Chapter 1 : Callyx Baxley Albion

1475 Words
New white rays shine through the window and curtain just the same, showing the beauty of the many tan hues that weave together to make the fabric I love so much.  "For the tenth time today. No." I drawled, rolling my eyes for god knows how much today.  It was one of those days when I'm left doing the things I'd rather not do. The pressure's real to be honest.  "But." "I'm not showing you your Present. Be patient." I seethe in frustration for the hundredth time today before kicking my best friend off my bed. I was having enough of his stubbornness.  An unpleasant thud resonates with the walls of my room when the latter's butt comes falling first to the floor of my bedroom. I don't feel any remorse as I watch him lose balance and fall on his back. He had it coming. With pain and agony, he groans incoherent words and sends me a devious glare. "I can't believe you just did that."  He staggers to get up, a hand behind him like a grandma with a cramp. While he's over there recovering, a little scratch starts tickling my throat when he moves both hands to his waist. He shouldn't have done that. I bite my lower lip, trying to swallow the itch only to fail miserably.  "Dude." I huff between my laughs of exaggeration. "Don't do that, you look like an old Lady!" An old lady with a very bad back cramp.  A volcano of hysterics follows my statement as I continue to linger my finger towards his arms. And that's when Callyx Baxley Albion, decided he had, had enough of my sudden weirdness.  Cally rolls his eyes before throwing both hands in the air as he turns his heel."That's it. I'm leaving."  What? No. Code red. I shut up immediately. "Wait!" He can't leave. Mark will kill you! Cursing under my breath, I had managed to spring up just in time to block him. The plans simple; Stall him for as long as I can. "What are you doing?"  Callyx groans, clearly unamused and practically frustrated. I don't blame him though. If ever someone did the same to me, I'd have yanked their head off moments ago out of annoyance. Who has time for things like these anyway? Clearing my throat, I try to prolong my searching for the perfect escape words by subtly looking around my room. It doesn't take long before I've come up with an excuse and I look up to shower my friend with a sheepish smile.  "Me? " I innocently batt my lashes. "Oh, nothing." And the Most Creative Awards goes to, Eira Faun Duras. Nothing. But I'm literally standing in front of the doorway, both arms and feet stretching out in attempts to block his path. You see nothing really. It doesn't look like Callyx's buying it though. A certain thought plummets in. "Do you wanna go get some ice cream? My treat."  I clasp my hand together, eyes sparkling at the thought. Callyx takes my offer into consideration, putting on a show of contemplating whether or not he wants it by tapping his chin. Then he smirks."Your treat?" The smile on my face drops. I realize that that was probably not the best idea I've ever come up with. Down right stupid.  I'm not that naive when it comes to the way he's staring at me now. It only means he's planning to use my offer to his advantage.  Isn't this lovely.   Oh, how I want to smack that smirk out of that gorgeous face of his. Tightly clenching my jaw, I pull myself up and huff out a breath. "You know what, I think I change my mind." I proclaim in my little mumbles. I'm about ready to go back  to sleep on when all of a sudden, hands reach out to enclose around my arm before I'm soon pulled back to stand in front of a grinning Callyx.  "Nope, you've already promised me ice cream. " He instantly says. " And we're getting one" "When did I make that promise?" I squeak in disbelief, shoving his arms off me. He gives no regard to my question and grabs hold of my wrist this time before dragging me out of my room.  - With a phone pressed hard against your ear, I keep a close eye on my best friend, who's at the counter ordering an ice cream. Again.  Maybe for the sixth time in the span of an hour. I find yourself huffing out a tight sigh when he momentarily glances my way for a wave, sporting out an idiotic smile. He's having fun isn't he? I force myself to wave back. "How much longer do I need to distract him?" I exasperatedly huff to my phone. "He's literally eating my allowance for the next two weeks."  "Just a little bit more. We're nearly done with the decorations."Mark replies. "I'll text you when it's time." "And how long will that take?" "Maybe another hour?" He's joking. That. Is not acceptable. I was fazed out by the information that I almost forgot about a certain someone patiently waiting for my response. "Eira, You still there?" "Yeah." I mutter, before slipping in a quick."Just be quick or else I'm throwing him off the Han Riv-okay mom bye love you take care." At the sight of my best friend, I instantly hung up on Mark. Mark definitely must have felt offended by my abrupt end. I usually don't do that given that he's almost a year older than me. He expects me to at leat show him some respect since he's older. Which I don't mind honestly. As much as it bothers me right now about how I rudely ending the call, I think he deserves it. The audacity of him handing me the task of keeping Callyx busy.  Then again. Callyx lucked out to have me as his best friend. I'll deal with Mark's wrath later. "Was that Mom?" My best friend asks, taking his seat across yours. In a way. "Yeap, she asked if you had anything in mind for your birthday." And although  I just came from the phone with Mark, my response's not entirely a lie. My parents are currently in the states, leaving me with my brother Kwon, who's right now helping Mark out and the guys organize the surprise birthday party. Callyx shrugs. "I don't know." Shoving a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth, he relishes the taste before swallowing. "Anything's fine if it's from mom." I watch with sad eyes as he devours the thing. He's eating my money. My poor, poor money.  A speck of white catches my attention and from his ice cream, I look up to his nose. Fair enough, the big baby just stained himself there. Although there are times Callyx can be annoying, he can be quite cute too.  With a chuckle, I reach out and grab a tissue from the tissue holder before offering it to him. This gesture earns me a confused tilt from my best friend. "You have something here." Tapping my own nose for more reference, I then add. "Wipe it off." His gaze lingers on the white item in my hand, and I wonder if he's understood me or not. Then those onyx eyes flicker to collide with mine. The mischievous glint is a total contrast to what his lips are shaping. They're pursed forward into an adorable pout which makes his cheek puff up in intensity. "Wipe it for me." He cutely says, leaning forward with the support of his crossed arms. "You're a real headache," I mumble with a scrunch of my nose. And I can't believe I'm actually doing it for him too. Then again. I can never seem to turn him down whenever he uses his adorable, innocent demeanor to his advantage. The bundle of cuteness whose eyes sometimes differ from the nature I've come to adore, hums in satisfaction as I help him out.  "I'm your favorite headache though." He lovingly bobs his nose with yours, winking. I really can't stop the coil in my lips at his cheesy comment, trying to hide it behind the influence of an eye-roll and just as he was about to add something more. What did I do in my past life to befriend someone who's cringey as hell? I probably killed a king or a noble. Perhaps joined a gang or something.  I stuff the tissue in his mouth and successfully muffled away whatever he was planning on saying next. A ding vibrates from off your phone, indicating the incoming message and I instantly grab hold of it.  From: Mark You do not just hang up on me. We'll talk about this later. In the mean time, It's party time! -seen
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