2. Her secret

1320 Words
CHAPTER TWO I could have sworn that my jaw dropped a little as I gazed at my reflection in the full length mirror. Smoky eyes, dark red lipstick, straightened dark hair falling down my shoulder and a strapless black figure-hugging backless dress only stopping at my mid-thigh, stared right back at me. I felt too exposed in this dress and all thanks to Lucy. On the other hand, she was dressed in a champagne-colored sequin V-neck short cocktail party dress with nude strap heels to match. With a curvaceous figure like that, it was easy to understand why men were always pining at her even back in the office.   “I’m not stepping out of this room like this,” I muttered as I turned around to look at Lucy.   “Yes you are. Where the heck have you been hiding all that?” She gestured at my body but there was no way that would have made me feel any better or change my mind for that matter.   “Can’t you find something less….you and more like me in your wardrobe?” I pleaded but as expected the plea fell on deaf ears.   “No way because we are not going to church. You and I are going to have the time of our lives tonight and besides, our ride will be here in less than five minutes. There is no time for you to change. Put those heels on and let’s get out of here,”   I slid my feet into the red bottoms, picked my matching black purse and a warm stripped white fur coat before following her. Well, my conscience was right. This was a really bad idea. Our ride was an SUV limousine curtsey of the club, with the word Indulgencia engraved on it in dark red cursive font. The limo was so comfy that all I wanted was just to snuggle in and sleep, completely forgetting about this entire having-to-meet-Kaden ordeal.   “s**t, they have a f*****g mini bar and it’s stocked,” she squealed.    “Great, I could really use a drink right now. If I can make it through another half an hour wearing this, then I definitely should not be sober,”   “Now, that’s my girl,” she poured us shots, handing one to me.   “Here is to a fun night,”” We clicked shot glasses before drowning down the drinks.   “Damn! That was strong,” I muttered, my eyes half open and face scrunched up. I was not exactly much of a drinker and with the exception of the end year parties that Mrs. Klein threw for the office, I never really drank at all.   “I know, right?”   The feel of that shot burning its way through my intestines, gave me some little bit of confidence. Leaning back on my seat, a sigh escaped my lips. Who would have thought that after eight years I would be forced to meet that asshole just so I could get the promotion I’ve always wanted and worked so hard for? It kind of felt unfair and I hated Mrs. Klein for trying to use my weakness against me.   “I’m not a virgin,” I suddenly blurted out.   “What? “She almost choked on her drink.   “I lost it,” I met her gaze before finally blurting out the truth I have never spit to a single soul for eight years now,” To Kaden,”   “What the f**k!” She cussed, drained her glass before now focused her attention to me.   “I lost my virginity to Kaden, Lucy,” I repeated.   “What are you talking about? Kaden was your best friend, right? Wait, did you guys meet while I was asleep back at the hotel?” she narrowed her eyes.   “No Lucy. I lost my virginity to Kaden eight years ago on the night before he left LA without telling me. It’s why I’ve been so angry at him all these years and now that I’m going to meet him…I have no idea what I’m going to say to him. I want an explanation but at the same time, it hurts too much to even talk about it. It just means it never meant a thing to him and that sucks,”   “Now it all makes sense. All along I thought you were just angry because he left without telling you and never bothered to contact you, no matter how many voicemails you left him,” she straightened up, her brown skinned face tainted with determination,” Do you know what we are going do?   “No,” But I had a feeling it was something I would probably not be comfortable with.   “We are going to have the time of our lives, get drunk, make out with random men…and women,” she winked mischievously.   “I’m not going to make out with anyone Lucy,” I sighed. I just told her that I lost my virginity to my best friend-well, ex-best friend and her first reaction is that we should get drunk and make out with random guys? So typical of Lucy.   “I’m not done yet. Then once we’ve made out with random people and we’ve had our feel of the night, we are going to confront Kaden first thing in the morning. God, I swear I’m going to sink my nails into his damn face. I always knew he was a jerk but taking your virginity and then disappearing just like that? That is being overboard asshole and I’m not going to sit back and watch that slide,”   “When you put it like that, I guess a little bit of fun won’t be any harmful,” I smiled just as the limo pulled to a stop.   When the driver pulled open the door, my eyes took a minute to adjust to the colorful lights flashing from the club and decorating the immediate street. It was a huge building and from the outside, it screamed lavish and admittedly enough, way more extravagant than my Aunt’s Lana Blasé.   “Whoa! I have never seen anything like it,” Lucy mattered as she joined me outside the limo.   “Well, let’s see which of our dirty dreams gets fulfilled tonight, “I smiled, knowing very well, there was no way some extravagant club would fulfil my bucket list of dirty dreams. Heck, I had so many of them and back in high school, all the way through college, I actually had a diary full of them because dreaming always felt easier than facing reality. God knows where that diary disappeared to.   “That’s the spirit,” we walked towards the entrance manned by two delicious looking men. Oh, shoot me. If I get one man as hot as these two inside then, f**k it!  I’m going to get laid for the first time in eight years.   “Pass please,” One instructed and consequently, I fished the two invites from my purse.   “Here,” I said, handing them over to him.   He glanced at the invites and then a smile broke on his face and oh boy! It was a killer one.   “Hey Pete, hold up here for a second. I need to get these ladies to the exclusive,” Pete nodded and the guy who had been speaking to us the entire time, beckoned us to follow him inside.   “Oh, ladies, you are in for the night of your lives. Hope you put on your favorite panties,” he said.   Wait, what?
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