Chapter 1

589 Words
*Alina’s POV* The rain beats against my face drenching me as I run free through a field of lilacs. My long black hair flies madly around me as the wind whooshes through it as I move with speed. The freedom of running in my human form is indescribable but it’s not as liberating as it is when I’m in the form of my wolf. The purple hue of the lilacs and the deep amber sky is a picturesque scene. I feel Lux (my wolf counterpart) stir awake within me. She lets out a wonderful deep howl and I let her consume me. I feel my white sundress fall away exposing my porcelain skin and full figure. Just as I am about to shift I see him… I see a majestic dark grey to black ombre wolf in the distance. His teal eyes are so vibrant they appear to be glowing, almost. I suddenly realize that I am naked. I can feel his gaze travel from my head-staring straight into my green eyes-down to my full breasts, to my slim waist, and even lower. He starts to approach me, and this is when I hear a voice. “Alina.” “Lena, honey, wake up!”  I open my eyes to find myself in my bedroom. My mum pulled the white curtains open to let the sunlight into my room. “It’s already 7 am sweety,” she says as her hand softly caresses my cheek. “Good morning mum,” I say with a faint smile on my lips. “Good morning, Habibi (sweetheart in Arabic).”  “I picked out an outfit for you, to save you some time,” my mum says as she heads to the door. “It’s an important day, we will start receiving guests at noon, so let’s get a move on,” she says with a bright smile. She leaves just to peer back through the door, “oh, and happy birthday my love” she blows me a kiss and leaves.  I can’t help but giggle at her actions. My mum has always been someone I looked up to as far as I can remember. Although she is the strong Luna Zara Akkad, of the Gold Crescent pack of Syria, that’s renowned for her powerful fighting skills, and her eloquent public speaking skills, she is just as gentle and sometimes even goofy as a mother-who I see more as a friend. My father, Alpha Daniyal Akkad is similar as well. He is a highly respected and feared Alpha of one of the oldest and formidable packs native to Babylon, now known as present-day Syria. Our pack dates back to pre-Islamic times and has had to move around a lot to find a safe space to settle. For the last 50 years, our pack, the Gold Crescent pack has been settled in Worthshire, England, U.K. Although my father is feared by those he governs and those who don’t know him well, he is a gentle soul. It’s no wonder why my parents are true mates. They are so much alike. It’s because I have seen their love that I have fervently prayed to the Moon Goddess for this day. April 29, 2020. My 18th birthday.  I shifted at the age of 13, pretty early for my kind, but not unusual because of my lineage. However, I had to wait till I came of age to meet my mate. Today is the day when I am supposed to find my true mate. I can’t wait to see him, meet him, hold him, and of course, live happily ever after.
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