fucker, I thought. I pulled his arse cheeks apart and stuck my tongue right in there. I felt a few strands of arse hair tickle my top lip, felt the resistance of his sphincter as I pushed my tongue firmly against it and then I felt it relax. With nothing but the sound of the sea in my ears I ate his hole like I was eating my last supper. He reached around and pulled his arse cheeks wider apart, but I slapped his clawed hands away and held the small mounds of his buttocks apart with my own hands. I wriggled and flicked my tongue against his puckering hole, and sucked on his arse lips until I had him moaning in ecstasy. I rubbed my whole face over that quivering arsehole and didn’t stop until I had his musty demon-stink all over my face. I tongue-f****d his hole like I suspected it had never been tongue-f****d before. I stuck my tongue so far in that I actually felt the moist tissue lining his bowels with the tip of my tongue. I felt him push back, his arsehole flaring out into my mouth and giving me the opportunity to suck on it, actually taking it into my mouth. “That feels so good,” he said. “Your tongue feels like heaven against my hole. But I bet you wouldn’t…” “Wouldn’t what?” I said, leaning back from his musty hole in exasperation. “f**k you? Is that what you were going to say?” I was really worked up by now. My own c**k was dribbling like a bastard and my hormones were rioting. I stood up. I spat on the palm of my hand—twice, because once just wasn’t enough. I wiped the saliva over my c**k, gripped Dzool’s hips and thrust my c**k inside him. There was no easing it in. No consideration. If he wanted my c**k then he was going to get it. He moaned as I slid every inch of my erection deep into his demon hole and I saw the dark shadow of his head fall back against his shoulders. “Like this?” I asked, thrusting into him like my c**k was a dagger that I was stabbing him to death with. “f**k you like this? You think you’re so clever, but you know, I was feeling horny, and that’s the only reason you’re getting any of this.” The demon didn’t reply, at least not with words. He was moaning and snarling like a beast with every thrust. The harder I f****d him, the louder he moaned. And then it was like two people moaning then three. Soon there were many voices coming from the demon’s throat, each one groaning lustily and crying out for me to go harder, deeper, longer. “You like this, don’t you?” I asked, conjuring up an old line that had been used in just about every porno. “I do,” said the demon in his myriad voices. “You want me to breed you? Breed your demon hole?” I asked, letting my inner porn star run wild in the darkness. “Fill me up, Wayne,” said Dzool. “Fill me full of your seed.” I realized how corny porn talk was when he responded with it. I made the decision to just f**k and not talk. I dug my fingers into the soft flesh of his hips and with each thrust I pulled his hips back toward me. I wanted him to feel my c**k, to know that he had really been f****d. As I felt my balls drawing up closer to my body I really let him have it. I pounded that demon’s arse like it was a piece of veal. I didn’t even care if my fingernails were hurting him or if the motion of my c**k slamming into him was stinging that little, old demon hole of his. I was now out for my own pleasure. I bet Dzool was at least starting to realize who he was dealing with. I was in control of me, not him. I was taking, not giving. It was all about me. I pummelled that demon hole. I could tell by the way I had to grip hold of his hips that I was pounding him pretty hard. His head shook with each thrust and he released a little grunt every time my hard prick rammed into him. It wasn’t long before all the familiar sensations of an imminent orgasm were starting to build in my groin. I was going to spray that demon’s hole with more seed than he’d seen for a long time, that was for sure. I gritted my teeth and let loose an almighty scream through my teeth as my muscles contracted and sent a geyser of c**k cream right up into that old demon. Bang! Bang! My c**k thrust up into him, sending my c*m as far up into his demon bowels as was humanly possible. “Have you finished?” asked the demon. I felt my abdominal muscles contract a couple more times, expelling the last few drops of c*m from the head of my c**k as I heard the demon ask his question. “You’re the one who wanted me to f**k you!” I snapped. “What do you mean, ‘Have I finished?’ Yes, I have finished, thanks for asking.” The demon reached around, grabbed my c**k and then pulled himself off it. I felt him run a finger over my piss slit and then saw him lick his finger. “That was very nice,” said the demon. “I’m glad we met.” I bent down to splash some sea water over my c**k. There was no telling what nasties that demon had up his hole. Whatever they were I wanted to wash them away and I reckoned salt water would do the trick. “I should be going now,” said Dzool. “I’ll be seeing you.” I flicked the sea water off my hands. “Not if I can help it,” I muttered to myself. The demon turned. “Oh, but you don’t have any say in it,” said Dzool. “Say in what?” I asked. “Say in whether or not we will meet again, because I’m telling you that we will meet. You just made sure of that. You see, I was sent by the boss to collect your soul.” “The boss?” I asked. “Yes, the boss. The Devil. Satan. Lucifer,” said Dzool. “Gee, you humans are dumber than a bag of potato chips.” “Now hang on a min…” “Well, come now. Who else do you know collects souls?” I started to laugh. This demon thought he was smarter than me, yet he had forgotten one vital element. “But I never signed anything,” I said smugly. “You can’t get my soul unless I sign something. Jeez, how stupid do you think I am? Now run along and annoy someone else. I’ve got to get home.” Then it was the demon’s turn to laugh. “Stupid? You don’t need to sign anything. I have your DNA inside my arse. You unloaded a sackful of your DNA right into me. That’s how we do things now. Get with the times. Signing contracts is ancient history.” I felt the blood drain from my face. My whole body felt numb. “So, as I said, I’ll be seeing you later.” I don’t know how I thought of it. I don’t know how I had the strength to ask, but as the demon started walking into the waves, I shouted. “Wait! If I’ve just sold my soul to the devil, aren’t I supposed to get something for it?” The demon began laughing and continued walking. “You did,” he called back. “You just had the best f**k of your life.”
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