Chapter 01: Back again.

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It had already been six years since Anabella left this country for good. She never wanted to come back again, but with everything that happened around her, she had no choice but to return. She needed to help her aunt who was there for her when everything was shattered into small pieces. More importantly, she wanted to find him. She lost him almost two years ago. The last piece of information she has is that he had been shipped to her own country, the country she never wanted to return to. Everything leads her here, and she is not ready to give up yet. She left the country as an 18-year-old girl with nobody beside her. She returns, but this time, she is not alone. She has her most precious people beside her, her son, and her daughter. It is their first time coming to this country. They had heard a lot about the country and the city from Anabella and their friends. They are curious to see the place where their mother grew up. Both of them are already 5 years old and smarter than any other kids of their own age. She is proud of her children. They are her only joys and her only hope for a better future. She was glad and thankful that she decided to keep them, regardless of her haunted past. She did not know that she was pregnant when she fled the country. After all, it was the most horrible night of her life. She does not even know who took her virginity. When she woke up in the morning that day, she found herself in a hotel room, sleeping beside a young man, in a pool of her own blood. She did not see his face. The room was dark, and he had his face partially covered with a pillow. The only thing she remembers about the man is the tattoo he had on his chest, but she does not even remember the shape of it. She did not want to see the face of the man who took her innocent without her consent. She was actually terrified of him. The blood she saw on the bedsheets made her even more afraid of the man. She got dressed at a light speed and ran away from him. When she came to Paris to forget her past and start her life over again, she did not know that she was pregnant. It did not take long for the secret to be revealed. She did not even know what to do or how to handle the situation. She considered having an abortion. She was very young and had no idea how to raise a child. She did not know who the father was or where to find him. She did not know how she would answer the question of her little ones. When she went for the first scan, everything changed. She decided to keep her kids and work hard to raise them. It was a bumpy road, but she had no regrets about that. It has been six years, and her kids are healthy and already five years old. After a long flight, Mom and her two kids got off the flight from the local airport. After what happened two years ago, she is frightened to leave her kids alone. Her son is Manura, and her daughter is Maya. Anabella asked the pair to hold her dress while she was pushing their bags out of the airport. Her aunt, Aunt Pallavi, was too old to come and pick them up from the airport. Pallavi wanted to come and pick them up, but Anabella said not to do that. Pallavi knows how stubborn Anabella has become after the incident. Pallavi decided not to argue with her and prepared a nice meal to welcome them. It was Pallavi’s first time seeing her grandkids in person. Manura and Maya always video-called her, but she missed them so much. Anabella and her kids are Pallavi’s only living relatives she knows on this earth. Anabella ordered a taxi. The driver helped them with their bags. It was the middle of the day when they landed in the city. The airport is on one corner of the city, while her aunt lives on the other side of the city outskirts. As it is the middle of the day, the city is free from most of the incoming and outgoing traffic, but still, it takes nearly an hour to reach Pallavi’s house. When Pallavi learned that Anabella had decided to move back to the country, she offered the little family to stay in her house. Her house is not very big, but also not very small. It is perfect enough for Anabella and her kids. Both Maya and Manura can have their own rooms. Anabella did not want to take the offer at first, but Pallavi played the sick card to venture into them. Pallavi prepared some of Anabella’s favorite dishes that she remembers. She does not really know what little ones like to eat, but based on what she heard through so many video calls, she prepared some dishes for her favorite grandkids. She could not wait. She arranged the dining table and stood beside the door, waiting to receive her guests as soon as they arrive. Maya and Manura know Pallavi well from all the calls they made in the last few years. They are excited about seeing her as it is their first time meeting her in person. She is the only family relative they know besides their mother and two grandparents in Paris. Soon after the taxi came to a stop, Maya and Manura got out of the taxi and ran toward the door. They saw Pallavi standing beside the door while they were still in the taxi. Pallavi bent down and hugged both together. She kissed their little foreheads and rubbed their heads gently. She had tears of joy in her eyes after seeing the two little ones. The driver helped Anabella with her huge load of bags. She paid him for the drive with a generous tip. The man smiled politely and drove away. “Hi, My Auntie Pallavi.” She hugged her sweet auntie and kissed her on the cheeks. “Ana. It is good to see you again. How was the flight?” “Nothing special, aunt. A bit tired though. Meet your grandkids, Maya and Manura. Kids, did you say hi to your grandma?” “They did, sweety.” Pallavi is still holding the little ones' hands and guiding them into the house. Anabella followed them. “Keep the bags still, honey. I have the table ready. I prepared your favorite. Clean yourself and come to the dining room. I have three rooms cleaned for each of you. You can take the room next to mine. I will let the little ones decide which one to take for each of them. Go, Ana. I will help kids to get clean.” Anabella followed her aunt's advice. She took some clothes from their luggage and went upstairs to have a quick bath. Pallavi took the kids upstairs to show them their rooms. Manura let Maya choose the room she wanted and took the other. Manura is more mature than any kid at his own age. He takes responsibilities seriously and is very independent. On the other hand, Maya never hesitates to ask for help. She always sticks around Anabella. Manura said to his grandma that he could attend to himself, while Maya did not even think about refusing Pallavi’s help. After a short while, they all came to the dining room. They enjoyed the meal together. Anabella missed Pallavi’s cooking terribly. When she was in the city, she used to visit Pallavi almost every weekend. Her lifestyle completely changed after a single night, especially right after her 18th birthday. Anabella eats more than she normally eats. Manura and Maya eat to the point that there are no spaces in their little stomachs. Pallavi feels content having her favorite people in her dining room, enjoying and praising her food. After the meal, Anabella lets Manura and Maya take a little nap. It was a long flight, and they woke up extra early in the morning. Pallavi helped Anabella with her bags. They left Manura’s belongings in his room, since they both know that he does not like to bother others. Pallavi put things in order for Maya, and Anabella arranged her room. They did not bring many things when they left France. Anabella packed only their clothes and necessary utilities. Most of the other stuff she sold for a good price on the second-hand market. She knows that it is cheaper to buy new things in the city, rather than shipping everything from her formal apartment in Paris. On the next day, all four of them got ready and went shopping. They needed to buy some stuff for Manura and Maya, especially for their new school. Before coming to the city, Anabella contacted the local school and got admissions for her little fellows. The school is not the best in the city but is within walking distance of Pallavi’s place or their new home and has a good ranking and a reputation among other schools. Anabella is personally happy with her choice. It took the entire day for their shopping together. Anabella feels free for the first time after six years. For the last six years, she has mainly taken care of her kids alone. They are now big, and Pallavi is beside her to help them. It feels good to share some of her responsibilities. The week is fully equipped with arranging the house, finishing admission to the local school, meeting new neighbors, and getting to know the new place and busy city life. Whoever the father is, Manura and Maya inherited some of his good genes. They are both incredibly good-looking and shine wherever they go. Attention is something Anabella hates, but she cannot do anything to prevent those inconvenient situations. Whenever people asked to take photos with her kids, she politely rejected them. They even got contacted to take part in some TV commercials when they were in France. Anabella is trying her best to avoid her past. She does not want anything that can hunt them down and knows very well that if kids get into the media circle, they will dig up their hunted past and use it for their liking. She is not willing to take any chances. Manura and Maya are excited about going to their new school. In the meantime, they are scared. They did their early studies in French. This is their first time in an English-speaking school. When they were in Paris, Anabella communicated with them in English. She told stories and taught them many things in English. For Manura and Maya, both English and French are their mother tongues. Students in their formal school made fun of them for not having a father. It was the reason why Manura became hard on strangers, to protect himself and his dear sister. He takes care of her whenever their mom is not around. He defends her and is even willing to take a physical fight with other students. Whenever Maya and Manura ask Anabella about their father, she becomes silent or talks about something else or even cries sometimes. Even though they both really want to know about their father, they both get used to not asking Anabella anymore about their father. With passing time, they both made a lot of friends in their formal school, but all of them knew about Manura’s rage and did not bother to ask questions about their father. Manura is really protective of whoever is around him, especially his family and friends. It is sad for both Maya and Manura to leave their friends in Paris. They are not even sure whether they will meet them again in the future, but they both understand why their mother did what she had to do. Anabella knew that other kids made fun of her kids at their old school for not having a father figure in their lives. She just did not know how to cope with it. She honestly does not know who their father is. Sometimes, she wished that she had taken the time to see the face of the man who had taken her virginity that night. She told the principal and the class teacher about the situation. She somewhat lied to them that their father did not choose to be in their lives. Being a single mom is not very rare, and she dearly hoped that her answer would justify the situation. The teacher is surprised to see the politeness in her two new students. They look really familiar, but she just cannot pinpoint to whom or how. When she introduced them to the class, she was careful not to ask them anything about their father. The girl is extremely cute, and the boy is really handsome, just like an actor. It alarmed the teacher. She googled the name of the actor. He is one of her favorites, Mark Robinsons. She is surprised to see the similarity between Manura and Mark. “Are they secret children of Mark?” She gets the question on her mind. She is happy and also jealous of them. Mark has been her celebrity crush for years now. She will Google about him later today when she goes back home. Anabella, Pallavi, Manura, and Maya, none of them are aware of what the class teacher discovered on the internet. Anabella was able to complete her bachelor's and master's studies in interior design during her last 6 years in France. She worked hard and has several good online platforms on some well-reputed outsourcing websites. She also managed to take several internships in some of the big French companies in Paris. Before she came to the country, she applied for a job in a big company in the city. They offered her a very good salary with a nice package of deals, which included the capacity to work from home when she needs. They were impressed with her CV and interviewed her several times. They gave her the job. She has an appointment next week to finalize the administration procedure and to start work for the company the next day. The company is in the city center, which may take a good amount of time to go by public transport. She decided to buy a small car, which would help her not only with her job but also with her little ones. She also takes the opportunity to meet her best friend from childhood. She had not called him for years. She did not even tell him when she left the country. She remembered that he was crazy about cars and also had good knowledge about them. On the other hand, she never had any interest in cars or other motor vehicles. As Anabella settles into her new life, she finds herself juggling the responsibilities of work, motherhood, and reconnecting with her past. The city, with its bustling streets and diverse culture, offers a fresh start for her and her children. Little does she know that someone is trying to figure out the mysterious resemblance between Manura and the actor Mark Robinsons. The teacher's discovery adds an unexpected layer to their new life. Anabella's journey unfolds with challenges and surprises, but she is determined to create a stable and loving environment for Manura and Maya. The city becomes a backdrop for their shared adventures and the rediscovery of lost connections.
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