Chapter One.

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Chapter One.  The beginning of the end. May God have mercy on my enemies, because I won´t. March 24, 3570 3:00 A.M. “Third person´s point of view.”  In one of the hidden underground laboratories in the old city of  Lupus Oppidum, was Doc. Sebastian Rolando, one of the best geneticists of the time, sitting at his desk, he was filling out some forms when a small blue light started flickering on the dashboard, alerting him that the patient 203 was on the moving inside his room, Rolando turned on the cameras that were in the patient's room and he was not surprised to find him convulsing in his bed, the ties that were around him kept him in place, but soon they would give in to his strength, they always do. Rolando thought of the atrocious things that happened in that laboratory, experiments that would only be seen in horror stories and that some would call evil and cruel. But for the Rolando, and most of those who worked there, it was a magnificent advance for science. It all started with a small project some years ago, which nobody thought would work out. A new virus surfaced the earth and eradicated a huge amount of the population, leaving behind a total chaos, in the year 300, scientist have been searching for a cure since then. And in the middle of it all, one doctor came whit a new discover, what if they mix animals cells to humans? There is known for centuries that animals had had qualities that humans lack, so would it be bad if they mixed it a little bit? And with that the process began, first they collected some specimens of animals that had certain qualities a human would benefit from, strength, speed, and a faster healing. They searched for years until they found the perfect way to rate new life. They needed to perfect it, make it work. So to start the second face of the project they needed something. Something alive. So the doctor that was in control over that time gave the order to bring people to experiment with. And with time and a lot of errors they created the first super human. But sadly it didn’t lived long enough, the different genes kept tearing apart, but they kept trying. Until one day they found the way to stick all together and the first specimen was born. They named her The Shadow, it was their patient number 444, and surprisingly, with the years passing by she didn’t aged, what was a shock for them. She was one of the best trackers they would come up with, she was fantastic in the field. And with her they were able to track the gen that would let them create a new kind of humans.  With the new discovery the doctors were able to mix animals and humans DNA, binging a new species to form. And here they were, 30 years later, with a vast number of experiments of everything you can imagine. Using genetics and the advances of the sciences and Tec it was possible to carry out certain mutations. First on humans and then they were capable of creating that live of cero. And now, the doctors were capable of quipping them alive and active so they could experiment whit them. This new species were able to cure faster pace than a human, they were stronger, and sometimes even more intelligent. They would be a danger to the society if they ever get loosed. There were 4 kinds of new species and they were ranked to the most dangerous to the least. The first one of the list were the shadows, they were creatures with humanoid form that were able to transport very fast from one place to another. They were tall creatures, with long arms and legs that had sharp and pointy nails. They were the first ones that the scientist were capable to create, and they were the most lethal ones, codificated to be used in wars. The second creature was a human that was mix with a lot of animal’s gens, such as wolves, lizards and large felines. They were able to shape shift some parts of their bodies. The third and fourth ones, were the most docile ones, they were tiny creatures that resembled primates, but they still had their dangerous side when they felt in danger. He pressed the emergency button and left the control room leaving the door open. As he ran down the white and narrow corridors he shouted instructions to anyone who would listen. The people around him began to move and follow his orders. The steps began to echo through the hallways. Rolando stopped before turning the last corner towards the room 203, it was then when realization hit him. Listening to the screams that echoed in the hallways, patient 203 was not the only one altered. He could see from the fearful faces of his colleagues, that they were scared, which was not the least. Here you could find what everyone commonly knew as monsters, and hearing their screams and roars, could cause a certain feel terror. With the feeling that something wrong was going to happen that night, the doctor went as quickly as he could to the room and saw his team fighting against patient 203. 203 skin was covered in sores, as if he had been seriously burned. He was completely bald head to toes, but the worst thing were his eyes. Where were used to be his eyeballs now there was a black hole with red sockets. Which looked like a where filled with rotting blood. He didn’t had normal teeth’s you could see fangs protruding from his mouth when he opened it trying to bite whatever was closest to him. Coming out of his shock, the doctor approached the tray with the medications to take the painkillers to be able to administer it to calm 203 down. He noticed his patient was watching every move, he follow doctor Rolando moves, as if he was calculating what they were going to do. His eyes were focused on him, and his seizures increased in force as if he wanted to get free the faster he could. It was noticeably that the chains were going to break if they did not do something fast. Rolando ran as fast as he could and took his arm with all his strength and injected the sedative, and seconds later the subject calmed down and he was closing her eyes in dismay. Still staring at him, until the door slammed shut when they all came out of the room. They all stood there, agitated, looking at the door that locked one of those beasts inside. They looked at each other like they shared a secret they swore to never tell, and they went on separated ways. There was no way not to show fear for creatures like these. When you saw what they could do in the year of studies on their training days and how visceral and bloody they could be.  “Doc. Rolando point of view”  My colleagues and I trembled our way out of there. I left them to clean up the mess we made and I went to the control room again. Where I locked myself as soon as I entered. More relive I began to breathe with my back against the wall for a few seconds until I could calm down and sat in front of the computer with the cameras on. Noticing that today we had eight deaths from my colleagues. I looked at the time on the clock on the wall and saw that it was already Tired from the effort and fatigue because I hadn’t slept for the past two days, so I decided to sleep for the rest of the night. Turning off the screens and lights in the room, leaving me in the darkness, with the only light that enters the room being the one of the corridor that passes under the door. I threw myself into a recliner and closed my eyes. I was awakened by the shrill alarm that sounded through the room. Confused I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that I had slept for at least forty minutes. Disoriented, I got up from the recliner and went to the desk, where I turned on the screens and looked at them. Forcing my eyes to focus on the images that it was showing me. My body froze when I became aware of what was happening and with an accelerating heart I rubbed my eyes because I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Some of the experiments had somehow managed to break free and were creating chaos on the hallways. I jumped out of my chair and ran to the office door and put the lock codes and saw how the steel bars were crossing the door and making it impossible for what was outside to enter. A little more calm, trusting that nothing would reach me, I turned to go back to the table, stumbling over my steps to get to it and put the codes that activates the Azula protocol. Making the alarms sound louder, doors made of steel started falling in the corridors to block the passage of those things. The doors of the rooms had the same mechanism as mine, so those things would stay where they are. Those monsters, they can never see the surface, there is no notion of the chaos they would cause, some have no conscience, and they are pure instinct, wild. I watched in horror as the people who were stuck with those things were torn in to pieces while being devoured. I saw these creatures rejoice in blood and flesh, causing me to almost throw up. The smartest ones looked for ways to open the doors while hitting against the walls and doors roaring with fury. There were all kinds, even some that neither I knew existed, since they were not part of my area. Which made me think that not only my area was a total chaos. I was so amazed watching a little green dragon spit fire out of his mouth at one of my colleagues. That I did not see when one of the experiments found out one of the few ventilations in the place. Nor did I see when she managed to get up to the ventilation and started to slide down it, up to me. This creature was something special, it was one of the most intelligent of my prototypes, and it had an extraordinary sense of smell. It managed to perceive odours and track them miles away, so it was not very difficult for it to catch my scent and follow it. Until it found me and observed and analysed me through the ventilation. Most of these creatures were designed to help science fight disease, but in some cases, such as the patient 444, the shadow as we used to call her. They were created for hunting and war, making it very easy for her to slide out of the tube silently until her feet hit the ground and she crawled towards me. That is the thing of inventing something that is as intelligent as you. You do not know when it will overcome you. Or what tricks they have under their sleeve. It was so quiet that I didn't felt her until, until she was a few inches from me. My body froze when I felt her presence, her breathing moved my hair. It felt warm at the nape of my neck, and the smell of his last dinner reached my nose every time she exhaled. My first instinct was to try to run, even though I knew there was no escape from there. I did not turn around, I did not want to see her face, and I did not want that to be the last thing that was engraved in my memory. As soon as I took three steps she caught me. And I felt her weight on my back. I was waiting for her attack, but that did not remove the fact that she took me by surprise when her hand crossed my chest. I watched without believing it when her bloody hand moved her fingernails.  Her long and sharp nails had some pieces of flesh. I heard a snorting sound coming from her, like a nasal laugh, it felt like she was mocking me. My eyes started to close slowly. My conscience became faded, so I do not know if what I heard was a hallucination. Her voice was a mixture of a vibration and a growl, with a strange tint. As like when she spoke it seemed that her tongue touched her teeth, and made that whispering sound. Rolando had never heard her say a single word before, no sound came out of her mouth other than grunting and screaming. I felt her reach close to my ear and whisper the last words I'd ever hear in my life.  "This is the beginning of the end of your sick race. And the best of it is that any of you would be able to see it."  She violently extracted her hand from my chest and took my head with her bloody hands and started to hit it on the nearest wall. Until the last thing I saw was her smiling face while listening to her laugh, as if she was seeing the funniest thing in the world.  “Third person´s point of view”   What the technician did not see after the creature had finished with him, was how she sat in his chair. She searched in her memory for all the keys that she had memorized when the doctors thought that she was not seeing or hearing. She typed the keys that opened all the doors, connecting all the floors and bringing the beasts with them. Freeing the millions of creatures that were locked there. Which were running through the hallways killing everything that they saw. Piled up to see who managed to fill their stomachs first. Staining the walls red and leaving a smell of blood and death in its way. Pressing one last button, 444 saw the doors leading to the outside begin to open, making her companions focus on it and in the view of the desert that opened before them, a new world to explore and dominate. 444 rose quietly from the seat, licking the blood from her fingers. Walked down the now empty aisle as if she were the queen. With a macabre smile, assuming that her plan had been a complete success. She went out the outer doors and inhale as deeply as she could overloading herself with the new scents. A new world awaited them and she was eager to see it burn and fall. And it wouldn't take long for her plan to become true. She has been planning this for years. It was all meticulously calculated and it did not had any flaws. It was perfect from the end to the start and she was joyful that everything came out perfect. She was going to become the queen of this world and nothing would stop her. Not that weak and stinky creatures that kept them locked up. Stepping out of the building she felt for the first time the sand in her feet’s. And she found it fascinating how it felt the air hitting her skin for the first time. It all made her fell what the humans would call happy, and with that she started to track her brothers and sisters to begin to form the new world she wanted. The first to fall were the small towns surrounding the building they were trapped. People were unprepared for the horde of hungry beasts that attacked them at night, their footsteps were like earthquakes, shaking the ground as they moved. What prevailed was the noise of their roars and the screams of the poor innocent’s people who were on their way. The beast were able to eradicate some areas before the trumpets of war were activated in the big cities. They began to call them the Whispers, since it was the first thing you heard. Whispers that invited you to come closer, and then catch you and take you into the dark of the night. Where you heard the screams of terror from people who were not lucky enough to die in a quick way. The newscasts featured creatures that could climbed and fly. Others that could look normal when they did not shape shift. Animals that people believed to be mythological but now walked with them. Creatures so strong that armies could not contain their advance. Which led to the near extinction of the human race in just over a year. They spread like a disease, infecting everything. Scientists never believed that they could evolve so fast. And the most surprising thing is that they were capable of infecting others through bites or scratches, the horde was out of control. So the people in power decided to create underground cities that would serve as a saving for those who were still alive. There where everyone who was not contaminated, while up in the earth the Apocalypse was happening. Creating a new world with new rules, leaving behind the old world. The metropolis, as the people started to call the bunkers, closed their doors one year later of the first attack. And those doors have been closed for over two thousand years and no one would believe that they would ever reopen. And it stayed like that until one day a little eight year old brunette girl opened one of those doors to came out and see what was behind the big metal doors. And that little incident lead to one on the beast to see her, he was lurking in the shadows, searching for a prey when he smelled her perfume. Leaving him fascinated with the creature that his mother, the queen, used to tell stories about. He watched her picking a flower from the floor and bringing it to her face to smell it. And that kind of interaction went from years, without her noticing it. She would come out and explore the world of outside and he would stay hidden in the trees from the dark forest that surrendered the bunker. Creating a kind of obsession that grew bigger with the years. And he came up with a plan to have her, and he would do everything he could to be with her.   
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