
337 Words
There was no sound anywhere. Silence reigned supreme in that part of the world. It was as if no one had ever lived there before, and no one will ever come there again. But suddenly her mother thrust her in the broom closet and bolted it saying, ”Listen carefully Lia, you are not to make one sound until there are three knocks on this door. And never keep this locket away from yourself ever. Remember, EVER!!!!” Although she was only three, she knew better than to argue with her mother. No sooner than she was locked she heard the sounds of boots on their back and front porch at the same time. And her mother chanting in loud voices. The men were roaring with pain and then a piercing scream of her mother. She felt as if her mother was tearing her voice out but she did not stop chanting. The sounds of the boots as if they were kicking something did not stop. Lia saw from the hole that they were kicking her mother mercilessly and were speaking in a strange language and asking her but the chants continued. Finally the sobs stopped, and she saw the men were sucking on her mother’s body like leeches. One was at throat, two at her wrists and others at various points. Celia was numb with pain and fear because she knew her mother was no more. She couldn’t even cry. A few seconds later suddenly the men dropped dead without any sound just like her mother. Lia started chanting two words under her breath,”Three knocks”. And kept saying so until she was paralysed with cold and fear. It was three days later that her aunt came to their home and took Lia out of the broom closet and still then she was repeating the same words,”Three knocks”….. Those were the only things she will remember from that night…”Three knocks.”
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