Three.|| Two Choices, which one?

2037 Words
Amelia’s POV I turned on the bed, my head banging due to the insane amount of alcohol that I had and it wasn’t until my vision was clear and I looked around that I realized where I was. I’d thought it was a dream, a beautiful dream that I didn’t want to wake up from but it wasn’t. Everything was real, I did have s*x with a stranger last night. I still felt pain between my legs so I gently stood from the bed and made my way to the bathroom and every nook of the hotel room in search of the man I’d spent the night with but he was nowhere. Letting out a sigh of relief as I sat, I was glad he wasn’t around because I had no idea what I was going to say or how I was going to feel if he had been on the bed with me. I picked up my clothes after having a quick shower and walked as slowly as I could out of the hotel room. The pain between my legs was unsettling and I cursed under my breath because the morning after pain wasn’t something I was expecting. Tired, I stopped a taxi and gave my address before leaning into the passenger seat and closed my eyes, memories of what happened last night seeped back into my head and no matter what I tried, I couldn’t shake it away. I’d thought that the s*x escapade with the stranger was going to help me forget but I only forgot about it for a second and now my chest hurts again from the heartbreak and the fact that I was going back to the house made my stomach churn. How could I face Selena without having the urge to kill her? How could I face my foster parents after what they did to me? Blinking back tears, I waited in the car for a while to get myself together before walking out and making my way to the house. There were cars packed outside and the men in suits looked strict, they didn’t smile but I didn’t care about them. All I wanted was to go to my room, curl up like a ball and cry until I could no longer see. My breath caught in my throat when I walked in to see Jason and Selena, they were holding each other. My chest tightened but I ignored them as I walked past them, “Selena?” Jason’s voice made me stop in my tracks and I turned to look at him with bloodshot eyes. The sight of him that was usually soothing was now disgusting, it was taking all that I had in me to not bash my handbag into his head as I tried to maintain my composure. My eyes darted to Selena and she only smiled evilly as she tried to clean off something on Jason’s mouth with her lips, leaving lipstick smudge on his. “What do you want?” I asked weakly because coupled with the heartbreak, my legs and p***y hurts, “is there any part of me that you would like to break?” I asked Jason. “Or something of mine that you would like to take because I can assure you that I have nothing left.” I added as I turned to Selena who only rolled her eyes at me before clearing her throat. “What Alpha Jason wanted to say,” she started as she laughed mockingly, “was that I’m taking Selena to be my mate.” Jason completed for her and I felt something tug at my chest. I knew it wasn’t the mate bond because it has been severed already but it was the pain of wasting four years of my life with him. I thought he genuinely loved me but the whole time he wanted my sister. Unable to let my true feelings be known, I laughed hysterically, taking them aback as they stared at me like I was some sick psychopath. “Do whatever you want, Jason, after-all, we’re no longer mates.” I responded before turning to leave for my room but my foster father’s voice calling my name made me stop again. “There is something else so don’t go around walking like you have a right to actually be here.” He yelled in anger but I only scoffed before turning to face him and it wasn’t until then that I saw one of the men I’d seen outside behind me. My mouth opened in surprise but before I could say anything, he plunged a syringe in my neck and I gasped, my entire body went numb at once as I stared at my foster family in disbelief. What is going on? What are they planning to do to me? The last face I saw was that of Selena, laughing at my predicament as the man carried me like a weighed nothing into the car outside. I wasn’t even given a chance to put up a fight or a chance to ask them what was going on. A chance to ask my family why they hated me so much. __________ My body ached and my eyes fluttered open, the memories of what happened started coming back to me and I sprung to my feet as I hurried to the door in a bid to run away but it was locked. “What do you bastards think you’re doing?!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, hitting the door so hard that I felt my palm starting to hurt, “LET ME GO!” I yelled again but there was nothing. I looked around desperately, everywhere was pitch dark and I knew there was nowhere for me to run. I looked around for windows but there were none and just when I thought I had a chance to run out the door flung open. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” One of the men who’d walked in said and I swallowed in fear, from the way he spoke, I could tell that they weren’t good people and they could kill me but I didn’t care. Without answering them, I tried to make a run for the door as fast as I could but they pulled me back before I could get there. The man who’d spoken carried me on his shoulder as I kicked my legs in the air and screamed for them to let me go. “Take care of her, she’s meeting the boss.” Another man said while the one who carried me on his shoulders dropped me. The lady didn’t say anything as she tried to force me into the room but I didn’t budge. “You can either go in willingly or we can force you and we’re going to stay and watch until she’s done dressing you up.” One of the men said and my skin crawled. “Do you think she’d be worth a sight?” Another asked, his eyes sizing me up and landing on my boobs. Realizing that these men are animals, I agreed to go with the lady who dressed me up. I looked like a cheap slut and when she was done with me, she told the men and they dragged me out of the room into a larger room that looked like a council room. “What do you bastards want with me?!” I yelled, not willing to go down without putting up a fight, “I don’t care who put you up to all of this and if you paid my father but you have absolutely no right to treat me like I’m nothing!” I added. “I have every right to treat you however I want because I paid for you,” a voice said from behind me, the voice resonated through the room and resounded multiple times in my head. I know that voice, I didn’t think I would but I knew the voice. My head turned and my breath caught in my throat when I saw a tall, devilishly handsome man standing behind me and as he made his way closer to me, his profile became more visible. He had scars and tattoos all over his body just like I usually see in the papers and on the internet. His ruggedly handsome face was vaguely familiar and yet so familiar. His profile spoke of immeasurable power and ageless strength and he carried himself with so much pride. His broad shoulders became more visible and his grey eyes, dark hair, his generous mouth and everything about him sent chills running down my spine. It’s him. I would recognize his face anywhere because there was no day that he wouldn’t make the news because of his horrible reputation and worse, his voice and eyes looked exactly like those of the man from yesterday. It’s Castriel Reign Maxim. The most ruthless Mafia Alpha in the world, the Capo of Apex Grove and the Alpha of Alphas. His aura was so strong that I could feel the ground pulling me into it so that I was going to fall to my knees and bow to him and not just that, I could also feel the mate bond pulling me into him. “You.” I muttered. “I thought you were only noisy in bed, I had no idea you are a naturally lousy bitch.” He said and my jaw dropped as I blinked multiple times. I still couldn’t believe that not only am I standing in front of Alpha Castriel, I had s*x with him and I can feel the mate bond. I can really feel the mate bond. The Mafia Alpha is my second chance mate?! The moon goddess has to be pulling some kind of stunt because first I got a jerk like Jason and now I’m getting an even bigger jerk. “We…. We’re m—“ “I have no use for a mate,” he cut me off like he already knew what I was going to say, “and I’d advise you to forget about whatever happened between us last night.” “Don’t delude yourself of the fact that I’m going to accept you just because of one night. You mean nothing to me, I only needed a p***y to keep my c**k warm and I found yours.” He finished. I could feel my entire being breaking, it felt like another rejection even though he didn’t outrightly reject me. “Now, I bought you with a huge amount of money and from now on you’re going to be my personal slave until I decide that I have no more use for you.” He finished. My blood boiled and my anger spiked as I felt a flicker of irritation. “You must really have your head in the clouds if you think I’m going to agree to this,” I scoffed, “the last thing I’m going to be is a murderer’s personal maid, do your worst but I’m not agreeing to whatever sick arrangement this is.” I finished. The sound of his laughter echoed through the room and before I could bat an eyelash, he was already in front of me, his hand around my neck as he pinned me against the wall. His face was awfully close and I could feel his hot breath on my face, my p***y throbbed and I couldn’t believe that I was getting turned on by him. “You called me a murderer and you’re right,” he started as he released me, “so, I’m going to give you two choices. Your fate lies in whatever choice you make.” He paused, I was still coughing and gasping for breath. “One, you can agree to this and live or Two, you disagree with me and lose your life right here and right now.” I had no idea when he pulled out a gun but he lifted my chin up with it so that I’d be staring into his eyes. “So, what is it going to be?”
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