chapter 2

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Chapter 2 Aiden P O V First day of the school “Aiden I can't do this I like you” she said with smile on her “What?” I asked while being completely shocked “Yes I have always faked hating you but not anymore I want you,” Vanessa said and walked towards me before I could hug her she started to laugh “You really thought that,” she asked and I woke up in horror "What was this” I whispered to myself And looked around my room I am still in my room I thought and got out of bed and went to the washroom took a bath and got ready. After getting ready I went near my study table there I picked up a picture it was from last year when all the students went to farm and it had Vanessa`s picture and other students also but Vanessa was there. I caressed her picture with a smile and kept it back see you soon I whispered to her and left the house. I was sitting in the car with Mom “are you nervous?” Mom asked me “NO,” I said “that's good” I nodded Mom dropped me off and went to work I was standing near Vanessa`s picture which was on the result board. I started walking so that I could reach my class but with in a few steps some students came and started talking to me after few seconds Danny also came we both said hello to each other Danny started to the students I don't know about what. I looked around and saw Vanessa coming near the board and showing my picture a middle finger and said something I laughed she is crazy her skin is fairer and she looks a little tall I thought while staring at her how come her height grew. I looked down at her shoes ohh they have little heels that's why she also changed her hairstyle should I go a little near so that I can smell does she still uses the same scent of body soap which always uses. By the look of her face I thought right now is not the correct time to go near her as she is looking angrily at my picture, but she looks so damn cute at this point I just want to go and pull her cheeks She hit the board and started to walk away but then she looked at me and I smirked. I look at her teasingly as that's the only way she looks at me. She showed me a middle finger I mouthed I would love to I saw how her face turned red in anger or was she shy. No Vanessa wasn't shy she was definitely angry as she mouthed in your dreams. I laughed and she started to walk towards me but Sandy dragged her away f**k why would she do that “Easy there bro,” Danny said s “Play cool,” he said with a teasing smile “This year my dream will come true. I can feel it” I said to him with a big smile “That's what you said last year I guess” he taunt me I glared at him “Don`t speak so much. You do know I can kill you also” I told him in a fake anger tone “Hey where were you both?" Nick asked “Just looking at A…” Before Danny could complete his words I covered his mouth and glared at him and then I uncovered his mouth "We were just walking let's go,” I said and started to walk to the class We entered the classroom with sir and there I saw Vanessa sitting at our table with a proud face she pouted I rolled my eyes she acts like a kid sometimes or always I thought and went to sit somewhere else. Nick went to take his class in a different classroom I and Danny was together “She has good looks,” Danny said I stared at him “Isn`t that good?” I asked him “Nothing else but the looks,” he said in a judgmental tone which was not liked by me “You don`t really know her that well?” I said to him “I really can`t tell maybe I need to know more about her?” Danny said and nodded “I should start sitting with her hmm” Danny said and I started at him more like glared at him “I think soon your parents will need to write a missing report about you” I whispered in a dangerous tone “I am just trying to help you,” he said "it will be good for you" I know my friends are sincere to me and they care about me alot too. “No need I am sure she wouldn`t like me” I said “I hear you saying something else like 10 mins before I guess it was I can feel this year we will be together or what?” he taunted me “Why do you like her if she doesnt even like you?" he asked me in a serious tone “I don`t know maybe the time my parents got a divorce that time” Flashback Young Aiden was sitting on the bench and crying in the garden near his house Vanessa saw him and went to him. She patted Aiden's shoulder and he looked at her with tears in his eyes “Why are you crying?” she asked in cared tone and sat beside him “None of your business” Aiden said and looked away “You don't look good while crying" she said with a smile “What happened did anyone bully you? Who did it tell me I will go and beat him up I will tell my brother he is really good at beating” Aiden looked at her and she gave him a tissue and he took it “my dad left me and my mom” Aiden said in a sad tone and Vanessa hugged him “Don`t cry he will come back or else you can work hard and find him one day when you grow up” Vanessa said “Vanessa let`s go” Vanessa`s dad shouted her name “Coming” she shouted “I have to go but remember work hard so that you can meet your dad one day bye” she shouted and started to run towards her dad. Suddenly she stopped turned around and “I will come again,” she said with a smile and I smile back and the she again started to run towards her dad. Flashback ended But she never came back and didn`t even remembered me. I came in front of her for the first time in 6th grade it was ok “So you like her and still make her suffer” Danny said “Suffer?” I asked “Yea by making her 2nd you make her suffer” Danny said in a serious tone “This is the only way she will remember me i***t when I came 2nd and she was first she didn`t care so I had to be best and make her see me every day” “Wow smart bro,” he said and patted my back with a loud thud sound everyone in the classroom looked at us because of that we apologized to sir and sir went back to making us study. As if we have been listening to him for so long. Thank God only 10 minutes are left before the class ends now
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