

another world

Meet Charlotte Addams ,a 17 year old girl who have a basic life ,she knows she was adopted because her step sister Ava and step brother Henry treats her like shit.She is used to bullying and mistreated at home and at school too.Through her miserable life she founds hope and strength In her only 2 friends Emilia and Sophia. she also have a big time crush for the football captain Sebastian though he has never looked her way or talked to her ,she just watches and fantasies from afar.

Since she was young she had trouble that she could not define,sometimes she would say that her nails feels like they are tearing through her skin or she would say she have been hearing voices in her head .Sometimes she would wake up screaming bloody murder and say she had nightmares about wolves eating and tearing apart humans.No body believed her though, they ended up naming her weirdo.

She has been studying so hard in the hope that she will be admitted to a far away college away from Carlifonia where she can start a fresh start been normal.She is kind of a nerd ,you will never find her doing sports or anything regarding school activities but you will find her in the library anytime you need her .Her teachers love her because she is easy to deal with..It seems she has just a boring normal frustrating days but her 18th birthday is coming the voices that is always in her head is getting abit louder ,her skin feels like is on fire and sometimes she hears some bones cracks she don't know what's happening with her body but all that changes on her 18th birthday.

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Charlotte woke up on her 18th birthday with excitement bubbling in her chest, looking forward to a day of celebration. However, as she got ready for the day, the realization slowly dawned on her that everyone, even her closest ones, had forgotten her special day again . She expected it but she had a little hope this time because it was her 18th birthday. The feeling of being overlooked and unimportant settled in, casting a shadow over what was supposed to be a joyous occasion. Driving her old car to school, the day took a turn for the worse when her vehicle broke down just before reaching the school gates. In a moment of distress, she called her best friend Sophia for help, resulting in both of them being late for school. Despite the setback, Sophia's presence brought a sense of comfort and support to Charlotte, making the situation a bit more bearable. During the lunch break, Sophia and Emilia, her loyal friends, surprised Charlotte with presents and a cake to make up for the forgotten birthday. However, the moment of joy was short-lived as the cheerleaders, in a cruel display of mockery, belittled the celebration, calling it the "cheapest party" they had ever seen before smashing the cake into Charlotte's face. The humiliation and hurt etched deep within Charlotte, fueling a mix of anger and frustration.why can't they just leave me alone?,she thought as she run to the bathroom to clean herself up.She could hear Sophia and Emilia screaming to the cheerleaders how they are so mean and other students laughing but she blocked it out as always. Charlotte, feeling a mix of emotions, took Sophia's keys and drove to the beach to find solace in the calming waves. As she sat there, the memory of a dream about werewolves lingered in her mind, leaving her pondering its significance. Sophia and Emilia soon joined her, offering their comforting presence. Opening up to her friends, Charlotte shared the deep hurt she felt from her family's neglect on her birthday, highlighting the lack of acknowledgment and care she had experienced for 18 years. Despite being adopted, her step siblings' indifference or unkindness only added to her sense of isolation. In the midst of this emotional conversation, the topic shifted to boys, leading to a discussion about her crush on Sebastian. Charlotte recounted a dream where she kissed Sebastian, adding a layer of complexity to her feelings towards him. Sebastian is like a dreamboat, seriously! He's got these captivating eyes that just draw you in, and his smile... oh, don't even get me started on that smile! It's like sunshine on a cloudy day, you know? And his hair, it's always perfectly tousled, giving off that effortlessly cool vibe. Plus, his style is on point, making him stand out even more. Basically, he's the definition of cute! ?.Stop day dreaming Charlotte, Sophia shouted at her snappin her little fingers infront of her face.She smiled sheepishly. Charlotte shared with her friends her aspirations to study medicine in college and her desire to apply to faraway colleges as a means to escape her challenging family situation. The idea of starting fresh in a new environment seemed like a beacon of hope to her, offering the possibility of independence and a chance to pursue her dreams without the weight of her past holding her back. The conversation about college choices sparked a sense of excitement and motivation in Charlotte, fueling her determination to create a brighter future for herself.. The girls' conversation was abruptly interrupted by the blaring horns of a car, signaling Sebastian's arrival at the beach with another girl. Ignoring Charlotte, Sophia, and Emilia, Sebastian walked with the girl towards the shore. As he removed his shirt, revealing his perfectly sculpted abs and torso, the girls couldn't help but steal glances, captivated by his presence. The unexpected turn of events left them in a mix of surprise and curiosity, watching as Sebastian's actions added an unexpected twist to their beach outing. Charlotte felt a lump form in her throat as jealousy crept in seeing Sebastian with the other girl. She longed to be the one by his side, but the girl's gleeful glances fueled her anger, causing her face to flush red with frustration. Despite her emotions spiraling out of control, Charlotte couldn't grasp why she was feeling this way, especially since she had never expressed her true feelings to Sebastian. The internal turmoil of unspoken emotions added a layer of complexity to the already tense situation at the beach. Whoa, things got intense at the beach! Sebastian went for a swim, and when he came out, he winked at the girl and went in for a deep kiss, caressing her hair. Charlotte, from where she was sitting, caught a whiff of his aftershave and wondered how she could even do that. The jealousy and anger inside her were so strong that she felt like nails were digging into her skin, her eyes glowing red with fury. She growled at the girl, claiming Sebastian as hers. The girl, scared by Charlotte's sudden outburst, ran to the car, leaving Sebastian confused by the whole situation and wondering why Charlotte was reacting so intensely. Sophia and Emilia were left stunned, their mouths wide open at Charlotte's sudden outburst and the sight of her eyes glowing red with anger. Frightened by her intense reaction, Charlotte, overwhelmed by what she had done, hastily took off with Sophia's car, tears streaming down her face as she drove away from the beach. Charlotte drove off, putting distance between herself and the chaotic scene at the beach. Lost in her thoughts, she found herself on a road deep within a forest, the rain pouring down heavily with thunder rumbling and lightning striking in the distance. She couldn't recall stopping for a red light or making any turns, the disorientation adding to her growing unease. Glancing at her phone, she realized she had been driving for hours, the darkening sky signaling the approaching night. As she navigated through the forest road, she noticed missed calls from her friends, a pang of guilt hitting her as she realized the worry she had caused by abruptly leaving. The sound of rain on the car roof mixed with the occasional thunderclap created an eerie atmosphere, amplifying Charlotte's sense of being lost, both physically and emotionally. The dense trees lining the road seemed to close in around her, casting eerie shadows in the dimming light. Despite the storm outside, an internal turmoil raged within her, a mix of regret, confusion, and fear clouding her thoughts. The realization of being in an unfamiliar place, coupled with the weight of her impulsive actions, weighed heavily on her mind. The road ahead stretched on seemingly endlessly, each turn and curve adding to the sense of isolation and vulnerability. Charlotte's hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, her knuckles turning white as she tried to focus on the path ahead, the rain obscuring her visibility. The forest seemed to hold its breath, the only sound the drumming of raindrops on the car windows and the occasional distant howl of the wind. The sight of her friends' missed calls on the phone screen served as a reminder of the connections she had left behind in her haste. Guilt gnawed at her heart as she realized the worry and confusion her sudden departure must have caused them. The storm outside mirrored the turmoil within her, the flashes of lightning illuminating the dark interior of the car, briefly revealing the tear tracks on her cheeks. With each passing mile, the road twisted and turned, leading her deeper into the heart of the forest, further away from familiarity and comfort. Charlotte's mind raced with questions and doubts, the events of the evening replaying in her thoughts like a relentless loop. The darkness of the forest enveloped her, the only source of light coming from the occasional lightning strike that pierced the sky. As she drove on, the realization of being truly lost in both the physical and emotional sense settled in, a heavy weight on her shoulders. The road ahead. Charlotte, overwhelmed by the storm both inside and outside her car, decided to reach out to Sophia for some semblance of connection amidst the chaos. As she fumbled for her phone, the bright headlights of an oncoming vehicle suddenly blinded her, a split second of panic before the deafening sound of a collision filled the air. The world spun in a blur of lights and noise, and then everything went dark, the abrupt end of her consciousness plunging her into an eerie silence.

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