My Begining( Prologue)

622 Words
              Life for me has never been easy. I had a hard time growing up and adapting to the expanding world around me. My family was different bipolar even. It was never a happy family it was almost gloomy. I won’t say there weren’t any happen moment because there were, but when I try to think back and try to remember them nothing comes to mind. My earliest memory is not a happy one I was very young so I can’t remember much everything is very blurry, but the emotions that come to me when remember that memory are sad and happy, I would say it more like a conflict. It is a memory that makes me sad and brings me to tears but I do not understand why.              I remember that before my sister was born life was hard for my parents. I did not know at the time that my dad was cheating on my mom and using all their savings making very hard for my mother to pay for all of our living expenses. My sister Alondra was born a year later even with all the financial troubles. I was being selfish when I asked my parents for a sibling but being an eight-year-old that didn’t know understand or know about the financial troubles that they were going through all I wanted was a sibling someone that I could love and share my feelings with. After Alondra things between my parents got worse, I started to overhear them talk about not having enough money for groceries. Later my mother sat me down and. Told me about my father’s affairs and that he had used all their savings on those other women. Life after that got worse for me my mom started taking out her anger on my father on me. I am an exact copy of my father my mom says it’s because my father family didn’t believe that I was his child. They believe that my mother had cheated on my father and passed of the child as his, so God decide to prove to them how wrong they were and make me and exact copy of my dad but the differencing being I was born a female and not male. I started growing up alone I had a father and mother with me but emotionally I had no one. I never and have never told my mom anything about my personal life.  She knows who my friends are but she has never actually meet to the extent in which they have a conversation. I went to college a few hours away from home because I wanted to get away and I loved it. Now being back home, I miss it.              My relationship with my mother has gotten better for some reason I think being away from home help her understand feeling for me. My relationship with my father has only gotten worse. My relationship with sister has always been great and during a time in her life she called me mother. My parents acknowledged me as her mother I have always give her the emotional support that I wish I as a child. During my twenty years of life I have come to learn. Several things about myself. Music is my coping mechanism. Listening to music helps me deal with my feeling, it helps me when I am trying to adapt to new surrounding and experiences, it is there when I am feeling depressed, and it is there when I want to feel some affection. Life for me in my twenty-two years of life has not been great, but it can always get better.
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