
Darkness Rising: Cursed Guardians

slow burn

All Sabella wanted in life was peace. Peace from the sadness. Peace from her past. Peace from the ghosts. No really. Ghosts spoke to her. Non-stop. In one moment all her peace. All her carefully constructed safe guards come crashing down on her. Literally her best friend gets thrown like a baseball at her head. With a vampire for a boss and a new surprises popping up at every turn will Sabella survive?

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The Beginning
"Aren't you excited?!" "Huh?" Cass was looking at me with that "You weren't even listening to me" look on her face. "I'm sorry hun. What did you say?" Even though I could tell she was a little annoyed Cass looked at me and smiled. "I was asking you if you're excited? For Halloween? It's only a month away! I just love Halloween." I scrunched my brow at her and made a face. "What you don't like Halloween?" Oh where to begin? I've known Cass for close to a year. I really like the girl and even trust her. Heres the thing though. I have abilities. Abilities, gifts, issues, irritants whatever you wanna call them they are straight out of a movie. These issues have caused me a lot of grief, criticism, and self loathing over the years. Don't get me wrong I have a good life and most of the time I'm very happy but every time I make a friend I eventually have to tell them my secret. Once you cross that bridge you can't go back and the majority of the people I thought were my friends turn tail, run away, and don't look back. So when Cass asked me I sighed and the tried to explain the best I could without breaking my truth rule but also trying not to sound nuts. Goody. "It's not that I don't like Halloween. I have a love hate relationship with Halloween." I said.  "Hm. That's not really an answer Sabella." Said Cass with the look of a person who is not going to drop the subject. Sigh again. "Sure it is. I both love and hate Halloween equally." Said with what I hoped was a convincing half smile meant to look innocent. Ugh, not buying it. "So..."said Cass "lets start with what you love about Halloween." "Oh well that's easy" I replied. "It's my favorite holiday. I mean seriously I have halloween themed nails and toenails. Love the sweets of course but I love the costume and production of it all. One day a year everyone loses themselves in the fun and drama of the costume and make believe. Plus I love the lore and legend behind it. It's always been my favorite holiday even as a kid I loved it more than Christmas." Smiling at me Cass said "Well isn't that the entire holiday in a nutshell? Sounds like there isn't anything you don't like so whats the hate part of this love hate relationship?" Oh hell she asked. Crap. See most people in this situation would simply make something up. Something simple and believable. I am not that kind of person. Nope I make my life harder. I have several rules. The most important of these is always, always, ALWAYS tell the truth regardless. To be honest it makes life extra hard but such is life. Well she asked so time for a truth pill and a cold dip in the reality pool. Deep breath. Maybe one more cause I really do like Cass. Alright here we go. "The truth is that the part of Halloween that I hate is the over flow of spirits." Time to pause and asses here face. I looked over at Cass to observe the typical look. Normally it's a combination of "You poor thing", "Your crazy", and "Poor thing is mentally ill." I'm used to it. Strangely enough Cass had none of these expressions on her face. In fact she was looking at me as if waiting for me to elaborate.  Cocking her head slightly to the side Cass asked "Could you elaborate?" "Elaborate?" I said in an extremely puzzled voice. "Yes elaborate as in please could you expand on that statement." "Oh." I said in total disbelief. See normally after a sentence like that most people would just be polite and quietly exit their way out of my life. Cass, however, wanted me to elaborate. This is new territory. Awkward. Just a little. Well if that didn't scare her then the next bit probably will.  With an uncertain voice I replied "It's complicated." "I'm sorry have we met? Have you not told me I'm the most complicated and strange person that you've ever met? Come o. Girly spill it. Hit me with the truth."  Well Cass was right about that. Of all the people that have rotated in and out of my life Cass is definitely  the most interesting. At nearly six foot Cass left an impression. In addition to her height Cass sported a rotating spectrum of hair colors. This month she opted for fire engine red with platinum and black highlights. No matter what color she wore it always seemed to compliment her skin which fluctuated  from a slivery pale to a shimmering bronze. Jealous much? Ya think! Then are her eyes. It's hard to describe them in words except that they are a beautiful shade of gun metal grey with tinges of blues and greens. Stunning. Add all that to the slim and fit body and the girl may as well be a goddess. Even though she had several tattoos and some days wore more make-up than a Circ du Sole dancer, the girl was gorgeous. Jealous. Very jealous and envious. There was just something about Cass you couldn't resist. In the most calm and sturdy voice that I could muster I replied "Okay. You asked for the truth so I will give you the truth but its gonna take a minute to tell so bare with me." "K." She simply replied. Weird. This is just weird. Okay here we go. "So when I was little I had lots of imaginary friends. More than your typical child. At least that's what my parents thought until I was about 3. That year one of the guys my Dad worked with died in a car crash. I remember going to the church for the funeral and sitting in the pew between my parents. I asked why we were in church and everyone was wearing black. My Dad explained to me that his friend had died and everyone was in black because they were sad. He also told me that his friends spirit had gone to heaven to be with God. At that point I looked at my Dad and told him he was wrong." "Excuse me?" My father asked" "You're wrong about your friend. His spirit isn't in heaven. He's sitting in the first pew next to that lady." I said and pointed out the woman to my Dad. "Sabella Elizabeth Storm its a sin to tell lies especially in church." Said my Dad with the scary Dad voice. "But I'm not lying!" I pleaded. "He's sitting there right next to her. He's wearing a green jump suit and boots. There's a helmet in his hand. He looks so sad sitting there not to her. He's trying to talk to her but I don't think that she can hear him." To say my parents looked at each other stunned was putting it mildly. My Dad looked really pale but my Mom had a strange look that was both stunned and something I didn't understand. He told me in a much gentler tone that we would talk about what I had told them later at home. I was also told not to repeat it to anyone.  Later at home my parents asked me lots of questions about what I said and how I knew about what his friend had been wearing we he died. Once they realized I couldn't have know unless I saw him my Dad sat down with a glass of scotch while my Mom sat next to me and began to ask me about my imaginary friends. After a long talk, where my Dad had several glasses of scotch, they determined that my friends weren't imaginary they were spirits of people who had died. Though Dad seemed a little shaken by this he was still accepting. Mom told me that in the coming days we were going to talk about our family history. That week I learned that many generations ago our family had come to America after leaving Ireland. Apparently the family origins were there but they migrated to different countries throughout Europe before coming here. Oh and we come from a long line of witches. A really long line a witches some of whom actually died during the Salem witch trials. I learned lots more things about my family and my Mom and even my Dad from that point on. Though Dad didn’t know much of his family history. Dad was an orphan so his knowledge of his family was limited. Looking at Cass I said "so basically what I'm telling you is I see and can speak to dead people and it has to do with the fact that I come from a long line of witches.But I'm non-prating aside from occasionally helping people see their deceased loved ones."  I closed my eyes and waited to hear her get up and leave.  "Cool!" was her reply. "I'm sorry what?" I said in disbelief. Cass looked me straight in the eye and said "I think that's cool."  At this point I moved from disbelief to shock. "Your serious?" "As a heart attack." she said with a genuine Cass smile. I could always tell when she was faking one. "You don't think I'm lying or that I'm crazy?" I asked still unable to process her reaction. "Sabella, you are the most truthful person I've ever met. I know you can't lie because it gives you hives and you have a strong belief in always telling the truth no matter what. So no I don't think your lying. As far a being crazy goes I think we are all a little crazy. In any case I don't find you to be certifiable." All this said with a level gaze and a smile. Jumping up on the countertop and crossing her legs Indian style Cass asked "So what does that have to do with spirits and Halloween?" Blank deer in the headlights stare from me to her. She giggled "You look so confused! I asked if you were excited about Halloween and you said you loved it and hated it so I asked why. You told me the story about the funeral and learning about your heritage but I don't see the connection to Halloween." Duh. Mental slap to the back of the head DiNozzo style. I shook myself and said "Oh sorry! I lost my train of thought because of the way you reacted. Normally after I tell people about myself they walk away or pretend to not know me. So I told you my issue is the over flow of spirits. Stay with me on this cause its kinda weird. There is a thin veil like a curtain between our world and the spirit world. The spirit world is what most psychics see when "communing" with the other side. When people die their spirits cross the veil and move on to wherever they go. The majority of the deceased do this, however, many remain in the spirt world trying to find a way to get back through the veil to our side. Other spirits remain on our side mainly do to unfinished business or on occasion a curse of some kind. The spirits who remain are the ones I can see and speak with. With me so far?" Cass thought a moment then said "There's our world and the spirit world where spirits go after the person dies. Some spirits go straight there to move on to like, heaven while others remain in the spirit world trying to find a way back into our world. Spirits who have unresolved issues stay in our world." I was impressed. "Correct. Now as we get closer to halloween the veil that separates us from the spirt world begins to thin. The thinning allows spirispiritsts to cross back into our world. Halloween is the night that the veil is thinnest. Having spirits in this world is a pain as it is. As soon as they see me they know what I am and start talking to me. Halloween is like a system overload. No matter where I am I'm surrounded by spirits that want me to do something or say something. It exhausting and frustrating. So many that want help but only one me not to mention a me that needs to continue to function as a normal human not one being followed by spirits of dead people." "So basically on Halloween your being stalked by great numbers of spirits that overloads you mentally." Cass said. "In a nutshell." I replied. "So how do you deal with it?" "Well I take an herbal brew that helps me block out all but the strongest spirits. It's the only way I can manage it. Without I'd be in the looney bin." "Well that's understandable. I'd go bonkers too if I had ghosty overload." she said honestly. "Spirits, not ghost. Big difference." I corrected. Before she could ask about that difference and open up another awkward conversation I looked at the clock and said "good grief I need to get ready to go!" Cass looked at the clock too and sighed. "I still have an hour left." Insert pouty look to go along with that statement. "Oh it not that bad Cass. At least when you get to go relax or do something fun when you get off." "True but you get to get all glamafied just to go host and dance and serve drinks. Plus all the hotties that'll be there!" Cass exclaimed. She always gets a bit worked up whenever we talk about my other job. I rolled my eyes. Cass and I work at WitcheSex which is an odd combination of stores. The largest and original store front in a book shoppe. Yes shoppe not shop. The building is original to the town and was expanded many years later. I've worked in the book shoppe since I was 16. The original shoppe was nothing more than that. The current shoppe specializes in rare and unique books, particularly witches and witchcraft. The rest of the space is home to, if you couldn't guess from the name, a s*x shoppe and accompanying clothing/bondage attire. Quirky huh. When I was 18 I started bouncing between the books and the the s*x stuff. Odd as it may seem I do love it. I stay mainly in the books as books are one of my most beloved treasures on the planet. However I am the resident expert in s*x toys and bondage gear. The stuff is fascinating! I do stay away from the small 10 person theater located in the far back of the shoppe. That skeeves me out...ICK. Overall an interesting and diverse place to work and to be honest I do love it. Now my other job is different but the same. In addition to working at WitcheSex I also work at Cauldron, a club located within a bar called Witches Brew. There are a couple of things that make both Witches Brew and Cauldron unique. First all of the staff are actually related to witches or accused witches that were tried during the Salem witch trials. In order to be hired you have to show authenticated genealogy that you are related to someone accused of witchcraft. Our "uniforms" are also unique since they are mainly goth/ bondage gear. That's what makes it similar to working at WitcheSex, bondage gear. I wonder what it says about me that I'm constantly surrounded by the stuff. The only other things that sets the bar and club apart from others in the area are the owner and clientele.  Demetri Valkov, owner of Witches Brew and Cauldron, is a vampire. As in the blood drinking, sunlight avoiding, and fanged type. So serious. See I can say this with absolute certainty because in addition to being able to see spirits I can also identify supernatural beings for what they really are even if they have a cloaking spell over themselves so that they appear human.  Lucky me. So, since Demetri is a vampire, Cauldron at tracks all types of supernatural beings. Vampires, do course, weres, sirens, demons, and a variety of others. It's a great place to "people" watch! Of course it's more interesting for me since I can see the patrons in their true form. Since I've been seeing this since I was a child it never bothered me although it was a bit of a shock to see so many in one place.  When I originally applied I was going to be a bar back at Witches Brew. I interviewed with Stefan, also a vampire and Demetri's second in command. We had a typical interview, him asking me about drinks and other bar stuff, me making drinks and responding, and of course verifying my lineage. It was a great interview though he said I would make a better hostess then bar back. He finished by asking me if I had any questions for him. I said yes and proceeded to ask him how old he was. 28 was his answer to which I asked what his real age was since he was a vampire. I explained that I could see through his cloaking and identified him as a vampire. He gave me a look and then excused himself. When he came back Demetri was with him. I spent the next two hours talking to Demetri about my family and my "gifts." Demetri agreed with Stefan and when I left I was the new hostess at Cauldron. That was four years ago. Now I am one of the most popular and requested hostesses at Cauldron and also one of the managers. Now my days, Tuesday to Saturday, I work afternoons at WitcheSex and nights at Cauldron.  Cass continued to huff and puff and put out the "For service ring bell" sign and walked from the front of the shoppe to the the back office. There was a  small break room, employee lockers, and office where I was about to do a costume change. I opened my locker and grabbed my bag. I plugged in my curling iron by the sink and set up my make-up bag. I changed from my jeans and t-shirt into my goth attire. Tonight's outfit was a red and black plaid cap sleeve dress complete with leather straps around the waist and sleeves studded with grommets. The dress had an empire waist but was straight from the waist down until the bottom pleated out. I called it goth cheerleader. Ha ha! I looked in the long mirror on the back of the door to do a once over.  Eh. Part of my manager duties is finding attire for the employees. Most of the uniforms we wear at Cauldron I purchase from WitcheSex. Even though I do the buying sometimes I question my purchasing judgement. I love this dress and most of my other Cauldron outfits but I have body issues. I'm curvy which is by no means a bad thing but I have a pooch around my middle that makes me uncomfortable. I'm working on it though. Still, for being 27 I still look like I'm 18. Witch benefit, slow aging. The rest of me is pretty plain. I stand 5'5" and my hair is the darkest shade of brown possible usually has different color highlights unless I dye it. Currently it's its natural deep brow and  I have red highlights that remind me of red velvet cake. Though I love the sun, my skin does not try as I may to be tan. I'm as pasty as Casper the Friendly ghost. Cass calls me a porcelain doll complete with heart shaped full lips. The only thing that really stands out about me are my eyes. They are deep ocean blue. Sounds ordinary huh? Oh and they glow. I'm talking Fremen from Dune glow. It's not so noticeable during the day but at night or in dark rooms they really pop and tend to freak people out. Sighing and as always remembering that I've come a long way from where I was I put aside my issues and sat down. Cass always helped me get ready as she always did. While she was fiddling with my hair I started on y make-up. Tonight I decided to do a smokey eye accented with a red glitter shadow. I added some blush to highlight my check bones and several coats of black mascara. Meanwhile, Cass puffed my hair and clipped it in the front and began to do an amazing updo. I never wear my hair down. She is amazing with all things hair and make-up. In fact after she finished my hair she started tweaking my make-up. I donned my black beaded chocker with the filigree damask pendant, some  stud earrings, and my leather studded cuff bracelets. When Cass was done fiddling with my hair and make-up I got my favorite accessory...my boots. Cass calls them my b***h boots because they are black leather, come up to my thighs and lace like a corset up the back with a 5" heel. By far my favorite shoes on the planet and my signature piece. One more once over in the mirror and it was time to go. "Maybe I'll swing by after I get off." Cass said with full on pout. I froze. My stomach knotted and did flips. That was accompanied by the feeling of my lungs being put in a vice grip and the sudden urge to vomit. Not good. If she went something bad would happen to her I knew with crystal clarity. My feelings are never wrong. Never. I slowly turned around to look at her and said "Ah, honey? I don't think tonight is a good night. We've got some high profile V.I.P.s coming in and it's gonna be crazy busy. Plus Stefan is going to be hovering and I know he gives you the creeps. I just have a feeling it wouldn't be a good time for you." Though I wasn't really sure why or how she knew Stefan I knew she didn't like him. We'd talked about him and the others I worked with before and she visibly got tense at the mention of Stefan. I asked her how she knew him and she said she'd run into him at Witches Brew and just didn't get a good vibe. I have a suspicion there's more to it that. That but I try not to pry.  At my comment Cass incredibly looked even more pouty and pathetic then she did before I spoke. She sighed and looked pathetic but nodded her head in agreement. I felt bad but only before I remembered the feeling I had gotten when she mentioned coming out. I checked to make sure I had my bag with my clothes to change back into after my shift at Cauldron was over and my purse. After grabbing my keys I gave Cass a quick hug and left for Cauldron.

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