Bab 22 - English Version

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That night, after Arga reveals his identity to William, he contemplates alone under the roof of his room, regretting his confession to the king about who he really is. Even though Arga wanted to keep it a secret any longer, but why couldn't he brake his mouth at that time. Really annoying. Arga bit his lip until it bled with irritation, he looked at the black night sky with a feeling of dismay. The cold night wind blew his blonde hair in line with the swaying trees, his eyes were sad like a cat limp from hunger, and his horns seemed to tremble like an earthquake-hit building. It's too late, everything's been exposed. There was no longer any reason to keep anything secret from other people, he realized, revealing his identity to a king was tantamount to talking to a crowd, because in truth, William would surely tell his secret to his daughters, then, his daughters also told the information to the maid. - his assistant, and the water will continue to flow until the information is spread throughout the country. Arga gripped his bed sheets tighter, the sound of insects breaking the silence of the night did not warm his mood, on the contrary, his heart froze even more thinking about all that. Although Arga did not provide details that he was a demon from hell to William, but still, he did not want his past to be scattered even though it was only vague. Regarding Willy, the boy is now immersed in his dream next to Arga who sits daydreaming alone, as usual, his best friend always sleeps the earliest in that room, making the atmosphere that is usually noisy by his babbling lonely as in a cave. But, this mushrooming loneliness suits Arga whose mind is restless. "A glass of milk will probably melt my anxiety. Okay, I'll make it without relying on Willy anymore." For a moment, Arga thought that a glass of milk might make his heart better, even though he knew that he didn't really like the smell of milk. Shifting the blanket that had been hugging her thighs, the man landed his feet on the cold floor, stepped out of the room to the kitchen, which was sixty meters from his room. This might be a night out for his troubled self. Arga walked alone in a dark and lonely hallway, the sound of his steps sounded so clear and sinister, the night wind that blew as if rubbing his skin, the window that suddenly opened beside him made the man startled, turned his head and frowned, maybe because of the wind - he thought, then he continued his steps casually. After reaching the kitchen, he pushed his feet towards the automatic milk-producing machine. No need to bother sprinkling milk powder into a glass, Arga just took a glass, then he put the glass under the automatic machine and after his finger pressed the blue button on the machine, suddenly a thick white liquid came out that slid into the glass. After filling his glass with milk liquid, Arga sat his ass on the dining chair, put the glass on the table, then he stared at the silent atmosphere of the kitchen, his eyes shining in all directions, so bored, his attention immediately returned to the glass in front of him. Lifting the glass, Arga immediately drank the liquid that fell into his throat deliciously. The scent of milk that he hated was now attacking his breath, bad to smell, Arga quickly pushed the empty glass away to the glossy surface of the table. He smiled faintly at his own reflection on the table. "I just remembered that tomorrow is my birthday." *** The next day, when his eyes were opened, Arga was shocked because suddenly he was in Princess Emilia's room, and he was also sleeping in the same bed with the black-haired girl, the condition of her body was also very surprising, after being checked, it turned out that she was completely naked. Arga didn't know Emilia was naked or not beside him, but after knowing she was naked, it made her heart beat faster. His head was immediately hit by many questions from his heart. Why is he in Emilia's room? Who brought him here? Why is her body completely naked? "Good morning, Arga." Suddenly, his mind immediately broke when he heard Emilia's voice greeting him from the side, his head turned slightly and he saw that the girl was smiling at him with a mischievous smile. "How was last night? Was my body delicious?" "All-last night? Wh-What happened at night? Wh-Why was I in your room? And, why am I completely naked !?" Seeing Arga confused, Emilia immediately embraced the man's burly body mischievously. "Never mind, save that question for later, how about now we take a bath together, honey?" Arga's eyes immediately bulged, his surprise became even more when he heard that Emilia called herself 'dear'. What happened, exactly? This is so weird. Should Arga shout at Emilia to explain what's going on here? This is confusing. He didn't want bad things to happen to him, he had enough with yesterday's problems, he didn't want to face more serious problems. "Get away from me, Emilia!" Pushing Emilia's body, Arga shifted his ass to move away from the girl, he couldn't get out of this blanket because he was completely naked, there was no way he could show his whole body to a princess here. "Eh? Why do you look angry, Arga? Do you hate me?" Gulping his saliva, Arga shook his head. "I asked you to explain all this to me. As I remember, I didn't spend the night in your room. I should have been in mine! Or at least, I fell asleep at the dining table, but why suddenly--" "DUMP!" Emilia suddenly shouted, cutting off Arga's words. "After you enjoyed my body and promised to marry me, now, you even make yourself pretend to forget the incident last night? I will not forgive you if you do not keep your promise, Arga!" "S-Promise !? What is it? I really don't understand what you are talking about, Emilia? Besides, I also never remember that I have enjoyed your body! What should I say to King William if he finds out about this, i***t!" PLAQUE! A slap on Arga's cheek immediately made the man pause for a moment. Emilia's tears were dripping. "I never thought that you are this jerk, Arga." Emilia's voice buzzed in her ears until her head was spinning like a windmill. This made him dizzy. After that, Arga felt his body being shaken by someone and slowly, he opened his eyes with a roaring breath like someone who had just been chased by a dog. "Why can you sleep here, Arga?" After realizing that the person who was shaking his body was Willy, Arga smiled happily. Thankfully, it turns out that what he had just now with Emilia was just a dream, really, Arga's heart felt like it would drop if what happened in the dream world came true. "Hahaha, it looks like I fell asleep after finishing a glass of milk here. By the way, good morning, Willy." Arga slept again after saying that, making Willy annoyed at his behavior. "Hey-hey-hey-hey-hey! Why are you sleeping again! Wake-up-wake-up-wake-up-wake-up !!" *** "Laila, can I go out today?" asked Agnes after he sat on the bed by moving his arm which Willy broke yesterday. "Looks like my arm is fine." Laila who was tidying up in the laboratory immediately turned to Agnes and answered the question with a sweet smile. "Of course, Agnes can come out, really. Besides, Agnes's arm has recovered to normal after I checked it last night." "Thank you, Laila. Have a bright future." And Agnes immediately left the laboratory with a happy feeling. His arm was healthy, he couldn't wait to continue his mission which was delayed yesterday. My heart is fully ready to give my special potion to Arga. I hope there are no more damned humans standing in my way. TO BE CONTINUED ...
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