
The Billionaires Forceful Marriage

love after marriage
arranged marriage

Rose Maryland is intelligent, beautiful, kind, and, most importantly, excellent at being a maid in the Veldez household. Everyone loves her, from her employers to her colleagues—all except James Veldez, the eldest of the Veldez children.

James is confident, wealthy, and powerful, everything Rose is not, and the mere presence of her working in his parents' house angers him. After a night out drinking with friends, James does the unthinkable, altering his life forever.

With no choice but to marry Rose, stripping James of his bachelorhood, partying ways, and Casanova tendencies, his hatred for Rose grows.

But between the fights and hate, could Rose soften the heart of the hardened giant James Veldez?

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Chapter 1 . Unknown Stains
Rose's POV Ring! Ring! My alarm clock rang besides my bed. Why did it have to ring early this morning? Don't get me wrong I love working at the Veldez household, but why give the maid's comfortable beds when we can hardly enjoy it before some stupid alarm decides that it's time to work. With the little strength I had, I lifted my head from my comfortable pillow and sat on my bed. I've never been one to sleep well, clearly judging from my rumpled sheets and... and... Blood, why would I be bleeding? I had just had my periods like 4 days ago. I decided to let it pass and tried to get out of my bed when, suddenly my legs hurt especially in between my legs. I forced myself out of my bed and into my bathroom looked in the mirror and almost screamed at what I saw, it was my reflection. All I could see was my messy hair, big brown eyes and my perfect full lip's. Being black an African woman is good, until you have to face fighting with a brush to control your hair. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and took a long deserved shower just to get me ready for the day ahead. After taking my relaxing shower I wore my uniform that I took great pride in. It was a black dress that was ankle length and on top of it I wore a white apron. I walked down the steps to greet my fellow colleagues. We prepared the table for breakfast just before the whole Valdez Clan decides to wake up and start complaining. "Good morning Rose and how are you this lovely morning”. Ken, the youngest of the children greeted me like he did every single day with a huge smile on his face. "Good morning Mr Ken and how are you this morning?". I greeted him in return with a smile on my face, hiding the fact that I was tired and my legs still hurt badly. "I've told you a thousand times Rose just call me Ken and not Mr Ken, it makes me feel old like my father ". He smirked and then took his seat at the dining table. The rest of the family followed and each took their seats. Among them were Mr Valdez, Mrs Valdez, Kayla (Ken's twin sister), but one person was missing. As soon as I started pouring tea for Mrs Valdez, I heard loud footsteps coming down from the marbled steps. Please don't be him, please don't be him, I prayed. "Good morning Family ". As I turned around it was him. James Veldez, the person I've been dreading to see ever since I started working here 5 years ago. I watched him walk down the steps with all his Glory, like a Greek God. He wore a thin fabric gown, but even then you could see those six packs trying to fight their way through. He had honey brown eyes that burnt into your soul when he looked at you, black hair as dark as night and pink lip's. How can one man out of all men make me feel like, hugging him and burying herself within him? No, I can't allow myself to think like this. I just have to snap myself out of it, I mean his my boss's son. But then again he looks so yummy. I was quickly brought back to reality by James voice. "Rose, is it okay if I may ask you something? “ James asked me with the calmest tone I've ever heard from him. "Yes Mr James, its okay sir". I answered with my voice shaking. "Do you think that it is appropriate for your boss to sit at the breakfast table for a whole 3 minutes waiting for you to finish day dreaming, while he waits for his coffee!”. James asked me using the harshest tone he's ever used on me. I stared at the floor, feeling embarrassed with the way he talked down at me before his entire family. "No sir... it's not appropriate sir". I answered him and looked back on the floor. "James what you're doing isn't fair. You can't just embarrass Rose in front of the whole -". Ken was cut off by his brother James. "How dare you Ken! How dare you take a common slaves side over your brothers? ". James scold at his brother in the vilest tone I've ever heard him use. I'm not going to cry, I. Am. Not. Going. To. Cry. I repeatedly it to myself. "Enough! I believe I've heard enough ". Mr Valdez slammed his hands against the table. And looked at his sons. "There would be no more fighting amongst my children in this house, did I make myself clear!? “ "But father -". James tried to argue but his father stopped him on his tracks. "Did I make myself clear? “ Mr Valdez asked his son's. "Yes father ". Both sons said in unison. Everyone in the family had finished eating their food and I was clearing up the table, when Ken came out of nowhere. "Rose ... I'm really sorry about what my brother said to you. It was totally uncalled for and he shouldn't have said any of the things he said to you". "It's okay Ken, and besides I'm used to your brothers’ disrespectful ways and so have the other maid's". I looked at him and gave him a weak smiled. "It might be okay with you but not with me. And have you noticed that he's been harsher than he usually is with you". Guess I'm not going crazy after all. But I did notice that there was a sharp edge to his insults this morning. "Yeah I noticed". "Are you sure you didn't do anything to upset him? “ Ken asked me. "Well besides me waking up early this morning, brushing my teeth, washing my face, showering and day dreaming, I don't k know what I did wrong to him " I replied in return. "Okay I have to leave for the office now before James complains about, how I'm not talking the family business seriously ". He laughed aloud. I watched as Ken left the house and drove away in his brand new Porch. I wish I was that lucky. I would probably never have to worry about getting up early in the morning or looking at the price tags before I buy an item . They have beautiful cars but none of the children have never worked as hard as me but they drove porches, while it would probably take me years to save up enough money to buy a second hand car. Rose's POV Ring! Ring! My alarm clock rung besides my bed. Why did it have to ring early this morning? Don't get me wrong I love working at the Veldez household, but why give the maid's comfortable beds when we can hardly enjoy it before some stupid alarm decides that it's time to work. With the little strength I had, I lifted my head from my comfortable pillow and sat on my bed. I've never been one to sleep well, clearly judging from my rumpled sheets and... Blood, why would I be bleeding? I had just had my periods like 4 days ago. I decided to let it pass and tried to get out of my bed when, suddenly my legs hurt especially in between my legs. I forced myself out of my bed and into my bathroom looked in the mirror and almost screamed at what I saw, it was my reflection. All I could see was my messy hair, big brown eyes and my perfect full lip's. Being black an African woman is good, until you have to face fighting with a brush to control your hair. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and took a long deserved shower just to get me ready for the day ahead. After taking my relaxing shower I wore my uniform that I took great pride in. It was a black dress that was ankle length and on top of it I wore a white apron. I walked down the steps to greet my fellow colleagues. We prepared the table for breakfast just before the whole Valdez Clan decides to wake up and start complaining. "Good morning Rose and how are you this lovely morning”. Ken, the youngest of the children greeted me like he did every single day with a huge smile on his face. "Good morning Mr Ken and how are you this morning?". I greeted him in return with a smile on my face, hiding the fact that I was tired and my legs still hurt badly. "I've told you a thousand times Rose just call me Ken and not Mr Ken, it makes me feel old like my father ". He smirked and then took his seat at the dining table. The rest of the family followed and each took their seats. Among them were Mr Valdez, Mrs Valdez, Kayla (Ken's twin sister), but one person was missing. As soon as I started pouring tea for Mrs Valdez, I heard loud footsteps coming down from the marbled steps. Please don't be him, please don't be him, I prayed. "Good morning Family ". As I turned around it was him. James Veldez, the person I've been dreading to see ever since I started working here 5 years ago. I watched him walk down the steps with all his Glory, like a Greek God. He wore a thin fabric gown, but even then you could see those six packs trying to fight their way through. He had honey brown eyes that burnt into your soul when he looked at you, black hair as dark as night and pink lip's. How can one man out of all men make me feel like, hugging him and burying herself within him? No, I can't allow myself to think like this. I just have to snap myself out of it, I mean his my boss's son. But then again he looks so yummy. I was quickly brought back to reality by James voice. "Rose, is it okay if I may ask you something? “ James asked me with the calmest tone I've ever heard from him. "Yes Mr James, its okay sir". I answered with my voice shaking. "Do you think that it is appropriate for your boss to sit at the breakfast table for a whole 3 minutes waiting for you to finish day dreaming, while he waits for his coffee!”. James asked her using the harshest tone he's ever used on me. I looked at the floor, feeling embarrassed with the way he talked down at me before his entire family. "No sir... it's not appropriate sir". I answered him and looked back on the floor. "James what you're doing isn't fair. You can't just embarrass Rose in front of the whole -". Ken was cut off by his brother James. "How dare you Ken! How dare you take a common slaves side over your brothers? ". James scold at his brother in the vilest tone I've ever heard him use. I'm not going to cry, I. Am. Not. Going. To. Cry. I repeatedly it to myself. "Enough! I believe I've heard enough ". Mr Valdez banged his hands against the table. And looked at his sons. "There would be no more fighting amongst my children in this house, did I make myself clear!? “ "But father -". James tried to argue but his father stopped him on his tracks. "Did I make myself clear? “ Mr Valdez asked his son's. "Yes father ". Both sons said in unison. Everyone in the family had finished eating their food and I was clearing up the table, when Ken came out of nowhere. "Rose ... I'm really sorry about what my brother said to you. It was totally uncalled for and he shouldn't have said any of the things he said to you". "It's okay Ken, and besides I'm used to your brothers’ disrespectful ways and so have the other maid's". I looked at him and gave him a weak smiled. "It might be okay with you but not with me. And have you noticed that he's been harsher than he usually is with you". Guess I'm not going crazy after all. But I did notice that there was a sharp edge to his insults this morning. "Yeah I noticed". "Are you sure you didn't do anything to upset him? “ Ken asked me. "Well besides me waking up early this morning, brushing my teeth, washing my face, showering and day dreaming I don't k know what I did wrong to him " I replied in return. "Okay I have to leave for the office now before James complains about, how I'm not talking the family business seriously ". He laughed aloud. I watched as Ken left the house and drove away in his brand new Porch. I wish I was that lucky. I would probably never have to worry about getting up early in the morning or looking at the price tags before I buy an item . They have beautiful cars but none of the children have never worked as hard as me but they drove porches, while it would probably take me years to save up enough money to buy a second hand car.

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