
479 Words
All rights reserved. No part of this publication should be reproduced, transmitted or stored in any recording or retrieval file without the sole permission of the author. Date/Day/Time you started this book? What's your favorite TV show? 2021@Marcy First Draft. When Freddie stormed out of the Arts Complex, teary-eyed and forlorn, my heart sank. There was something about the past few weeks that felt like a storm was coming. A hurricane intending to ruin everything that's been built to date. Something about tonight told me that I'd never be the same in the morning. My heart had been slowly breaking. Freddie hadn't been the same ever since my best friend, Alex Mullen got home from the hospital, diagnosed with amnesia. Alex's illness changed him. He made every excuse to avoid spending time with me like he used to. He no longer texted me in the mornings, nor late at nights and our chemistry dropped. He became a stranger to me, not the boyfriend I'd fallen for a year before. That was the first sign but there were several other clues to know that he had somehow stopped being in love with me. Since Alex returned, I'd never seen him more often than once and this was only when I caught a glimpse of him doing laps at football practice. Whenever he ran into me his smiles were pained...his kisses that were normally filled with warmth and love became hasty with chaste. I knew what was happening, but I couldn't find a clue as to why it was happening. I'd believed he loved me for so long. I'd felt it all this while and it was genuine. So why were things changing so fast? Currently, the door to the male restroom creaked open. A shiver ran through me as I turned slowly, bracing myself for what was to come. Freddie sighed tiredly, the bags beneath his eyes more pronounced at close range looked like they'd been stitched into place by a sewing machine. He cleaned his eyes with the back of his palm then slowly slipped his hands into his pockets. His eyes were red and heavy with sleep. Had he been crying? And why wasn't getting enough sleep lately? Then came the words that confirmed my suspicions of the bizarre events that'd been going on for the past few weeks. "Ethan, please know that I tried everything I could not to hurt you." I didn't get to hear the rest. As from that moment, he said those words my heart and mind settled in resignation, masked by the pain and sadness building from deep within, numbing my brain. I didn't know if I'd ever recover from this heartache. If I'd ever find it in me to love again. Because he did everything to convince me I was in love. I believed love never had an ending. I was wrong.
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