Bab 24 - English Version

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Inevitably, Arga has spent twenty-nine days in the Vanterlock Kingdom, he has gone through various unique events while there, starting from his meeting with five daughters, he feels that his life is no longer boring like it used to be. It was a fortune for Arga to be allowed to live in this great palace, considering that the king was very friendly, making him feel at home. The meeting with Queen Camila and Willy also makes her days colorful, there are so many things to learn after meeting the two annoying creatures. Apart from the five daughters, and the two creatures, Arga was always surprised by the behavior of King William who always forced him to quickly marry one of his daughters, even though without being told, he was doing it. Only today is the chance to seriously choose one of the five princesses in this kingdom because tomorrow should be her wedding, and the next day, if adjusted according to a prophecy, there will be the end of the world. Before the end of the world, the King wanted to see one of his daughters get married so that he could die in peace when faced with the end. Currently, Arga is standing in front of King William who is sitting on his throne chair, the appearance of this man is really formal, wearing a white shirt and black coat makes his charm shine even more. Willy who is beside him is no less cool when it comes to appearance, the short man wears the same shirt as Arga, but the green coat is the difference. Their faces both looked radiant, ready to meet William. "Thank you for your time because you guys have prepared this day well. I realize that my request is quite heavy, but considering your promise weeks ago, I want to confirm it again. Also, I want to see someone you chose as your future wife, Arga. I hope you have chosen carefully from my five daughters. " In that luxurious place there were only three of them, but it seemed, Willy's presence didn't really matter because Argos was the priority for the King. Arga himself is a little awkward to answer questions from William because it concerns his future. Choosing a future wife is not as easy as turning the palm of her hand, she must research everything on the person she will choose so as not to regret it in the future. Arga has met his five candidates long ago, they are all quite unique, have different characteristics and have their own strengths and weaknesses. Arga also secretly assessed the five of them, whether from their habits, or their badness. Incidentally, today Arga already knows all the backgrounds of the five daughters. Emilia who always wore a mask made Arga a little hesitant to choose her, Agnes who had a gloomy aura and creepy habits made him reluctant to approach her. Victoria, who has a tendency to hate men, makes Arga a little afraid to choose her, Laila who is kind and gentle is worthy enough to be his wife, but the girl cannot control her nature and is very careless. And Charlotte, who is the meanest princess in this palace, makes Arga shudder in horror when he imagines that girl is his wife. Arga hesitated, the five of them had flaws that made it difficult to choose. However, none of their faces were ugly, all of them were beautiful like an angel. What he is complaining about now is the bad nature of the five daughters. Even though Arga has promised himself to get rid of the bad habits of the five of them, but in fact, until now, he has not been able to do it. Arga feels embarrassed when he remembers his promise. "I am very grateful that you have invited me and my best friend here, Your Majesty. However, if you ask about my choice in choosing your daughters to be wives, I still cannot decide. The five of them have their own charms. , make me confused to choose, Your Majesty. " William smiled at that, he shook his head, Arga's words sounded like a child who was confused to choose a toy to buy and it really made the king want to laugh. "I understand, Arga. Given five girls by me and you can only take one of them makes you confused to choose, right? You don't need to worry, I've experienced it when I was young and I'm also a bit sorry for my choice, but that doesn't mean you hate yourself. alone for life just because you made the wrong choice. Think of it as the choice you will make as a start to a better life. Even if your choice is wrong, you will still reap the rewards equal to your misfortune. "Like me, I have indeed chosen Queen Camila as my first wife and I regret that she wasn't what I expected and my relationship ended up with her like a rope destined to be cut. But I'm not sad, because I still have five girls as a result of balancing my disadvantages. So, do you understand my advice, Arga? " Gulping his saliva, Arga nodded. "Of course. I understand. Thank you for the advice, Your Majesty. After hearing your advice, my heart is ready to make my choice today. Regret or not, I will continue to live." A smile is etched on Arga's mouth as a sign that he is very ready to choose. Hearing his best friend say that, Willy smiled too. He did not think that soon he would see something tense from his best friend. Somehow it happened, but it made Willy really look forward to it. "Very well, if you are ready, I will call my daughters here now." Arga and Willy gasped then smiled again, they looked at each other. "Wish me the right choice, Willy." "I'll always wish you, mate! I want you to live your life with happiness. I've never met five of them, no, yesterday I met one! But I guess they are all good girls, huh! Like you told me. Heheheh ! " Tuk! Tuk! Tuk! The footsteps of several people were heard from outside, their voices were getting closer and it seemed they had entered into the throne room of the king and now the voices stopped. They were standing behind Arga and Willy. William smiled welcoming the arrival of his five beautiful daughters, he got up from his chair and began to greet him. "Welcome, my dear daughters. I'm glad you took the time to come to this important meeting. There is something Dad will tell you," William said with a broad smile. "Today, Arga Gelisto who is in front of you will make his choice in choosing one of you as his wife. Father doesn't want any rejection from you, whatever it is, because we don't have much time. Doomsday will soon hit the earth, and I didn't want to die before seeing one of you get married, which is why I ordered Arga to quickly make up his mind. "As you are aware, Arga Gelisto has set foot here from twenty-nine days ago, and since the first time he came here, he has made a promise to marry you before the Day of Judgment. During his time here, Arga has been assessing you, from the outside as well as the inside. He said he wanted to marry a daughter who he thought was good. So, prepare yourself because in a moment, Arga will start his choice. " Emilia smiled at that, the girl seemed to be hiding her disgust towards Arga. Agnes lowered her head, she was very happy to hear it, she hoped Arga would choose her as a companion because her heart really loved the figure of the man with horns. Victoria looked away, her cheeks flushed, she was a little embarrassed, for some reason, but she could not hold back her embarrassment. Laila stared at Arga's back intensely, she didn't really think about who the man would choose, what she was worried about now was, why didn't that man want to meet her yesterday even though she already bothered coming to her room. Charlotte smiled sarcastically, unlike her other siblings, she focused more on the figure of Willy who was beside Arga, her anger was flaring, remembering how annoying the short boy was when he messed up the party, he wanted to crush the bones of the short man. "So now is the time, huh?" Arga closed his eyes then opened them again, his horns trembling, displaying his nervousness to choose. He turned around to look at the five daughters behind him, Willy walked to the side, leaving Arga with the five girls who were face to face so that the selection process would run smoothly. William returned to his buttocks back into the chair, he could not wait to see the reaction of his five daughters to the choice that Arga will make. The silence began to create, Arga and the five princesses felt the same atmosphere, they were both awkward when their attention accidentally met. "Make your choice now, Arga." Hearing William's order, Arga immediately walked over to the five girls, the sound of his steps seemed to make the atmosphere tense. Willy's roaring breath could even be heard clearly there. William deliberately did not invite his people to see this decisive session, because he thought it was too much, even though many soldiers said they also wanted to see, but he rejected the request. With a steady heart, Arga said, "I chose him to be my wife." The index finger is aimed at someone. TO BE CONTINUED ...
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