Chapter 1-2

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Sometime later, his instincts roused him. Something didn’t feel right. He sat up and looked over his left shoulder, knowing the danger was behind him. Immediately, his eyes fell on the figure of a Red Devil, standing partly hidden by a tree, pleasuring himself. Brennus leapt backwards, springing to his feet, ready to flee with or without his clothing. “Wait!” said the Red Devil. “I didn’t mean to startle you.” Curiosity replaced fear. Brennus looked curiously at the Red Devil. “How is it you can speak those words?” he asked. The Red Devil had spoken in the tongue of Brennus and his people. Never before had Brennus heard such a thing, nor heard of it happening. It was widely known the Red Devils were too arrogant to learn the words of the people whose land they had invaded. The Red Devil stepped forward, his erection poking through the leather strips of his baltea. “From your own people. I’m a scholar of languages and translator for my legion.” Brennus picked up his clothing. “There’s no need to fear me,” said the Red Devil. “My name’s Cyprian.” Brennus regarded him for a moment. “I’m Brennus.” Cyprian approached Brennus and hugged him. “You were watching me sleep?” asked Brennus. Cyprian stepped back. “I was.” “To what purpose?” Cyprian’s eyes ran the length of Brennus’s body and back again. “To admire its beauty. The naked male form, especially one so sculpted and honed to perfection as yours, is to be celebrated. And that’s what I was doing. Celebrating it.” Brennus eyed him with suspicion. “I’ll kill you if you try to take me.” Cyprian held up a hand. Brennus shook his head. “I know what your people do to mine. You won’t get the chance to capture me. Try it and it’ll be the last thing you ever do.” Cyprian waved his hand. “No, no. I’m not here to capture you. It was only by accident I happened upon you sleeping. I was going back to the encampment, you see. You might have seen my regiment returning.” Brennus nodded. “I was thirsty. I wanted a drink. But when I saw your naked body, I realised I wasn’t so thirsty as I first thought.” He smiled, his teeth perfect. “I’m sorry if my hard c**k offended you. I’d rather you considered it a compliment.” The conversation seemed to be rekindling whatever flames had been ignited in Cyprian earlier. A small movement at the base of his tunic captured Brennus’s attention. The soldier’s c**k, which had momentarily disappeared, now made a reappearance. “You can see the effect you have on me,” said Cyprian, holding out his arms. “I’m powerless to stop it. It’s been many weeks since…” He cleared his throat. “Well…since there’s been any relief.” The soldier absentmindedly gave his c**k a single stroke, the action making the organ stand fully upright. Despite himself, Brennus felt his c**k start to swell. He had a suspicion that perhaps this man, this Red Devil, might possibly have the same desires as he had. Was it possible this chance encounter was not an accident? Maybe the gods had finally rewarded him for his devotion. “I see you’re not so passive, either,” said Cyprian, stepping forward. He took Brennus’s growing erection in his hand and squeezed it. “Not passive at all.” Cyprian looked into Brennus’s eyes, and suddenly, no boundaries lay between them. They were not Briton and Red Devil, but two men alone together in the woods. Brennus closed his eyes for a moment, allowing himself to luxuriate in the sensation of another man’s hand on his most private part. Cyprian’s slow stroking movements possessed warmth, but also magic. His whole body felt warm, and his breathing became deeper. He could feel the rise and fall of his chest, exaggerated. A moan escaped his lips. Embarrassed, his eyelids flew open to see Cyprian smiling at him. In an instant, his lips clasped on Cyprian’s, kissing them, tasting them. Another man’s lips. Another man’s breath. Cyprian’s tongue pushed its way into his mouth, sliding over his own. The other man’s breath filled his mouth. All his life he had waited for this moment—to feel another man’s mouth on his. Yet the excitement proved overwhelming. Too soon, he climaxed over Cyprian’s hand. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t…” Cyprian licked the seed from his hand and pushed his lips against Brennus’s so that he might taste the bitter saltiness of his own climax. It was a new taste. Unlike anything he’d ever experienced. It seemed only fair that Brennus should return the pleasure he’d been given. Gripping Cyprian’s c**k, he began stroking it while the soldier undid the buckle on his baltea and pulled up the hem of his tunic. In doing so, he exposed an area of pale olive skin covered in thick, black hair, as well as allowing Brennus more room to manoeuvre. Brennus stood slightly behind Cyprian, allowing his hand to go faster on the Red Devil’s c**k. Then noticing the roundness of the man’s buttocks, he began exploring them with his free hand. He slid his fingers over the twin mounds and along the unseen crevice between. As the side of hand brushed over Cyprian’s anus, the man cried out, giving Brennus an idea. He stuck the index finger of his left hand in his mouth, making it slick with saliva. Without missing a stroke with his right hand, he slipped the finger into Cyprian’s anus, drawing from him a long, low moan and causing him to thrust back his arse, deeper onto the finger. “Just like that,” Cyprian groaned. “Keep it there.” Brennus’s right hand quickened on Cyprian’s c**k. The organ swelled against his palm. After no more than a dozen strokes, Cyprian cried out again, thrust his hips forward, and sent his seed flying through the air. Eager to see how the Red Devil’s climax tasted, Brennus dropped to his knees and sucked the head of the c**k clean before rising, traces of the creamy load remaining on his lips. For a good while, the two men held each other and kissed, their hips gently grinding together in the warm sunlight. The smell of their s*x pervaded Brennus’s nostrils, reinforcing his desire to prolong the kissing and body contact for as long as possible. “Thank you,” said Cyprian, after breaking from the kiss, but not the embrace. “You have no idea how grateful I am for the comfort of another man.” Brennus smiled. “It’s the same for me. Though instead of weeks, as it’s been for you, it’s been years for me.” Cyprian looked incredulous. “Years? By the gods! You have my sympathy.” Brennus smiled at Cyprian’s unexpected reaction. He’d gone without the comfort of another man, not food or some other such necessity. In a flash of memory, he recalled the first and only time he’d experienced pleasure of a s****l nature. He’d been hunting with his friend, Herne. At night, by the fire, the conversation had turned to s*x. Aroused, the two men had coupled by the flames. There’d been no kissing, no tenderness, and the whole act had been hurried and painful. The experience, however, had awoken something inside, and left Brennus with a small hint of what love might feel like. Herne had never spoken to Brennus again. A year later, the man had married and moved to another, far-away village. “If I could…” Cyprian began. Then he shook his head. Brennus, suspecting what was to follow, rested a hand on Cyprian’s arm. “No, please tell me. What were you going to say?” Cyprian didn’t speak immediately. Instead, he seemed to be weighing up the possibilities of giving voice to the idea in his head. “I’d like to see you again,” he said finally. Brennus opened his mouth to speak, but before he could utter a single syllable, Cyprian continued. “I know it won’t be easy, but we’re going to be stationed in the area for the foreseeable future, and logically, you must live nearby. There’s bound to be opportunities for us to find at least a little comfort every now and again.” Brennus couldn’t stop grinning. It was everything he’d ever hoped for. A man to be with, to share the intimacies he’d only seen others share. Then other thoughts invaded his mind. Their one s****l encounter didn’t mean the stranger could be trusted. Brennus had the welfare of his family, of the rest of the village, to consider. So far, the Red Devils had left them in peace. He wasn’t going to jeopardise that. Neither did he want to let a chance at happiness pass him by. “It would be a dream come true, Cyprian,” he said finally. “I’d like it more than anything I can think of, but how would it be possible? How would we organise when to meet? And where?” “Mid-morning. After each full moon. If we’re able. Right here.” He gave a sweep of his arm. “This tree. This rock. The bend in the stream over there. I’ll remember it.” Brennus considered the idea. If he was careful, it might work. He wouldn’t be endangering anyone but himself, and he was too careful to let himself be captured. For while it was true the Red Devils left most of the villages in peace for so long as the villagers left them alone, they wouldn’t hesitate to capture a lone male and sell him into slavery. “What do you say?” asked Cyprian, his eyes hopeful. Brennus slipped on his clothing and attached his cloak. “I think we could try it.” He kissed Cyprian one last time and hurried away through the undergrowth.
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