Chapter Two

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"What are we going to do with her, Zander? I'd say we put her out of her misery," a muffled voice stated, shuffling was heard and a familiar, spine-chilling voice answered. "She's payment, and without her I'd be at a loss. I may sell her to someone willing to pay me the cash, until then she's to be locked inside. As long as she lives, I couldn't care less what is done to her," he replied. I opened my eyes and was surprised when I saw my vision was given back to me. I sat up on the bed, frantically looking around the empty room yet halting my line of sight on a mirror. My face was red all over from crying, a nasty bruise surrounded my swollen left eye, and the bridge of my nose was slit open and scabbed over. I looked hideous. I heard the door opening a few seconds later and crawled back, grabbing a pillow and squeezing it to my chest as a brunette walked in. He wasn't in a mask or any of his previous clothes, in fact, he looked like an average person you’d see walking down the street. It wasn't any less scary though. "Come on, everyone wants to talk to you," he said, seeming as if he's waiting for me to get up and willingly go out there. I wanted to laugh at his audacity but refrained, and when I didn't do as asked, he came over to the bed and didn't hesitate to rip me off the mattress by my hair. "Stop! No, please!" I screamed, thrashing at his arm while he pulled me out of the room by my roots. He finally released me in the middle of the floor in front of couches and a crowd of men. My body trembled at their hard gazes. "How old are you?" Slowly, I lifted my head to face the man who asked. He had brown eyes, long-brown hair, and a mustache with slightly pale skin. It appeared like he'd belong in a rock band which made him oddly attractive. "Eighteen," I said timidly, "I'll be nineteen in a week," I added louder in case they didn't hear. The man glanced at the others and I returned my eyes to the ground. That look was anything but good... I felt a pair of hands grab onto my shirt which startled me. The same man I was just talking to aggressively pulled it up and I clawed him. He slapped me near my bruise and I winced, giving him just enough time to get the shirt off, revealing my bright red bra. Embarrassment warmed my face as I attempted to cover myself, lying helplessly on the floor with clenched shut eyes. I pray this is a nightmare! This can't be happening to me. I'll wake up any minute! Nothing changed. Nothing but my sweatpants being yanked off, leaving me in almost nothing. They must've taken my shoes off when we arrived. I curled myself into a ball as an attempt to hide myself, my entire front half was covered, but my ass was as clear as day. Tears burned my eyes as I laid there in humiliation, wishing for an end. "Who knew high-schoolers wore thongs?" "You're an i***t. High-schoolers are the majority of their buyers." "Never seen a white girl with such a fine ass..." "It's always about ass with you. I think she's got a hell of a rack if you ask me." Sniffling, I cried silently listening to them sexualize me like I was some treat. It only made my fear much worse realizing they could do whatever they wanted, maybe I am their treat. "Zander? You haven't said a word, do you think you'd want to try her?" My heart stopped at their words, worsening my cries. Someone save me... "I won't touch her. She's not anything interesting to me, just a weak little girl." Anger boiled inside my chest at his voice and I found myself glaring over my shoulder at him, though my glare nearly died when I finally saw his face. He was insanely hot. His short, black hair poked in different directions in a sexy mess, connecting with freshly shaven facial hair running along his chisled jaw to his chin. It looked well-groomed alongside his thick eyebrows. He was the hottest man I've ever seen. "Terrifying," he stated with boredom, keeping his eyes locked with mine in a challenging manner. My throat tightened, "you'll get what's coming to you. You're a sick bastard! All of you are!" I spat, looking around the room and replacing my eyes onto his, "but mainly you." He lifted a brow, unthreatened, "watch your tone with me, girl." Someone's shoe made contact with my right cheek and I hit the floor, breathing roughly to ease the pain while our eyes remained connected. He narrowed his, "I'd say she needs to learn her place, Jay." The rockstar got up and grabbed the back of my neck, forcing me to look everyone straight on as he began unclipping my bra, "no, stop, please!" I begged frantically, trying to defend myself but failing when I felt my top half get hit with cold air. I forced my eyes closed with a gasp. If I can't see them staring I'll feel a little better... "Open your eyes," Zander demanded. I inhaled shakily with every intention set on keeping myself from crying again, "open your f*****g eyes!" I did as told, uncontrollable tears leaking down my face from his yell. I'm very sensitive and when someone raises their voice in the slightest, I cry. I'm feeble... He stared me into submission as Jay held my head up, wrapping his arm around and groping my left breast. I inhaled shakily, my eyes locked onto their leader's as tears continued to stream down my face. "Let me make this very clear for you," he started, shooting Jay a glance who then removed his hand from my skin and shoved my head into the floor violently, "if you ever think of saying any s**t like that again, this will be your reminder that we own you, all of you, and we will inflict a punishment however we please." I cried at his words, keeping my head low and using my hands to grab fistfuls of my hair out of frustration and pain. My nose was bleeding from the impact, my breasts were pressed against the carpet, and my body laid in a bowing manner across from him. "Put her back, she can come out when she decides to behave or until we leave." My hair was pulled which forced me up. I covered my breasts the best I could considering their size and screamed out in agony. Digging my nails into the rockstar's arm with one hand and holding myself with the other, kicking my legs around to make it harder for him. "You can't! Please, stop! Please!" I begged as we entered the room and the guy tossed me against the foot of the bed, closing the door. I dejectedly sat where he left me, curling into a ball and weeping quietly to myself. The reality of the situation seemed to just hit me because my quiet weeps grew into loud sobs. I couldn't hold back the mental and physical pain in me, so I let my tears flow to help the feeling. I knew I was loud but I just didn't care, if I kept them up all night then so be it, they've taken everything from me and left me in hell. My life, my dignity, my confidence, my happiness... Worst of all, my dad. Will I ever escape this prison? If only I could tell Emma how right she was, I just know she'd playfully hit me and give me an I told you so with the biggest prideful grin. I'd smile right back at her, even when I was wrong, her excessive happiness always brought my genuine smile out. And my boyfriend, Dave, was supposed to see me tonight... Today marks four years since we've been together. We had plans for a nice dinner and at home movies afterwards. Tonight was supposed to be good. Now, I'm in a house full of men who appear to be in their low twenties and are complete sadists. These guys are at least two years older and highly intimidating. They're all scary muscular, however, the leader takes the win. His muscles nearly tear through his clothes,his biceps are close to the size of my thighs. I've never met someone so muscular. It's scarier than I would've imagined but it also might have something to do with the situation. Why do these creepy guys have to be hot? It makes me feel horrible knowing I have a physical attraction to them. Dave is supposed to be the only man I see, nobody should be able to catch my attention except for him because he's the love of my life. However, when I first looked at Zander I was wrongfully mesmerized and I've never felt so guilty over something. I grudgingly used the bed to help me up, walking over to the connected bathroom and turning on the sink. I frowned at my injured face, washing off the blood then wiping off the water and going back into the bedroom. I went straight for the closet and sighed calmly, taking a shirt from its hanger and pulling it over my head. It reached my knees and I was content, going over to the light and turning it off before walking back to the bed and climbing beneath the covers. I just want today to be over.
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