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424 Words
It all started one year ago, on a dark dreary night, monsters that were only talked about in myths and stories came from the shadows and began to walk the streets. In the stories, vampires burned in the sun, but in reality, they didn't. There the only problem, they couldn't have kids. So their population was never too high so they waited until they had millions of vampires in there clans before taking over the human world. The humans tried to defend their homeland but it was of no use the vampires were the perfect hunting machine they had no weakness. So the humans surrendered and asked for only one thing in return that they could self-rule. The vampires agreed to this but under one condition, that they could take whoever and whenever they wanted. And for the sake of not starting a war, the humans agreed. That was all one year ago. My name is Cory and I am a little, well I have to keep it hidden in case a vampire was to see. If they did I would be taken immediately and used for God knows what. I am 5 ft 7.5 inches tall and weigh 128 pounds. Before the apocalypse, I was a state cross country runner but now I keep on the down low so that no one will find me out. Tuesday: Today is the day that Cory goes to the store why not Monday you ask. Well, it's so that he can try to avoid all the vampires just in case and because of that he rarely sees any and never in the store. So Cory does something that will cost him dearly he puts on one of his goodnight girls diapers to go out in because even though it could cost him it is like an addition. To wear them out in public just like a toddler would and hope that one day someone would take care of him. But anyway as Cory does his shopping he looks for any vampires just in case they broke their trend of not being there on Tuesday, he didn't see any. As Cory did his shopping he noticed many toddlers some boys some girls but they all had one super cute diapers and super cute clothes and every time Cory would see one he would stop and admire and wish that he could look that cute. But then it happened just as Cory bent down to get a can of soup from the bottom shelf he thought to himself.
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