
396 Words
I stood there awkwardly staring into her beautiful dark eyes. She looked so stunning under the moonlight. This girl means so much to me now after all we've been through, and I've never felt this way about anyone before in my life, like how I do for her. I probably looked like a creep just staring at her without reason but I couldn't help myself. She's so different and I just feel attracted to her. I'm addicted to everything about her; her smell, her lips, her laugh, the way she gets lost in every little thing she does... Just everything about her drives me crazy. "What?" she asks. I realized that she caught me staring and I quickly looked away blushing slightly. "Nothing,” I whispered with a smile. “Aww! You look so cute when you’re like this." she cooed getting closer to me. We were currently lying on the grass in the park staring at the stars and moon. Well, she was staring at them... I was staring at her. I wouldn't have ever imagined myself feeling like this, especially towards her but life had other plans. "And you're beautiful,” I said to her. She also blushed and smiled then tried to hide her face in my chest. "Can I ask you something?" I asked. "Yeah?” she said with wide twinkling eyes. "If I lay here if I just lay here, would you lie with me and forget the world?" I said with a smirk. She busted out laughing. "Did you *laugh* seriously *laugh* just quote *laugh* the fault in our *laugh* stars? *laugh*." she curled up still laughing and clutching her stomach. When she calmed down she looked at me and then at my lips and kissed me. I kissed her back immediately and she climbed on top of me so that she was straddling me. Her hands made their way up my face and to my hair, running her fingers through them. It felt so nice and the way her soft lips molded mine and tasted like sugar was just addicting. When she pulled back I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ears and looked into her eyes. "I love you," I whispered to her. She smiled and said, "I love you too." she pressed her lips back to mine and kissed me like there was no tomorrow.
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