
My First and Last Wish

second chance

The love story of Nina and Vikram in different stages of life. Vikram always thought Nina is the only girl in his life.On the other side, even Nina loves him but she couldn't accept him because of her financial conditions and never told him about this. He became playboy and started hating her as she rejected him.

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After Years
Vikram POV: “Hi!! Man” said Arvind when he sat beside me near the bar counter. “One more” I said to the bartender without replying to Arvind. “Easy dude!! Seems like you have a rough day” he said “Arvind, I saw her today” I told gripping the glass in my hand and it broken making blood ooze from my hand. “Vikram, Are you mad??” Arvind said holding my hand. “How come you are not even feeling the pain?” He continued. “How will I?? Huh!! This pain is nothing compared to the pain she made to my heart” “Whom did you saw today Vikram??” “The same w***e, who left me for some other person. The same b***h, who said no to me after all the years of love. The same harlot, whom I believed more than anyone in the world.. Nina” I said staring at the blood from my hand. “You met Nina...” He said happily. “Seriously…, How can you smile i***t!!!??” I angered. Here, I just feel like killing her and he is very happy just by listening her name. “I will kill you. If you smile again” I angered and left the place. I started driving the car with 120 KM speed. I don’t care about any one. How can she be such a w***e??!! Is she thinking to come back to my life!! Not this time. If I see her again, I will make sure that she will regret for everything she had done. I came to my pent house. She spoiled my entire mood. I need some distraction. “Stacy…. Where are you??” I raged. “Hey!! Darling…. The great Vikram is calling me!! How come??” she said lustfully. “Shut the f**k up and be in my pent house within 15 Mins” I angered. Stacy is a prostitute. Mostly I don’t repeat the same women with whom I sleep. But Stacy is different. She will always give me the perfect pleasure that I need. “Hi Baby!!” she said sexily. “Never call me Baby” I said stilling on my bed. I pushed her to the bed and started kissing her neck. I don’t want to waste even one minute to take my frustration out. I slowly pulled down her dress zip with one hand and pressing her another hand with mine. I deepened the kiss, literally biting her. The zip of her dress got stuck. Man!! I ripped it off in anger. I removed my shirt also. Stacy is in sexy red lingerie. I slowly started kissing near her b**bs and removed her bra. I squeezed her boobs. “Ahh!!” She moaned. “Ahh!! Vikram” She moaned again when I kissed her left b**b and squeezing the right b**b at same time. F**k!! All I can think is about that b***h. Why are my ears not even trying to hear the erotic moans of Stacy?? I can’t do this anymore. “Leave…” I said angrily getting up from her. “What!! Vikram?? We just started it” She said holding my hand which is banded. “I said leave…. No more words” I said turning towards her. My eyes became red with anger, frustration, betrayal and what not. “But my dress…!!” she feared. Shit!! I tore it. There will be some dress in closet of the guest room. Take whatever you want and leave me. Dammit” I shouted. She ran away from the place. I lay down on the bed and closed my eyes. All I can see is Nina. Why is she here??What is she planning to do this time?? I went to the Minibar in my penthouse and took one large whisky bottle and started drinking it. “Hmm…Nina…Why did you do all these things??” I slurred. “Why did you leave me??” I said. Next day Morning: “Vikram… Get up” Arvind said trying to wake me up. “haaa” I said slowly. “Wake up you Moron” He said throwing cold water on me. “What the hell??....” I jerked getting up. “What is wrong with you Yaar?? You slept here on the floor that too half naked. What the hell is wrong with you?” He said angrily. “Don’t you know the reason…” I pushed him and went to my room. Why is he asking me again??, when he clearly knows everything about me… I need a cold shower badly. I came back to kitchen after a perfect cold shower and wearing the three-piece suit. I saw Arvind preparing breaking and I walked towards the kitchen. “Hey Honey!!...” He said showing his thirty-two teeth. “Shut up!!” I said. He and his stupid tactics. “Why the hell are you here in the early morning?” I added. “To prepare breakfast for you” He smiled. “Stop acting as my wife...It is so annoying” I irritated. “Okay!!Fine… Aunty called me.” He said toasting the bread. “Why did Mom call you??” I annoyed. “Because you were so drunk that you just ignored her calls” He said annoyingly. “I haven’t checked my phone from yesterday evening on wards” I said and went to my bed room to check the calls. I am screwed today. There are 20 missed calls from Mom. “Mom…” I said slowly. “Where are you?? Why are you ignoring my calls?” She said angrily. God!! No one can control her when she is angry, not even Dad. “Mom..I am with Arvind” “Stop lying my Son. I exactly know where you are. I want you to come home today evening. Got it!!??” she said. “Okay Mom” I said and cut the call. I can’t tell no to her... Never…  Whenever I am alone or whenever I need some peace about anything… I always come here. But I mostly come here to have s*x. Mom knows all these things and she stops talking to me few days, whenever I come here. “Vikram, breakfast is ready…” Arvind said. We both headed to the dining room. “Vikram, we have a meeting with Mr. Mehta, right??” he said Me and Arvind are best friends from schooldays on wards. He is that one kind friend everyone needs in life. After my MBA, we both together started a new business. As neither of us want to work in our Dad’s companies. Arvind’s father is a great industrialist just like my father. We both want to stand on our own legs. Also, Arvind is a great cook. “Yes…” I said. “We have to crack this deal. I think, Mr. Suresh is also trying hard to get this deal” He said. “Where are you going?” Arvind asked as I got up from my place without replying to him. I glared at him and left my pent house. Talking about Mr. Suresh reminds me of Nina…Shit!! Yesterday, I went to dinner party given by Mr. Mehta. There I saw Nina with him. I am in Mr. Mehta’s office basement, parking my car. I want to discuss few things regarding this deal because I want it badly. I took the lift from the basement. It reached to ground floor and stopped. I saw perfect shaped legs as the person wore knee length dress. How can someone be this sexy??Wait!! I know who this is… I slowly scanned my eyes from bottom to up… There she is!! Nina… entering in the lift. Fuck!! Why the hell she is wearing this?? Only we two are in the lift. Mr. Mehta’s office is in 25th floor of the building. She is damn sexy in this dress. All her curves are hugging the dress perfectly. “Why are you here?” I said pulling her towards me. I am sorry… I can’t control myself whenever I see her even after all the things. “Reply me damn it” I shouted. “Why should I tell you??” She angered. She never raised voice against me. But today…. “Leave me…” She said trying to take away her hand from my grip. “How can you be such a w***e??... What kind of dress are you wearing… Whom are you trying to impress??...” I said in her ear closing the distance between us. I want to know if I am still affecting her. “Careful, about your words Mr. Vikram. Next time I will file a case on you…If you abuse me with those words…” She said straightly looking into my eyes without any expression. She changed. I don’t have any affect on her. I left her without saying anything and 25th floor came. She just walked away. Did she acted in the past about loving me?? I thought just standing there.                        

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