When The Fighting Came

251 Words
She was a chubby and healthy baby. Happy, too. Her parents absolutely doted on her, although she would have no memory of this. She was their firstborn and a rainbow baby. After years of struggling to reach a full-term pregnancy, her mother obsessed over her every move. She never left her beautiful baby girl, not for a moment.  When the war came, the fighters did their best to hide all the non-fighting men and women, as well as the children, but they were overcome by enemy numbers. Mothers tried to protect their children, and brothers and sisters stood between bloodthirsty enemy warriors and their younger siblings. Children watched as their parents were slaughtered. There was no mercy that day. One girl, only 9 years of age, took an opportunity. She'd played dead, and the blood on her face and the bite marks on her arms only helped to sell the story. The baby had started to cry, and she knew the men wouldn't care that she was not even a year old. These men didn't care for age, nor gender. They only cared about money, about bloodshed. The girl was the niece of the Alpha and the Luna. She knew that by now, her father, the Beta was dead. She grabbed the baby from the place where her mother had hidden her. The girl knew of some secret tunnels, barely large enough for a child to fit in, let alone these huge men. The tunnels would take her to the humans. 
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