Under the ground

259 Words
( I was looking in the school library for a fairy tale and suddenly my hands fell on this notebook when I read it the first time I thought that  It was just a joke to freak people out but after making a little investigation into the registers of the former students of my high-school, it turned out that Cherry Clarkson was real and she studied here from 1923 to 1926 ). 6 / 6 / 1926 Woods hole 9 :21 PM Every second my death is getting closer and closer but I don't want to  die now not because I am afraid or because I think that it's not fair the death of a sixteen years old,but for the reason that I won't die before sharing my story with the other teenagers no one ever should repeat the same mistake as me . Ten kilometers under the high-school ground, there's a room where I am hiding and where I am writing this, I can not deny that it's so scary here, there's a lot of insects everywhere, but compared with the butchery that I saw up this seems to be nothing. I wish if I could turn back time just one week ago I swear I would not make the same mistakes I would be wiser, God forgives my sins.   please before proceeding you must be careful, don't read the spells that I will mention out loud they're real and very powerful. My name is Cherry Clarkson and this could be the last time I right something .
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