Chapter 1

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 "Please, Cam, don't leave us, we need you! I need you!" "Oh Callie-- Pro-promise me, you will live your life the way you've always dreamed of. You are so beautiful, never let anyone bring you down. I will always be with you. I will always be here." he put his hand over my heart. "Mom, dad, and Aspen will need you now more than ever, don't let me down Cal, I believe in you. Be happy-- for me. Please." "I will Cam, I promise. I love you so much." I said, not holding back the tears. I could hear the shouts of my parents running our way. "I more princess," he said, and with that, my brother was gone. I felt so alone. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Seven years ago, I lost my brother in a rogue attack. We were making our way back home from the woods when they just came and started to attack us. Thankfully the patrols fought most of them off, except one. He came charging at me, that's when I noticed my brother was already laying on the ground, all life leaving him. That's when I first shifted into my wolf. I was just ten years old, a normal time for a wolf to first shift. I could feel all this anger in me, that I shifted and me being Beta, my wolf size was bigger than the rogue. I used my training, and I pinned him down. My claws digging into his ribs, instantly killing him. I shifted back and covered myself with an oversized shirt and ran to Cameron. As he spoke his last words, I couldn't help but feel empty. What a horrible day this was. A while later, I could see that the patrols killed the rogues, and they have now gathered around, bowing in respect for their soon to be Beta, die. In my arms, my brother died. My parents came rushing. My father holding my mother, seeing her cry and cry, and yell. She was shattered. I ignored it all and just focused on my best friend, the one that always protected me, the one who would always make me laugh, and lighten my day with just a smile, die in my arms. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seven long hard years. I was now seventeen. My younger sister, Aspen is fifteen. I live in Crescent Moon Pack. My dad and mom were Female Beta and Beta. I am Beta of this pack. Our Alpha is Alpha Matthew. Son of former Alpha Vincent and Luna Rose. My parents live in a house while Aspen and I live in the Packhouse. As well as the former Luna and Alpha are neighbors to my parents. The packhouse is where everyone normally lives, unless they have retired from their old job, or they have families. The teens live in the Packhouse. It's also where everyone hangs out, where meetings and parties happen. ~~~~~~~ At the moment, I was coming back from training. I run the training with the teens and kids from the ages of 9 and above. I went up to my room and took a nice hot shower. As I come out, I hear a knock on my door. I knew exactly who it was, and I told him to come in. "Matt," I said as I took out some clothes to change into, as I was still in my towel. This is Alpha Matthew, my best friend of all time. We basically grew up together, he is like another brother to me. He is 6'1, has light brown hair, honey-colored skin, green eyes, a strong jawline, and a strong muscular build. He had all the she-wolves in the pack going crazy, and he liked it. He slept around, he flirted, and even though he wanted to find his mate, he occupied himself with that. He is a good guy, just that his ways aren't right. He has a mate out there waiting for him, so to me, it's basically cheating, but I don't judge him. "Callie, I need help," he said, as he walked in and flopped on my bed, he looked irritated. "What's up?" I asked putting on my a black tub top over my bra. Then black ripped skinny jeans. "So I just got a call, from Alpha of Black Howlers. He is planning to visit here in two weeks. Meaning that we will talk business, and make an alliance. And that's good for the pack, but I am too tired to start planning that, above all the paperwork I have to do. So do you mind telling everyone to have everything ready on time?" he asked pouting with puppy dog eyes. I let out a groan, I really don't want to, but an alliance with this pack would be great for us, to go against the rogues. I sighed. "Fine." "Thank you, thank you, thank you. I won't bother you for a whole week with work. You are my life saver!" he got up, hugged me, and left my room, towards his office. I went downstairs, let everyone know, and went up to Aspen's room to check on her. I knock on her door. She lets me in. "Hey, baby girl. What's up?" I asked walking over to her bed and sitting on the edge. She was sitting at her desk doing homework. "The ceiling, then the sky, and then the moon," she said turning around with a grin on her face. "Haha, very funny, miss," I said sarcastically. She laughed. "Nothing just chilling, doing homework, before I go down and hang with Blake," she said playing around with her pencil. Blake is Matt's younger brother. He is Aspen's age. Very sweet kid. A little like his brother, such a flirt, but he is her best friend, just like Matt's mine. "Okay cool, well I am going to take a nap. The next couple of days, there is going to be a lot of planning with Black Howlers coming to visit." I said with a sigh. "Oh, cool, if you need help let me know." she offered. "Thanks. Bye baby girl, love you." I said getting up and giving her a kiss on her forehead. "I more," she said, with a smile. I went to my room that was down the hall. Aspen's room is right in front of the stairs that lead to all four floors. To the left is where the guests from different packs stay, like when the Black Howlers come, they stay in the ten rooms that are over there. On the fourth floor, there are twenty rooms, ten on each side. Since there are five empty rooms on the right side, that's where guests stay if there are too many. Matt, Aspen, Blake, Sawyer, and I are the only ones allowed on the fourth floor, other than the guests. On the third and second floors, there are twenty rooms on each floor. Boys get all the second floor, girls third. The rooms are big enough to fit three beds and a bathroom. It's like dorms. On the first floor, is the living room, kitchen, ballroom, dining room, and Matt's office, that I also use. Then there is a basement where there is a place for all kids to hang, games, movies, all of that. Where we train is in a building, like a gym where everyone goes to train. It is to the left, across the packhouse. The infirmary is next to it. Our land is a clearing surrounded by forest. We have everything we need here. The school is outside of our territory. The houses where families live in is in another clearing closer to the northern border. The lake is behind the packhouse, closer to the southern border. The main entrance to our territory is to the west, near the infirmary and training building. It is a forest that surrounds us for a whole two miles. The clearing is about 200 acres of land. The neighborhood, where the houses are is 100 acres of land. Our land is pretty big, but we keep it secure because of rogues and outsiders, like humans. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ The next morning, I wake up and get ready to head to school. I take a shower and walk into my closet. I put on black and white stripes off the shoulders crop top with long sleeves. I match it with ripped light jeans. I put on my white slip-on Vans, and walk into the bathroom to do my make-up and hair. I put on little mascara, lip gloss, and I leave my hair down with their natural dark brown wavy curls. I get my bag and walk downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and see the cooks finishing breakfast. I take my seat at the dining room table, and soon everyone starts to fill up the room. Matt walks in, and everyone bows. Matt sits at the head, while I sit down at the long table at the other head. This seat is only for a visiting Alpha, or beta of the pack. I normally sit here for breakfast and dinner. When there is an Alpha visiting, I sit to the left of Matt. While Sawyer sits next to Blake because Sawyer is third in command. Blake sits next to Matt because that's his brother, just like Aspen sits next to me. High ranks always sit closest to the head, the Alpha. Aspen sits to my right, and Blake sits to Matt's right. The cooks come in and serve our food. We all eat. As everyone starts to finish, they wait until Matt says they can leave. Most of them have to go to school with us, or they are just warriors that are getting ready for their morning shift. While we are at school, the head warrior, Rex is in charge. He is just twenty-three, and he is someone we trust to take care of the pack while we are gone. I look across from me, down the busy table, and give a look at Matt, letting him know that everyone has to start leaving for school. "Go," he says, and everyone bows their head at Matt and me. They make their way to leave for school. Most of them have cars, and if they don't they carpool. I stand and I walk over to Matt. "Let's go," I say, and he stands. Sawyer, Aspen, Blake, and Matt right behind me as we walk out the door. My parents bought Aspen a car not so long ago, so she can get to school when I was busy, and if she just needs to move around, now that she wasn't living with my parents. I watch as Aspen gets in her black Mercedes Benz C-Class 300. Blake in his silver Porsche 911 Carrera S. Sawyer in his white Camaro SS. Matt in his cherry-red Lamborghini Aventador. Then I turn on the engine to my white and black BMW i8. And we start our way to school. It's a forty-minute drive. As we pull into the school parking lot, I park in front of the school building, and Matt parks next to me. In front of us, in the three empty spots, parks Sawyer, Aspen, and Blake. Aspen and Blake are in their freshmen year. Sawyer, Matt, and I are in our junior year. Next year is our last year. We make it to the hallway and to our lockers. There are humans at this school. They don't know about us, they just think of us as the popular kids. There are other packs that go to this school that are our neighboring packs, but we are in alliance with them. The Alphas and Betas kids go to this school. There are a total of five Alphas or soon to be Alphas that go here with their betas. We all hang out and we are pretty cool. I walk to the first class that I have with soon to be Alpha Cade. I keep my friend group close and small. The people that make it up are basically just Matt, Cade, Declan, Ace, and Kai. They are all soon to be Alphas or are already Alphas. Sawyer is also a part of our group, but he normally hangs with the other Deltas(third in command). Yeah, my group is just a bunch of cocky, dominant Alphas, but it's better than petty little she-wolves who only bring drama. Every day I have girls asking me if I can help them get with one of them because they are 'super hot' or 'so popular' and at this point, I am used to it. The boys may be cute and good looking, but I just don't feel attracted to them that way, I have always wanted to wait until I find my mate. Plus, to them, I am like their bossy, little sister, or best friend. We are all very tight since the age of six. They were there for me when Cam died. And they have been there ever since. My first class is in biology. I sit next to Cade and the teacher starts the lesson. After class, I go to my reading class, then math, then history. Lunch is after, then I have my last class, which is my elective, P.E. I'm in the lunch line with Declan, Ace, and Kai. I get a salad, with an apple and water. After they get their food, we head towards our table, only fitting eight people. We all sit down and later comes Matt and Cade. "So Callie, are you coming to my party tonight?" Ace asks. Ace is the calm one, but just don't get him on your bad side. He is now Alpha of his pack. Cade is sweet, and he is smart and loves sports. He will become Alpha next year when he turns 18. Declan is the cocky one, always flirting with girls, but ignores them when they talk to him. He is Alpha right now. Kai is the one with such an attitude, no girl can ever talk to him. He is Alpha now. And you know Matt, cocky like Declan, flirts, and sleeps around. All of them love sports. They play basketball and football. I play lacrosse. They come to my games, I go to theirs. All six of us will always be tight. "I don't know I have planning to do for the arrival of Black Howlers, because someone, didn't want to do their job," I said eyeing Matt. He smiled awkwardly and looked at his food. "Well don't matter, you have two weeks to prepare. Just come ha--" he was cut off by Matt. "Actually, I got a call while going to class. His beta said that they were coming earlier. On Friday, in three days." he said, kind of awkwardly, waiting for my reaction. I narrowed my gaze at him. Kai laughed, "Oh poor Matt, I almost feel bad for what's to come." The rest laughed and I just looked at him. "Matthew, you know that my plate is full, just as much as yours. I understand that you have s**t to do, but I have to train the teens, I have to make sure everything is peaceful around the pack. Make sure that rogues aren't around. That no one is getting hurt. I have school. Take care of Aspen. And on top of that, plan for the arrival of a powerful pack. Make sure that the maids have the rooms ready. The security is perfect for when they come." I took a breath. "Look how much I have on my plate, and all you have to do it do paperwork, eat, sleep, flirt, and more paperwork. I am not trying to be mean, or disrespectful, but you can't just drop this bomb on me and have me diffuse it. I could do all this in a week's time, not three days." I said kind of annoyed at this point. "I am sorry Callie, what can I do to help?" he sounded sincere. Matt always saw me as someone he respected and never used his alpha tone with me, knowing that it wouldn't be fair. "Could you train the teens, and make sure the security is fine with patrols for this week. That's all, I will do the rest." I said finishing my salad. "I will don't worry," he said. I smiled at him. We finished lunch, and then school after we went home. I started working on things I had to have ready before Friday.
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