First day at school.

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"Mia hurry up or your gonna be late for school." My mother yelled. I would race around my room and get my school bag ready and racing down stairs to grab an apple and run out to the car. My farther would drop me off at school. "Have a good first day at school sweetie!"  - - - first period: Jake's POV: I was waiting for my first period students to walk through the door at any minute now. But when the bell rang i didn't expect to see one of the most beautiful little girl ever she walked in and sat down in the back and grabbed out her book i couldn't stop staring but i knew i had to before someone caught me. When everyone was settled down i would start off the lesson by marking the role then i would start talking about the medieval area. -  Half-way through first period Mia's POV: i would listen to the teacher Mr J Jackson i was told that's what everyone calls him because he has a twin that works here two so everyone call them Mr J Jackson for Jake Jackson and Mr T Jackson for Tyler Jackson. But i must say Mr J Jackson looks really hot like seriously he had tattoos all over his arms and they where muscly you can tell he works out a lot. I was so detracted in looking at him and day dreaming about things that i didn't even know he was calling my name. Jake's POV: I was about what people would wear in Medieval area when i went to ask someone what they think the 'peasants' wore when i looked over at Mia i could see she was day dreaming so i thought i would call her out and ask her. "Mia can you please tell me what you think the 'peasants' wore back in the medieval area?" No answer she didn't even listen "Mia!" Then she finally released "Sorry what was that Mr Jackson?" She would ask innocently/embarrassed. - - - Lunch time: Jake's POV: I would finish with my class and go to my twin brothers class knowing he would have kids in detention today. "Tyler i have a student I've never seen or heard about before in my class and i must say she's beautiful." I would tell Tyler all about first period - - -  Last period: Tyler's POV: After my brother told me about the student i looked to see if i had her in any of my classes and it seems i do for the last period today and sadly i have another student in my class that is annoying and seems to like me and my brother.  When everyone came into class Jasmine would sit at the closes desk near mine i was annoyed about it until i seen her Mia Johnston my brother was right she was stunning! When she sat down at the back and everyone else was seat i started with the lesson but when Mia put her hand up to ask me something "Sir if we put the basketball and the tennis ball at the same height and dropped them wouldn't the basketball have more energy because it's bigger and the bigger it is the more energy it has?" I would smile at the fact she knew that but before i could answer Jasmine said something "No it wouldn't because the small the ball the bouncer it is you stupid child." Mia would look at her pretty angry but before she would say something i said "No Jasmine, Mia you are correct the bigger it is the more energy." i could hear Mia say who's the stupid one now huh.  I continued with the lesson - - -  Home time
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