
249 Words
From : To : Subject : guess what? Assalamu’alaikum, dear my husband. Incase you forget, today is our wedding anniversary, August 17th. Remember? I know it’s been 10 years, and just like another year, I know that you’re not even concern about it. I love you.   ***   From : To : Subject : Diary 998 Assalamu’alaikum, dear My beloved Husband. Like I said before, today is our 10th wedding anniversary. So just like another year, I go to visit moms. I brought them roses. They were red, still fresh, and so beautiful, just like our mom looks like. I know that you’re busy, but I hope that you can arrange to visit them soon, it’s been too long and they must be missing you so much. Well… I miss you too. May Allah will always be with you. I love you.   ***   From : To : Subject : Diary 999 I know that you’re not reading this email. Or 998 emails that I’ve send to you. Probably you do but that’s only in my imagination ;) For those years, I always pretend like you do read all of this. But… ha ha. I just wanted you to know that… I’m not okay :)   ***   From : To : Subject : Diary 1000 Please… come back home.   ***
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