Shut up, assistant!

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Again, I am so sorry for your loss, Mrs. Haddad! I say one more time before I leave the room. Once I get in my car I start thinking about my future. What should I do now? Should I look for a new job as Mrs. Haddad will run the company from now on? There is no doubt that, once she gets the power in her hands she will fire me without thinking twice. She had never liked me because of some unknown reasons. I returned to the company and I got in the elevator when I heard someone screaming. Hold the elevator, please! Oh, Paulina, finally! I've been looking for you everywhere! Says Alexa and comes next to me.  Is everything alright? I ask seeing her face. Breath in and out! C'mon!  Can you, please, go and buy some flowers in the name of the company for the tomorrow funeral? I know it was supposed to be my job, but I have a lot of things to do right now.  Sure! I answer immediately.  Buy something nice, I trust you! By the way, where have you been all day long?  Don't ask! You really don't wanna know! I say just before the elevator stops at the fifth floor. See you! You'll tell me! She says pointing one finger at me and gets out of the elevator. I simply love her! Alexa is the accountant of the company and my only real friend in this big city. We became friends since the first time I stepped in this huge building almost six years ago. Time passes so fast! And look where we are today, we were happier than ever, and then we lost Mr. Ahmed. I still can't believe I won't see him in his office never again and I will never hear his voice calling my name for every little thing! He was like a father to me and I will always be grateful for everything he had done to me!  Don't cry, Paulina! Not now when you have so many things to do! It's time to go back to my duties!  I entered my office and I sat down behind my glass table opening my laptop. I have to print more than fifty papers in order to let our partners know about Mr. Ahmed and they have to be sent today!   I think I will have to spend my night here... *** Paulina, can you hand this to Mrs. Haddad, please?  Asks me one of my collegues.  Sure! I answer shortly. I took the envelope and I did exactly what I was asked to, even if I planned to avoid Mrs. Haddad as much as possible today. I already feel bad for losing Mr. Ahmed, all I needed was to be close to his wife who can't stand me! I am sorry to bother you, Mrs. Haddad! There is a letter for you. I said handing her the envelope.  She read the letter word by word and then looked at me with a lot of anger in her eyes. What's going on? Mrs. Haddad, are you okay? I asked, but I got no answer. Is there something wrong with the letter? She closed her eyes taking a deep breath and stayed like that for at least a minute.  Would you like me to get rid of the letter? I continued. Shut up, assistant! She yelled at me and went back to crying. What have I done wrong this time?  Mom, it's fine, I am here! Says a male voice and my heart almost skips a beat. He sounds exactly like Mr. Ahmed! The man hugged Mrs. Haddad and threw me an angry look. Okay, why is everyone mad at me today? It's not like I killed my boss!  Or did I?
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