The Outer World

3533 Words
    I shivered partly from the icy environment, but mostly from the knowledge that I was one of the only people left.  The infection happened about a year ago.  Initially it was hard to even notice that someone was infected.  It presented itself as a simple cold, runny nose, maybe some sweating, nothing out of the ordinary, but that was just the beginning.  After the initial stage it would proceed to Stage 2.  If it stopped at Stage 2 it actually could be seen as an advantage.  When a person enters into Stage 2 of the virus they become stronger, faster, maybe even a little smarter.  As stated, if the virus stopped here everything would be good, but then it escalates to Stage 3.  At Stage 3 things take a turn for the worse and for the gruesome.  The infected's body would sprout fur, they would grow fangs, and they become almost primordial and animalistic.  The real issue, though, is that glimpses of their humanity shines through.  At some points they don't appear to be monsters, they seem normal, almost human.  It is these rare glimpses that makes it hard to kill them when you have to.  You'll raise your weapon ready to strike, your hands will shake, your eyes will well up with tears, and you will have to decide if you will strike or perish.  It will be the toughest decision of your life and will be made even more difficult if you knew the person before they changed. That isn't the worst part of the disease; however, what truly makes it bad is people who would overreact over a simple sniffle.  An Achoo and people were quick to yell the world is ending.  There was the response of just isolating oneself from the person but some responses became more vicious.     So, what differentiates Stage 1 from a normal cold?  The answer is nothing.  This led to massive bouts of paranoia, even a small sniffle and people's hair would stand on end.  At least that was the initial response.  It started to even turn violent, people killing with any sign of the infection.  Letting it proceed to Stage 3 was just too dangerous.  At least that was the justification they gave for their murders.  They told themselves that killing was the only way to keep the virus in check.  They saw themselves as heroes, in their minds they were keeping the world safer.  It really gave extremists reasons to kill people they didn't agree with.  Things became truly horrific and this was only the early stages of the virus. Any sign of a cold and people were ready to kill.  They saw it as the only logical way to prevent the disease from escalating and keeping it in check.  It led to schisms in society and an us vs. them mentality.  Maybe if people were not so quick to violent responses, just maybe there could have been cooperation and a chance to find a true cure, but fear was the first and main response.  This fear permeated into all of society, it was its own virus.  A disease of the mind that was manipulating people's actions.  If only people identified the real issue was this isolationist attitude, this fear, this contempt, the vile actions.  It was tough to determine who shed more blood, the Extremists who were killing anyone with a sniffle or the monsters who were killing purely from animalistic instinct.  It was easy to determine who's killings were more horrendous.  While the monsters might leave more of a mess they were not killing out of choice but from purely a reactionary stance.  The extremists chose to do their killings, they could have chosen to just leave people alone, but they decided that a slight sniffle authorized a death sentence.  This might have been the real horror that came from this event.     What started the virus was tough to say.  There were many conspiracy theories about, who and why the virus was originated. Some say the government was trying to create the perfect super soldiers for war and their use of animal DNA corrupted the batch, this would explain the Stage 2, but really nothing else, other than the fact it was a failed experiment.  Some say that scientists were trying to find the cure for the common cold, but a disgruntled scientist changed the formula slightly and now we ended up with this, this explains Stage 1 and the formula change would explain the rest.  Others say it was an attempt at mind control by making humans more animal like and easy to train, but clearly it was an utter failure, this may explain Stage 3.  No matter what wild theory you believe or do not believe, from my point of view no one truly knows what caused it.  In addition to not knowing what caused this, it is clear that no one is any closer to figuring out how to stop it either.  People decided to take wild actions to try to fix the problem.  If there was any chance that it would end the disease it was a risk worth taking.     Many scientists tried to find a cure and prevent the disease from spreading, but it wasn't an easy task.  Their initial trials on individuals in Stage 1, were inconclusive at best.  They then proceeded to run tests on Stage 2 individuals but the true harmful effects of the virus were dormant at this stage and they couldn't find anything to fight.  Which brought them to the realization that they would need to catch an individual who had made it to Stage 3.  This was a very dangerous proposition given how strong and vicious the creatures were.  The scientists suited up with the most technologically advanced stunning weapons they had and went out to hunt for one of the creatures.  They did eventually detain one of the beasts, but not before a few scientists were ripped to shreds.  The screams could be heard miles away.  Some people wanted to go help but it was too dangerous to get even within six feet of these creatures.  They were lucky to have enough scientists survive to continue their research on the creatures.       With the beast detained they brought it back to the facility to begin testing and hopefully find the necessary formula for an effective cure.  Things were looking up, initially the fur started disappearing and the fangs receding with their first batch, at least that is what the scientists announced to society, they were pretty tight lipped on what they were testing and what their results were.  No video was shared, no data was presented.  Everything was word of mouth.  Which was probably a good idea for them since, their cure didn't last.  The creature reverted, fur started to regrow, thicker than before, fangs reappeared, as sharp as ever, and it broke out of the containment field.  The creature proceeded to s*******r the majority of the scientists, once again their screams could be heard throughout.  A couple scientists escaped with the paperwork and research they had on the cure, but it seemed unlikely that they would be able to proceed with their research.  They retreated to a fortified bunker, having to come to realization that their actions were a failure, and ended up costing so many people their lives.  Even through the thick doors of their bunker you could still hear their weeps.  Maybe they will find a cure, but most people's hope in this solution evaporated.  With the majority of the scientists murdered the chance of a cure dwindled immensely.  The few remaining scientists were determined given how much they failed.  They wanted to redeem themselves and avenge their fallen comrades, but they had very little resources left to make this a reality.     There was another faction of individuals that resorted to the practices of the old ones to find a solution.  The old ones existed before the technological revolution.  They would read vast tomes and commune with creatures of immense power in order to access and harness the abilities of the mythical realm.  Most people did not believe in magic and even the ones who did, the vast majority saw it as more trouble than it was worth.  Have you ever tried to summon and make a deal with a demon?  Well I can tell you it is a messy process.  I have seen magic work and while I would never just blindly believe it could solve all problems I would be foolish to not believe that it might be able to solve the problem.  I would be idealistic if I believed everything could be explained and also quite hubristic.  The world is full of mystery and I chose to embrace that mystery, some people saw this as desperation, but I saw it as realistic.  People were  looking into anything that might provide a solution.  They poured over multiple large tomes and the closest they could find were references to werewolves.  There was mention of a plant that once eaten would transform a werewolf back into a human and cure them of their affliction.  The location of the healing plant was a mystery, though.  Maybe the tomes held the information, but from initial perusing by the warlocks of the land they did not seem to gleam the knowledge they needed.  Legend speaks that they are still wandering the land hoping to find the necessary plant to end the true trauma that is the virus.     In addition to the lore about a plant with curative properties there was also lore about how to kill a werewolf.  It states that werewolves are vulnerable to silver and a silver weapon will be able to harm them.  Sadly, most silver has vanished.  The warlocks stated that they had to trade it with demons in order to appease them and keep us safe.  It is more likely that they were hoarding it, but there is no guarantee that this is true.  Legend does speak that the tomb of the great elders does house an enchanted silver blade that supposedly can slay anything.  It is also rumored that the tomb has a plethora of deadly traps and only the wisest and swiftest can survive.  So far, this rumor appears to be true, since I have not seen anyone wielding the enchanted blade and the few individuals that had entered the tomb never left the enclosure.  To survive against these werewolves, though, it might be necessary to find it.  Maybe our futuristic lasers and energy blades will be able to harm their pelts, but there is no guarantee that this will.  The lore is very old, so no one knows what truly can harm werewolves.  In addition, these creatures could be something entirely different, werewolves was just the closest matching description.     Besides these two main groups trying to find a way to cure the virus, the rest of society is just trying to survive.  Currently I am a loner.  Other people formed groups to try to up their chances to survive but in my mind it is better to be is ton your own.  The main reason is the fact it is so difficult to kill someone you know, if they turn.  It is already difficult enough to kill a complete stranger, but it is much harder to kill someone you know.  Also, when in a group you are constantly worrying about everyone else, if they go out to find food or supplies, you worry that they might never comeback.  By being on my own I only need to worry about keeping myself alive and not about protecting others.  Don't get me wrong, I care about people, actually I might care too much, which is the main reason why I have decided to be on my own.  You might not believe me, but it is true.       I faintly could hear the howl of the creatures.  It was time to get moving again.  If I stayed in one place too long I would be an easy target for the creatures.  I pulled my cloak tighter and pulled my hood up.  I held my blade close to my side and flung my satchel over my shoulder.  I tried to move as lightly as I could on the snow.  I didn't want to leave any footprints that they could follow.  I wasn't sure where I wanted to go, I just knew that I had to keep moving, there was no time to stop and relax.  Luckily for me my interest in magic has made it so I don't have to eat or sleep.  I learned a spell that allowed me to craft a bracelet which makes it so I always have energy and am never hungry.  Sadly it isn't satisfying.  I enjoy a fancy meal, but with how often I need to be on my toes I can hardly ever take a second to relax.  I continued to move as quietly as I could to make sure I wouldn't bring any attention to myself.  I noticed a nook in a tree and proceeded to hide myself in there.  I pulled the drawstring on my satchel and started to take inventory of my items.  I removed my spellbook and began reading.  I noticed a protection spell, which was definitely needed in these times.  Better safe than sorry I thought.  I grabbed my brush and began painting runes on my cloak.  These glyphs should be able to protect me from most dangers.     "What you doing?" A high shrill voice appeared out of nowhere.  I brandished my sword and prepared for the worst.     "Who goes there?"     "A sword, oh you don't need that.  Let me fix that."    *Poof* suddenly my sword was a bouquet of flowers.  I grumbled to myself.  Oh, great I thought, I am dealing with a pixie.     "Show yourself.  What do you want?"     "I'm only here to help.  I noticed your magical tome." Suddenly a creature began to materialize.  They were short with pointy ears, a slight pinkish hue to them, translucent wings, and somewhat tattered clothes.     "So, you are a pixie."     "Yes, that is what I am and I can help you." The creature let out a little giggle.  Clearly it was getting enjoyment out of this exchange.     "How can you help me?"     "I'll tell you, but first a game." Of course, pixies are mischievous creatures, it is never easy with them.     "Fine, what is the game?"     "Hide and seek. You're it.  Good luck." Another small giggle and the pixie vanished into thin air.  Oh great, I would just walk away, but there isn't much worse than ignoring a pixie.  Lucky for me I had something that would give me an edge in this game.  I reached into my satchel and pulled out some night vision goggles.  Even with their magic to become invisible pixies can't get rid of their heat signature.  I would find the pixie in no time.  What I needed to figure out next was how I was going to catch up with them, though. They had to have some kind of weakness.  I pulled my tome out of my satchel and flipped to the chapter on creatures.  Minotaurs, nope not that.  I flipped a few more pages, aha here it is Pixies.  Let me see if it has anything to say about their weaknesses.       "Given their usually tattered clothing, Pixies are easily entranced by fancy clothing.  Anything that looks     regal or expensive is known to hold their attention. " I took a quick look at my cloak and thought to myself that this probably would attract the pixie's attention.  It was time to set a trap for a tricky little creature.  I removed my cloak and scribbled a glyph on it that should disable the invisibility of the pixie.  I started shivering and really hoped this would work quickly.  I walk further out and laid my cloak down and then retreated to a distance.  I turned on the infrared goggles and now all I had to do was wait.  It didn't take long for the Pixie to notice the cloak laid out on the icy ground.  It began flying closer and closer to it.  They were only a few inches from it.  The Pixie landed softly on the cloak and their invisibility disappeared.  I emerged from the shadows and claimed my victory.     "Game Over."     "No, it can't be over.  No, no, no.  Best 2 out of 3."     "A promise is a promise.  You said you would help me if we played a game.  The game has been played.      So, what is the help?"     "Very well, a deal is a deal.  I bet you are wondering what the creatures are."     "Aren't they werewolves?"     "Haha.  Oh, you were serious.  No, they are not werewolves.  While they might have a very close     resemblance to werewolves they are a much different beast."     "How are you so sure about this."     "This isn't the first time this virus has occurred.  I was around when this happened before."     "How did people deal with it back then?"     "Sadly, it turned bloody.  Hopefully, I'll be able to prevent that from happening again."     "So, the plant the mages are looking for won't cure the disease?"     "Sadly it will not.  Their search will be in vain.  Well not completely."     "What do you mean, not completely?"     "Well, the plant is part of the cure for the disease, but the preparation is much more than just the plant."     "What other ingredients are needed in order to make the cure."     "Well for starters you will need ground silver."     "Ground silver?? but the only silver that is known of is the legendary sword of the elders located in the         Tomb of Unspeakable Evil."     "Will that be a problem?  If you think that will be the hardest ingredient to get, you are sadly mistaken."     "It gets more difficult than retrieving the blade from a booby trapped tomb?"     "Oh yes.  Haha, there are a few more ingredients."     "Well, can you please share them.  Every minute I waste standing still could lead to the monsters finding     and killing me."     "Sorry, sorry.  Well you will need the scale of a dragon.  The blood of a yeti and the tears of a faerie."     "There is no guarantee that any of these creatures even still exist."     "Oh, they exist.  Only people who believe can see and find us, though.  That is the main reason why the     last time this occurred it became so bloody."     "So, if I just think of a dragon it will appear?"     "Haha, no silly.  Only a few of us can break the veil between the magical world and this plane of     existence.  It will not be as easy as just thinking of a dragon to have it appear."     "Well, if it can't appear just cause of wishful thinking, which was wishful thinking.  How do I go about     finding these mythical creatures and acquiring these ingredients.  Every minute that passes could be     another person dead or infected with the virus.  This is very urgent."     "Oh, I understand.  Well you will be able to interact with the magical world in an area of large amounts of     concentrated magic.  You probably could find such a place among a group of wizards or the tomb of the     elders definitely is concentrated with magic.  It would need some serious magic to stay undisturbed for     so many years."     "Well, breaking into the tomb by myself is most likely a suicide mission.  Even if you came along I don't     think it would be enough to infiltrate it.  Especially given that what traps are guarding the tomb are     completely unknown.  That means we will need to track down the wizards.  Luckily they were searching     for the plant, which is needed for the cure, so finding them will be a great step in completing the cure.      Shall we get going?"     "You want me to come along?  How can I trust you?"     "Well, given the fact you are probably the only creature that knows how to access the magical world and     get these ingredients, I can't really do this without you.  Given that I need you to complete the cure I     really have no choice but to follow your lead, which means you call the shots.  Given that you are in     charge, there is no way for me to double cross you.  Also, we both want the same thing.  I want to cure     everyone of the disease and you want redemption.  So, are you coming?"     "Will there be games?"     "Ugh, sure there will be games.  Can we get going?"     "Yay, yes.  Let's go.  No time to waste." We set out along the icy ground.  It made a slight crunch under my feet, but not enough to alert anyone.  I had not heard any howls in the distance, which was good.  The creatures must be occupied.  We'll need to find the direction the wizards have traveled in and hopefully we will be able to catch up to them in time.  I wasn't sure exactly where the plant was and it is tough to say if the wizards are even going in the right direction.  All I could hope for is find some sign to lead me in the right direction.     

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