
484 Words
As the storm cleared and the waves calmed, Delta swam up to shore. Making sure no humans were in sight, she hid by some rocks and transformed her tail into legs with the help of her Nova Stone.  She started walking along the beach naked. She loved how the sand felt under her feet and how the breeze hit her body. She always had to come when her father was busy. If he ever found out she had been out of the water, he’d turn her into a fish kabob.  Delta climbed a big rock that was on her way. When she reached the top she noticed something lying in the sand. Her curiosity got the better of her, and she climbed down and skipped to the object. To her realization, it wasn’t a thing, but a human girl.  She kneed down and inspected the girl. She was wet and had blood on her forehead. Delta looked out into the sea. She probably got into a boat wreck. Delta thought to herself. She moved the girl’s dark hair out of the way and lowered, placing her ear on the girl’s chest, checking to see if she was alive.  She had a heartbeat, but it was faint. Delta sat up and just stared at the girl. She noticed her heart-shaped lips were purple, she had faint freckles on her face. She was petite and rather small. Delta giggled a little, she thought that the girl looked like a doll. She was quite beautiful.  Delta stood on her knees and rolled the girl to her side, patting her back. A small light was coming from Delta’s hand into the girl’s back as she patted her. When she did so, she felt something strange coming from the girl. This girl wasn’t just human, but something gifted. A few minutes passed, and the girl started coughing the water that was left in her lungs.  Delta slowly helped her sit up. The girl was slowly coming to when she noticed Delta. She had a surprised look on her face as she scanned the naked Delta sitting by her. Her cheeks quickly reddened and she turned away.  “Are you alright human?” Delta asked her. The girl looked at Delta, “Human?”  Delta nodded, “I don’t see another human around but you.”  The girl just stared at Delta for a while and started looking around. She grabbed her head, “Where am I?” “You’re on the beach,” Delta answered. “I know that, but what beach?” “Lagoona Beach.” “Okay.” Delta tilted her head to the side, “What are you? What’s your name? Where are you from?”  The girl sheesh Delta, “Honestly all I remember is my name. I don’t remember anything else? “It’s probably because you hurt yourself.” Reached over and let her light shine on the girl’s bruise. It slowly faded away. “What is your name?” The girl slowly lifted her head and faced Delta. Both their eyes met, “Mira.”  Delta smiled widely, showing off her deep dimples. “Hi, Mira. I’m Delta.”
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