
the switch up

childhood crush

Why are you such a b***h I screamed? Why are you such a w***e Lindzy yelled out? Ohh I am the w***e you are the one who seduced my boyfriend with your nakedness. Well maybe if you gave him some I wouldn't have to or he wouldn't ask me to. ohh honey do not get me started you are the school slut you have had s*x with so many people that you have slept with the whole school. well except Jackson I bet he turned you down soo many times that it is more than all of those people you f****d and that's how much of a slut you are. Well, at least I am not the school's good girl the girl that is still a virgin Lindzy screamed. That's better than getting an abortion more than twice a month I cried out tears starting to form in my eyes. NO, I DONT Lindzy yelled. YES, YOU DOO.NO I f*****g DONT. STOP f*****g LYING BECAUSE EVERy ONE KNOWS. SAY ONE MORE THING I DARE YOU Lindzy yelled. YOU... ARE... A.. FUCKING.. w***e I screamed causing the crowd around us to gasp.

Lindzy starts panting

are you ok I rush up to her?

all I remember was yelling and the blackness surrounding me

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chapter 1
I can't believe I get to go camping. I yelled in joy to my best friend, Lindzy, while packing my bag. I wish I could, but you know how strict my parents are, Lindzy said with a frown. Hmm, maybe you can. I whispered, what do you mean, Lindzy said while plopping down on the bed. I mean, I can sneak you out. Are you trying to get me killed? Lindzy looked at me like her head was finna explored. No, we can do this, though. No, I can't. Plz, I have never gone camping before, but you have, so that means you can show me what to do. I coughed out while walking towards the bed. Okay, but if I die, I will haunt you forever. Ok, you won't, we just need a pla… Lindzy, honey, it's time to go, your mom is here my mom called out. How about we talk about it tomorrow? I smiled at Lindzy, ok, she whispered, just don't get me killed. I won’t. I laughed as Lindzy walked out of my room to go to her mom's car. I got off my bed and walked over to my window to see her getting in the car bye. I wave to see her look up to my window and wave back. I walked back to my bed and turned my tv to grey. One hour later, Jordan time to eat, mom yelled. I paused Grey's anatomy and got off my bed and walked down the stairs to the dining room. I took my seat and began eating my shrimp casserole. So my mom shipped with a mouth full of food. What did you and Lindzy talk about? Nothing just about camp. I replied by taking a sip of my sprite. Ok, well, is she going? Umm no. Why not you to have been best friends since forever does she not want to. She wants to, but you know how her parents are. Hmm, maybe I can talk to them and try to get them to change their minds. Mom, I don't think after what happened to kara, they will let her go out of there site. But she will be with you, and they can't let her stay cooped up in that house all day. She got to go out and live her teenage life, and besides, what happened to Kara was more than seven years ago. She doesn’t stay at home all day. She comes here for most of the day, and we don’t even know if she gots it. Sweety, if she had it, it would've been shown up, so that means she doesn’t, and that also means she can go. Ok, you can call them tomorrow and try to convince them to let her go, but I am telling you it is not going to work... I blabbed out, sticking a spoon full of shrimp casserole in my mouth.  The next morning Jordan, time to get your campen on, my cheesy mother cried out from the kitchen. Fine, I moaned out, I turned and rolled on to the side of the bed, bringing my hand to my mouth and yawning after stretching and More yawning, I got off the bed, slipped on my slippers, and went into my bathroom and looked in the mirror. All I saw what is what see every morning my baby blue eyes, button nose, red/pink plump lips, raven black hair, Hourglass body, and my summer tan. After I took my morning shower, I put on my black vans, blue ripped skinny jeans with a pink flower at the top right corner, and my boyfriend’s black hoodie with a white crop top under it. Done I whispered after I got finished, I grabbed my suitcase and exited my room.   Mom, I ready, I yelled, dragging my bag down the stairs. When I got to the bottom floor I went into the kitchen to eat some pancakes and bacon for my last day at home for five weeks I pushed open the kitchen door to be welcomed with the smell of Pancakes and bacon but also my boyfriend and my best friend standing beside there suitcases. Omg yay, I screamed we all get to go to gather that means three times the fun plus three I dropped my bag and ran to them and pulled both of them into a group hug. Jordan let go I can’t breathe Lindzy gasped out. I pulled away only to see the hottest person standing behind them his name is the max he is my boyfriend’s brother. But they look different max has dirty brown hair green/blue eyes and lots of muscles and abs his is the school’s quarterback and he is the hottest person I ever meet did I say hot couse wow. OK, Jordan just says something cool my thought told me.  What’s up max haven’t seen you a wiggly minute. What the hell just came mouth lets hope he does n- a wiggly minute is that even a thing Lindzy snored while trying to keep her laugh composed. Kids you don’t get much longer you have to be on that bus in 1 hour my mom happily yelled so my mom dragged the o that means eat. I made all of this food and all of this food is not going to go to wast my mom gasped out. Ok Ok we get I walked over to the table  with every following behind me a sat down to eat    Time skip Now at  bus stop************* Bye, I yelled out to mama as she drove off. Hey I am going to go get some water I yelled so Bryon and Lindzy could her I turned around and headed toward the water holder and got me some water lets go I said as I walked back over to the bus since everyone was already starting to get on   

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