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CHAPTER 4 "Sh-she what now"I said almost spilling my soda "Are you deaf woman I just said she told everyone you are my.."he said almost sarcastically but I cut him off in between"yaah I heard what you said I'm just trying to register everything you said,"I said sinking into my thoughts. And this how my life is over what ..are those people blind can't they see I'm too good for this arrogant goose and this is all your fault I scolded my inner self for making me help him we are the same person so technically this is your fault it said back not bragging are we.. I was cut short from the inner conversation by fingers snapping in front of my face "hey,hey...heeeeey ,"I shrieked a bit once I came back fully."you were lost to share"he added. "No...and find a solution to the mess you've created I'm not your girlfriend,"I said" I've created?I didn't ask you to show up in front of my psychotic ex girlfriend and pretend to be my girlfriend"he said back making a point."well I didn't tell you to date a psychotic girl in the first place ,"I argued back." I didn't..."Daimen was cut by Beth's voice "guys arguing is not going to help you through this,"she said sternly "Wait ..when did you guys get here,"I asked a bit confused." We heard about the thing between you two and we decided to show up before you burn something and it looks like a close call ,"Alex said (Em's boyfriend) "So you have a plan or what?"Daimen a sked curiously."Yes we actually do " Xavier said and they all look at each other with a smirk .This is not good I'm not going with their plan. "I've changed my mind I'll figure it out by myself," I said walking away towards my room but stopped by Tina's voice "please just hear us out it's a really good idea," she said "ok fine but if I don't like it I don't have to do it" I said coming back and sitting on the couch listening. "So we were thinking of fake dating,"Em said confidently. No way I'm dating this guy . I was about to refuse but Em added "it's only for three months,there will be a contract and you can add any condition you like then at the end of the month you'll just make an story for the media of how you broke up,boom"she said dropping an invisible microphone looking proud of herself. "Nice presentation but can we just skip the dating and go to making an excuse of breaking up right now,"I said trying to reason with them."No !"Daimen said. WTH is he thinking now "that will ruin my far as you are a pain in my ass I'll go with Em's plan." "I'm a pain in your ass ? Have you seen yourself and why do you even care about a reputation?"I asked trying to avoid the dating thing."I might loose investors when they hear this," he said reasoning withe me . No way I'm agreeing to this I can't do this it might put my secret at risk."ok let's make this easier"Daimen says "for all that think we should go with Em's plan raise your hand"he said raising his hand and everyone joined him."Guys really I thought you were my friends,"I said feeling betrayed"sorry Jo but this is the best option for both of you,"Em said. I let out a sigh feeling defeat and agreed to the plan . "Thanks Jo ,nice to know you have a heart at least me at my house tomorrow at 10 am to sign the contract I'll tell my lawyer to prepared it,"he said . "I do have a heart and sure I'll come"I said thinking of how this will be the longest 3 months of my life. "Who is up for a movie night,"Tina said as soon as Daimen left and everyone said yes apart from me thinking of ways I'm going to spend my last free day before the coming months of torture."please.. they said but I couldn't spend this last few hours watching a movie. "Sorry guys can't join you when I have few hours to be free because of Em's stupid plan,"I said glaring at Em "Ok I'm sorry for what I did but it is for your own sake girl you are pretty and you can't waste that with Daimen and tv alot of people will notice you and maybe you'll have a boyfriend in the end,"Em said and everyone nodded in agreement,"so come let's go and I'm not taking a no for an answer"she added pulling me out the door into the car. Since I really loved action movies,we ended up watching 'star wars rise of the sky Walker' which was actually really fun . After almost two hours it was over and we went to eat dinner since it was already 7 in the evening and that ended up being my favorite moment before we left for home and I went straight to bed or at least to my room do some work. I slept at almost 10 o'clock at night after placing my laptop away I got into my covers abd a strong sweet smell got my nose. Wow I didn't know Daimen smells this good I thought sniffing the cover.oh noo what am I thinking why am I thinking this. Yaah I'm just sleepy not in my right mind I thought to myself and next thing I know I was in a deep sleep. That morning I woke up earlier than usual and I have no idea why it was only five am and my mind was bugging me to wake up . Since it was my mind,I knew I had to so I woke up and prepared breakfast and I sat in the kitchen for about two hours doing absolutely nothing but taking my 5th cup of coffee. I was lost thinking of absolutely nothing when I heard a Tina's mocking voice"ooh girl you are up early and it's Sunday is this about you going to Daimen's place today,"she said "ooooh Jo is nervous"Beth added as they say next to me "Didn't think she'll have feelings for him this soon damn girl,"Em said tapping my shoulder. "Really guys you think I can be nervous meeting an arrogant goose . I thought you guys knew me,"I said pretending to wipe fake tears and we all burst out laughing"Anyway don't you guys have a date shouldn't you be getting ready?"I asked and they shrugged. "Brad is kinda busy he got a call yesterday to sign a contract in Texas so he'll be leaving tomorrow morning ,"Tina said sadly a frown forming on her face."why don't you go with him?"I asked her because most of Brad's business trips he went with Tina." He asked me to but I have to make a wedding dress for my client and if I go I won't be done by next month,"she said frowning."ooh I'm sorry" I said hugging her. Turns out the others canceled their dates so they could have some girl time with Tina to make her feel happy. We had our girl talk for sometime and we didn't notice the time."Jo it's almost time for you to go to Daimen's house and you look like ...this ,"Em said looking at my oversized sleeping shirt."calm down Em we still have like half an hour," I said like I didn't care. "But what about your hair and makeup?"Em asked a bit shocked"girl it's not like I'm going on a date you are not doing anything to my face or hair ..I am going to shower," I said sternly warning them not to try anything stupid when I shower. I took a quick bath and dried my hair brushed my teeth and left into my closet for some clothes only to find an empty closet and a dress on my bed I am not wearing that no way and I'm killing my best friends today. I matched out of my room angry "Tina ,Beth,Em I'm killing you today where are my clothes"I said as I entered the kitchen to find them sitting on the island giving me a confused look "they are in your closet why?" Beth responded like they had nothing to do with my clothes disappearance. "You know I'm not wearing a dress no matter what I said and walked into Tina's room taking one of her high waists and a crop top and wore them When I got out they seemed disappointed and I smirked evilly as I took my keys and waved the goodbye "Bye guys and next time don't make it too easy"I said laughing walking out and driving my to Daimen's house listening to my favorite playlist. I arrived at Daimen's mansion and the gate was opened revealing a long pathway leading to the front door flower garden around the house with beautiful flowers of different colors and types it was really beautiful. I parked my car and got out to the be greeted by a lady in her late thirties. "I'll show you in miss .."she started"just call me Jo not miss please,"I said."ok miss...I mean Jo I'll show you in ,"she said with a small smile on her face and smiled back saying thank you as she led me in. It was actually more beautiful than I expected it to be the clean tiles floor ,a well painted wall with a huge paintings hanged on the hallway.Bright lights from the chandelier in the ceiling with curtains with flowery design hanged on the window . We entered a large room and I assumed it was the living room it had a large flat screen TV and black leather coaches. The lady led me to the coach and left welcomed me once again ."is there something you would like as you wait for Mr Black to arrive ,"she asked kindly "thank you .."then I realised I didn't ask for her name "it's Anabelle but you can call me Ana,Nabby or Belle"she said smiling at me"thank you Ana but I'm fine "I said smiling and she walked away to the kitchen. She seems really nice I thought to myself as I waited for Daimen. Then I heard foot steps leading down from the huge stair case and I looked to see Daimen. He walked slowly down the stair case in his sweat pants only his upper body was exposed and I could is perfectly sculptured abs his pecks and muscles omg I thought to myself I didn't know he is hot snap out of it Jo why the hell did you just think that . I averted my eyes but not before he saw me staring...
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