
The Beta's best friend

friends to lovers
YA Fiction Writing Contest
Writing Academy

Now available as an audiobook on Wehear app.


Catalina Carr also known as Kat by her best friend and in the pack she's from Shadow Pack.

Derrick Ambrose is soon to be Beta of the Shadow Pack and Cat's best friend.

Those two are like bread and jam, Mac and cheese. They get along so well that their parents joked about them rejecting their mates to be with each other.

Also there's Lucas Brown, soon to be alpha of the pack, he went anyway six years ago to undergo special training to become a strong alpha like his father was.

Cat and Derrick were only 14 when Lucas left since he was two years older than them.

So what happens when Lucas return and is announce alpha of the pack?

What will happen if Cat confesses her feelings to someone special and the others get involved in the cross match?

One word: Trouble.

Forget love triangle and clichés, this is battle for love.

Who will win?

Who will be left heartbroken?

Will a strong friendship be able to withstand this new problem when feelings get involved?

Read to find out.

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Alpha's Return
Cat's POV: "Derrick I'll kill you!" I yell running after my best friend who just ate all my ice cream with my name on it. "Now now kitty, we can be civilized about this", he runs. "You're dead once I get my hands on you", I growl as he runs out the back door unto the field. "Guys, help!" He yells as some of the pack warriors are training on the field. "What did you do this time soon to be Beta Derrick?" One of them chuckles. "It was harmless, I just ate her ice cream", he runs around the field with me quick on his tail. "You know better than that man, don't eat anything that belongs to Cat, remember what happened to me last time?" One of them shivers. "It’s was just itching powder", Derrick shrugs. "Itching powder I'm highly allergic to!" He exclaims. I stop run and smirk with a fold arm, all the guy watches me with a confused face. "Hey, why did you-" "Dude you're blowing up", the leader of the pack says as Derrick face starts to turn red and puffy. He begins to scratch his hand which is swelling up also. "Cat! What was in the ice cream?!" He itches his skin more. "Oh you know, cookies and cream with a little blue berries I cut up small and put it in the ice cream to disguise it as cookies", I grin. "Cat you know how much I'm allergic to blue berries!" He shrieks as he itches leg which is red. "Derrick?" Mrs. Ambrose gasps as she comes out the forest with a basket full of vegetables. "Mom, Cat did this to me", he points at me accusingly. "Me? I would never", I smile innocently. He glares at me and I stick my tongue out at him. "Here", she throws him his special cream for his allergic reaction which happens often since most people tend to forget that he's allergic to blueberries and strawberries. He reacts to strawberry very badly; his airway closes off. Derrick rubs his itchy skin with the cream and the swelling went down immediately but still red. "I could have died if it had strawberry in that ice cream", he says to me. "But it didn't, I'm not that cruel”, I roll my eyes. "Don't worry I'm not mad at you, I get what I deserve", he opens his arm, "hug?" His hazel eyes shining in the sun. I nod and we hug, he pulls me closer and I wrapped my legs around his waist, hugging him tighter to me. "Aww", I hear my mom coos behind us and a camera click goes off. "You guys look so cute together, I wouldn't be surprise if you leave your mates to be together", she teases as I blush. "Want to come down kitty?" Derrick asks in my hair. "No", I hold on tighter. He chuckles, “I’ll take her inside Mrs. Carr", he tells my mom. "Sure Derrick, also get ready the alpha's son will be returning tonight", she says. After six years, our alpha's son will be returning from his special training. I hope he isn't cold and heartless like the rumors say those sort of training does to them. Our alpha was like that, but our Luna his mate softens him and now he's like a big cuddly bear. They have three kids, Lucas being the eldest then there's Lydia and Lincoln the twins who are 16. All of them inherited Luna's emerald green eyes, but only Lydia got her red brown hair while Lucas and Lincoln got the alpha's jet black hair. ***** "I heard Lucas has loose his teenage face and look more handsome than ever just like his father when he was his age", I heard a lady tells her friend. "He doesn't have a mate either, I wonder if we stand a chance being with him", she giggles. "Maybe, I would do anything to become Luna of the pack. People don't respect me as I am supposed to be respected", she says. "We can't even be with the soon to be Beta, because of that girl she's always with him", the other one whines. Jealous batches. "What does he even sees in her? We're pretty like she is and fun as well", the first one scoffs. "Here's an idea how about we try to get close to both alpha and beta? Maybe then they'll take a liking in us and you'll be Luna and I'll be the Beta's girlfriend", the other one suggests. "That's a great idea and if they find their mates, we'll convince their mates that they are in love with us and they'll reject them", she claps,” you’re a genius." "Of course I am, now let's get you ready to meet your future mate." Those things aren't happening on my watch, I'll protect Derrick with all my strength. ----------- "If that red hair girl tries to talk to you, don't talk back and walk away", I tell Derrick pointing at the red hair who is dress in exposing clothing attracting unmated males. "No problem kitty, why though?" He grins. "Just don't, I'm saving your future right now and from making a big mistake", I say. "Okay, I wouldn't talk to her. I don't like women like her who wears exposing clothing and plenty make up. I hope my mate isn't like that or else I'll take your mother's teasing into consideration", he shrugs. "Really you don't?" "Yeah, I like my women humble", he winks. That explained why he used to blank girls back in high school who seemed desperate. I always thought he was interested in me like that, that's what I heard most girls were saying. "Lucas will soon be here and please don't crowd him, he had a long journey and will be tired so tonight just introduce yourself to him and move along; tomorrow night will be the official welcome party and the introduction will continue”, Luna Calissa says to us. "I want to be the first to meet him so he wouldn't forget me", the lady from earlier with platinum blonde hair says whose name I now know is Whitney. She has on a much shorter dress than the one her friend with the red hair has on. "He wouldn't forget about you Whit, you're too pretty to forget", another one of her friends say. Butt kissers. "Shh, he's here", someone says and everyone stops talking. Alpha Keith enters with a grown up Lucas, he has gotten taller but something is off with him. Luna Calissa greets her son with a hug, he returns the hug with an emotion less face. He is change. "Lucas come meet Derrick your soon to be Beta", Alpha Keith says. Derrick steps forward from beside me and went to meet Lucas who's eyes land on me, he looks me up and down then focus his eyes back on Derrick. Most young women watch me with a glare. Oh boy. ___________________________ Check out my new book, The Billionaire's Ex Girlfriend 

Dreame-Editor's pick


Forgetting Axel


The Alpha's Surprise Mate


The Billionaire's Ex Girlfriend


Hating My Mate


I'm Dying, Mate


His Mate


His Fated Luna


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