Chapter 4

2082 Words
I wake in the morning to the alarm, what type of torturous hell is a 4am alarm? I groan and stretch grabbing my phone and turning off the annoying chime, somehow resisting the urge to launch the thing across the room and through the wall like it is the cause of this misery, since I can’t throw Axel across the room the second best option seems to be my phone.  It cant possibly be 4 am already, did I even sleep? But then remember the reason he wants me to train so hard. I smile and turn to face him finding no one there. The bed is still warm so he must have got up just before me, I smile and snuggle into his pillow that is still filled with his scent. I really don't want to, but I finally drag myself out of bed. I leave the pack house and go down to training. Jasper isn't there. That's weird, where is he? Has something happened?   I turn around, to head back to the pack house to find out where he is. When suddenly a large figure tackles me, I take a low shoulder into the gut before he takes me down hard onto the ground knocking the wind straight out of me.  I look into his face shocked and struggling for air.   "You have to be faster than that babe, always be aware of your surroundings"   I groan as he plants a massive kiss on my lips and follows with.   "Good morning my beautiful luna, my one and only, my everything"   I roll my eyes, if he thinks flattery is going to help now he is sadly mistaken. I kick him off me.   "Axel seriously, was that necessary? I think you broke some ribs"   I grab my ribs putting them back where they were meant to be, feeling them heal instantly.   "Ohh well gets you back for the other day when you broke some of mine"   He says smiling but then grabbing me and kissing my ribs even though he knew they were perfectly fine.   "Where is Jasper?"   I ask. He smiles and growls.   "I gave him the morning off, now it is my turn."   I roll my eyes, ohh well I guess that wont be the only broken bones I will be getting this morning. The training was almost comical, first Axel would hit me or hurt me, then suddenly regret would wash over him and he would come over check on me and kiss wherever he had made contact with.   "Seriously Axel, I don't know what fight you think goes down like this, but I think you might get jealous if whoever I am fighting starts kissing me where they have hit." He laughs and pulls me to me feet once more. He goes to pull me close and I uppercut him with all my strength straight under the ribs. I knock a little bit of wind of him. I smile satisfied with myself.   "I had to get one good one in"   Then I pull him in to me, kissing him hard. We walk back to the pack house his arm draped over my shoulder. I am pulled in tight under his arm. We walk straight for the kitchen. Jasper was sitting at the table, he looks at me and laughs.   "Well it looks like I have been taking it too easy on you sis."   I look down and notice all and dried blood on my shirt that either came from my nose or my lips, probably both with how many times I was struck on the face.   "Just you try it."   I laugh pouncing over the table and sending him flying off his chair. I laugh and pull him to his feet.   "Easy sis, kitchen is for eating no violence allowed."   I laugh again and grab my breakfast. I load up extra knowing that the serial pest that is my mate would be stealing half of it. His eyes light up when he sees my giant pile of food.   'Well well well has my beautiful princess gone soft on me? You never let me eat off your plate'   I roll my eyes and laugh. Maybe I am going a bit soft on him. After school I head to the training grounds and find the warriors training. Under the watchful of eye of my dear brother. I decide to join in, I hear Jasper in my head.   'I don't think that is a good idea Jade, you know how Axel feels about you training with anyone but me and him'   I roll my eyes.   'I need to learn all different fighting styles not just his and yours, now let me concentrate'   I say sidestepping the warrior charging me. He turns and grabs me in a headlock. I was just about to throw him to the ground. When he is thrown off me. A growling voice behind me makes me turn around, Axel is standing over the warrior. Bearing down on him, his teeth out his eyes black.   "Have I not warned everyone that they are not to touch my Luna"   He leans down and grabs the warrior by the throat and holds him up.   "Maybe everyone needs reminding"   He booms in his alpha tone. All the warriors bow there heads to him. I place a hand on his chest. He looks at it, then looks in my eyes. His gaze softens. He lowers the warrior, letting him go and I walk him out of there.   "Axel what the hell was that all about?" "I just cant stand the thought of anyone touching you" "Seriously? We were just training, what have I ever done to make you not trust me?" "Nothing, I know its just I don't want you to get hurt" "Babe you know I can wipe the floor with those boys, and anyway you have been beating me to a pulp for a year now"   I lost count of the amount of bones he broke just this morning alona nad he is worried about me getting hurt? Seriously, because I can’t just heal, the perks of being a werewolf and all.   "I know, and its not beating you, its training, you make me sound terrible"   He looks down. I pull his face up with a finger under his chin. I wont pretend I wasn't a bit turned on by his massive show of masculine possessive idiocy. The training continued.  On weekends it was 5 hours a day and at night when we were away from prying eyes we would work on the separation part. In a week we had managed to make it an extra kilometre from each other.  But I am worried how it would be when one of us had to leave the pack lands. One day after we had been able to make it to opposite sides of our land. I decide to ask him what has been on my mind constantly, he nods agreeing with me. So the next night I stay in our room as he heads toward the border, because, in my best Alpha Axel domineering voice 'If you think I am letting you leave these grounds without me by your side you are kidding yourself'. I roll my eyes again. What a jerk. So I sit on our bed waiting.  Before I know it, I feel like my heart is being ripped from my chest, I can’t breathe, my whole being is being ripped apart. I can't take it anymore, I throw my face down into the pillow trying to muffle the massive howl of pain that escaped my lips. I hear Axel in my head. 'Are you okay babe? I will be back in a sec, I could hear you from here' I couldn't even reply. Jasper and a couple of warriors come busting through the door, thinking I have been attacked. I wave them back as the giant Black wolf with the piercing blue eyes enters the room and nuzzles his snout under my arm. I wrap my arms around his giant head. The others back out of the room and close the door behind them. He shifts back and wraps me in his arms as I sob silently. He whispers.   ‘I will never do that to you again’   I shake my head   'We have to. I have to learn to push through'   I pause,the pain is slowly subsiding in his embrace, but I really thought that my body was going to give out on me.   'Does it hurt you like it hurts me?'   He nods as he slips down the bed, still holding me tightly as we feel the pain fade.   'It is the worst thing I have ever felt'   I sob into his chest trying hard to take in as much of his scent as I can. Reliving the pain in some increments. It takes a while but we make more progress with separation. He has been able to get 2 kilometers past the border before I feel like I am going to die, and I have even learnt when the pain gets unbearable to meditate through it. Not making a single peep. All I have to do is picture Axel's face. His strong jaw line with that dark hint of stubble. Those perfect blue eyes. I just stare into those eyes and work through the pain. I would never actually tell him that how I do it. I wouldn't want him getting a big head. With this process we have been able to make quite big gains every night. But even then, I still need the whole night to recover in Axel's arms.   Axel has eased up with the jealousy a tiny bit. I am able to train with the warriors as long as I don't have any skin showing (Eye roll) and he is to watch at all times. I roll my eyes at the growls that he makes every time someone touches me, but he restrains himself. You know, baby steps.  I am finished training for the day. Axel walks up to me. I bow in his direction.   "Alpha"   He grabs me and pulls me close to him.   "You it drives me crazy when you do that".   I snort.   "Everything drives you crazy" "I didn't hear you complaining about it last night, or this morning"   I shove him playfully going red.   "Jade I actually need to ask you something serious".   I look at him. Usually the only time we talk seriously is through mate link.   "Proceed"   Putting on my best serious Luna tone with him.   "Alpha Elijah is to visit the pack tomorrow and I want you by my side. I am strongest when I am with you, we need to show that together we are a force to be reckoned with." "As you wish Alpha"   I bow to him again. He kisses my forehead and walks off. He talks to Jasper who in turn bows to him. I walk to the kitchen, I am absolutely famished. I grab myself a plate of food and start tucking in,when strong arms wrap around my waist igniting the sparks throughout my entire body. He whispers in my ear.   "Don't think I have forgotten all this yes alpha business"   His hot breath on my neck sending shivers down my spine. He starts to lift me out of my seat while I am still desperately clutching my plate, I protest.   "Can’t I at least eat first? You are an absolute animal you know that"   With that he growls and he throws me over his shoulder and carries me to our room,I just hang over his shoulder busily trying to shovel food into my mouth as I am man handled by the neanderthal. I deposit the plate as we walk past the table.  He throws me down roughly on the bed, not letting me catch my breath before diving on top of me. His heavy body pinning me down with absolutely no chance of escape. But at this point I don’t even want to evade. I look at his pitch black eyes as he stares at me from above. I lick my upper lip.   "Please alpha"   He smiles.   "Tell me what you want?" "I want you alpha"   I bare my neck in submission, his eyes seem to go a few shades darker black, like an endless abyss waiting to suck in my soul. His body is hot to the touch as his raging desire threatens to burn me.
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