
362 Words
The fires stretched across the land and the smoke was suffocating. A wolf with yellow eyes had lunged at me ready to claw at my throat I brace for the slice, but nothing happened. My mom is screaming at me to run and not look back as she attacked the wolf that attacked me. I remember yellow eyes coming at me as his jaw opened and sharp huge fangs come closer. I jump, move, and run. I never know which direction to take I just know that I must keep making myself move forward never stopping long enough, never taking a chance that those eyes will come and get me finishing off what they started on that night. On that night I lost my family and pack. Sometimes It feels like it was just yesterday and then again it feels like it happened a lifetime ago?  I have no idea how much time passed since my family had been slaughtered. At this point, I can’t even tell you whose territory I am even in. I must keep moving with no plan or sense of what to do with myself. I eat what I can kill, sleep when exhaustion kicks in and my body can no longer carry my weight. I finally come to a clearing and stop for the night in a small cave. The moon is full and the light shines into the opening. I take my clothes off and shift into my wolf form; I sniff to check for other creatures and finally make myself comfortable in the cave to try and rest for a little bit. I close my eyes and just try to forget. When will this nightmare be truly over??????? I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Bria Marie and I am the daughter of Alpha Brice and Luna Barbara of the Blood Hunters Pack. We were a small pack maybe a couple of hundred members all slaughtered by rogues one Winter night. Everything and everyone I ever knew and loved gone in an instant. Now I am a lone wolf trying to stay alive and run from the rogues that took my life away…………
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