
255 Words
"I hate you with every piece of my heart," she gritted, hatred clearly visible from her orbs and tone. "Trust me when I say this, I feel the same for you." He said making his way closer to her as he stood closer to her carrying a challenging look, leaving her alarmed. Her breathings turned heavier and he could literally hear the rapid beating of her heart. Though maintaining a fearless look, she managed to give him a murderous glare. "You know what, you are the most emptiest soul I've ever known, this money and power will lead you to nowhere." She said gaining her calm and it was his turn now to shot her a cold glare. "Time will say that," he shot back, his lips curling into a high class smirk, "Now before I throw you out, disappear. The consequences will not be in your favor otherwise." He suddenly gripped on her arm tightly making her struggle to get away from his iron grip. "I don't want to see your face again." He venomously spilled out right after and with a swift motion, pushed her back recklessly, making her stumble. "Even I'm not dying to be at the same place as you, you arrogant bastard." She yelled at the top of her voice and not able to witness his coldness and arrogance anymore, she finally left the place, without glancing at him for the second time. She secretly hoped not to meet the impudent, empty and emotionless man ever in her entire lifetime.
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