
The Female Alpha King


Centuries have passed and secrets, lies have been forged into werewolf history

Scarlett Wise Baltimore, a female alpha the world hasn't had of for centuries. The possibility of a female Alpha was outrageous, faced with envy, wrath, lust, greed, gluttony, sloth, pride seven sins plaguing her world all lie heavy on her shoulder. Will she thrive?

In a world werewolves males are dominant.

All she has ever known is the life of a rouge. All of a sudden Crystal moon pack rises out of the ashes with a woman on the throne. She is actually your neighbourhood werewolf with a little tweak.

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"You think, you, a female, can win against me? Why don't you just come with me quietly and do what women are meant for?" The rogue in front of her smirked at her as he scanned her perfectly fit body. She c****d her head to the side as if trying to figure out what he had just said, The rouge was confused at her action and wondered if she was in her right mind. "You wanna test the theory of male dominance?" She asked dryly The rouge laughed at her like she had said the funniest thing on earth. "If you're gonna just laugh like a psychopath, can I get moving? I have to go hunting, for a rouge every second is precious. The moment you disregard time, you disregard your life. Now move before I cut you down," her words came out nonchalantly. The rouge, angered by her disrespect charged at her and just as it started it ended. The rouge hit the ground with his heart in all its glory in her hand. "Dumb bastard, I should thank him he saved me the trouble of hunting." She took the heart back to her cabin, it was cabin hidden in the woods with the cloak of an abandoned cabin to avoid detection. It was decorated with items stolen from other packs and the furniture left behind by her mother. She had electronic devices, so she wasn't living under a rock, human inventions had their advantages. Most of the kind did not appreciate sharing the land with humans that's why they lived in isolation from cities but then there were the human sympathizers. She neither hated nor liked humans, but they weren't completely useless in her eyes, if, so they wouldn't have hunters. She was a hunter worse nightmare and a hunter's greatest bounty. For years, she had lived in the abandoned looking cabin since the day she was born, twenty-one long years. Her mom was with her the first twelve years of her life but that just seemed like a distant memory. There was no need to dwell on the past, that was the life of a rouge. When you left your pack there was no need to reflect on it because you would never get them back. All rogues had no choice but to either go crazy or live in eternal loneliness. Normal wolves would always reject their wolves, why you ask? Because of the humiliation, discrimination... their kind never trusted rogues, that was the thing with rogues. They had tasted freedom where nobody worried about their rank, no being forced to obey orders against their will. Why go back to what they perceived as slavery? Well, there were the lucky ones who had Betas, Alpha's or Gammas as mates, leaders needed their fated mates to be strong. A chosen mate could never give the strength a fated mate could there was a large power gap. She ran her hands through her hair in frustration, when she was alone she uttered no sound. There was no need to when she could just think it... a waste of breath she thought. The silence that weighed down in her humble abode was so thick any could noise cut through it like a hot knife through butter. Birds never sang, cricket never sang, no animal would come to the area her cabin was located, even the moonlight never shone down on her cabin. It was like everything was aware of her being. She played a song on the jukebox she owned. She didn't care about the type of music she played. She had taken a particular liking to classical music, it soothed her nerves. She sat on her couch and put her legs up on the coffee table, thinking about the day's event. She thought about how she was running out of stock, she had money, but she liked to make as little contact with human beings as possible. Her mind went back to when she was little and when she had to steal to survive. It was fun to take what you wanted, if you were a rogue and you didn't steal at least once, then you weren't living the life of a rogue but a lone wolf. You might be wondering how she stole all she had, well she stole money too and a truck... how else would she get all that into her house? She had a limited wardrobe which consists of fewer clothes as possible in case there was a time she needed to flee. The money she had stolen was also used to fund her studies at school in her early years. She never had any contact with the past school mates. She just vanished after her schooling, a valedictorian in both high school and college. At a point, she stopped stealing and could get a job to support her lifestyle. She worked at a local cafe and didn't really talk to people, if she didn't bother them, they wouldn't bother her. She was diligent so no one looked into her background. Her childhood was no bed of roses, she worked even as a child doing odd jobs to get paid. Having her mother die on her at an early age didn't help. Taken by her father when he found her and used by her father as a lab rat... He didn't see her useful because women to most of the werewolf society were useless. She was treated badly, raped, every sick thing you could imagine. Mates wolves in the pack would use her to practice fetishes their mates wouldn't allow and all her innocence was robbed from her. She knew nothing about goodness and just thought that the whole moon goddess idea was stupid because if there was such a thing or person, spirit, god whatever; she wouldn't be suffering unless she was a total b***h. When she got older she snapped and her wolf took control of her body and caused destruction that shook the world of the werewolves supernatural in general. They didn't know a female did it, so they assumed it was a male rouge because technically females all were weak that was what they were made to believe. She fell asleep on the couch and dreamt of a time before. Her mom came from a pack, her mother's mate, a proud bastard that believed that women were supposed to be seen not heard. He had mistresses, sluts, whores, whatever you name it. Treated her like dirt and whenever she addressed the issue he would beat her to pulp. The pain she suffered was unimaginable, her dignity was stripped away, her will broken, her voice silenced. She couldn't take it, so she ran away, taking her unborn child with her. He was furious about the fact that the rightful heir to his position was taken away but what he didn't know that it was female so much secrecy revolving her birth. Unfortunately, time eventually ran out, she was killed right before her child, and they took her back to her father. He was outraged that his child was a female. He made her the lowest of the low and it continued until she took her revenge. She destroyed the pack mercilessly with no survivors left or so the legend goes. She didn't care if they were women, they were weak and wouldn't last in their world, so she put them out of their misery. Did they thank her? No, in fact, they cursed her till their last breath. She lacked a heart the moment she heard of the story her mom told her, she didn't believe in love. Her mother never exposed her to love, her mother would whip her whenever she messed up. She would tell her to remember the pain when she tried to repeat the same mistake. At one point she would think her mother hated her because she was her father's daughter but it was immediately wiped from her mind because her mother would sob beside her overnight, talking about how she couldn't let her feel, so she won't feel the pain she was feeling. She was preparing her for the world of men, she wanted her to be hardened before she left because the world of men wasn't going to listen to her pleas and cries. Some people would just see a damaged woman but all it took was these words, "If I have to be the bad guy for you to live then so be it. If I die then it is my fate for you to be great. I peeked into your future... a strange witch showed me. I don't know how your personality built up but you were great. I will do anything to protect you. I failed as a mother, I will not fail as a guardian," it was the usual gentle sobs she did every night. It was then she made up her mind to avenge her mother pain. Her thirst for vengeance grew when she was killed. Her mom never told her she loved her until it was her last breath but then again that was a distant memory. She barely knew or remembered the real feeling of love. Her mother did what she felt her daughter needed more than love. She woke up later in the day, sat up, yawned and stretched, She looked outside noticing how late it was. It was dead at night and the darkness had fallen, the night was not as black as her heart but it was her only friend. It was like a thick comfortable blanket. She got up and went to her freezer where she stored her victories from her hunts she picked up a slab of meat and took out ingredients. Funny she could cook, one had to learn when you're living on your own with no friends. Her contact with humans was limited but that didn't mean she wasn't somewhat human. She picked up a totes bag and began her journey to raid a pack. Today she was headed to Blood Rose pack, the strongest pack, why? There were possibilities of her getting caught, so why go? Maybe she'd had enough of life that was meaningless, she had nothing to go back to. She had cleared the world of that bastard's every last blood relation so there was nothing left for her. She began her journey, when she got there she walked past the borders with a dangerous swagger and just like moths to a flame they were coming after her... to kill a rogue. When they found her they surrounded her and one stepped forward shifting back to his human form. She didn't look away from the man who stood there in all his glory. "What are you doing here, rogue ?" He said rogue with such malice and distaste. Now one thing you must know is that no one knew the person responsible for her father's pack elimination, they all thought it was a guy because women were not capable or, so they thought. She said nothing, her face blank, it was a waste of time to talk to an inferior, she would just wait for the Alpha. The man was annoyed by this and growled, "Speak rouge! You are female respect your superior! Kneel b***h" She didn't flinch and the man was angered and tried to grab her, she reached out and took hold of his hand crushing all the bones present in his hand. "It would be wise not to touch me, I hate contact. You're already licking up my patience," she spoke blankly. The man swept her feet, she flipped backwards landing on her palms, she pushed her palm into the ground and flipped back to her former stance. She put a scowl on her face and said "Weak" That was all it took for the man to snap and fight her, flesh against flesh, clash of powers, speed for speed. He wasn't much of a challenge as she ended it with her claws dug into his chest right where his heart was beating. Little had she known that he had called his alpha. "Make one move and your heart will be in my hand" her face blank for she had done it many times... the first few times were torture but with time her emotions were turned off. She heard pounding of footsteps and there came a powerful presence among them. The Alpha stepped forward to see his Beta at the mercy of a female. The first thing he thought was that she had seduced her way to the position that they were in, and he completely ignored her presence then turned to his beta and said to him, "Didn't I tell you that your love of women would be dangerous for you?" He looked amused as if the female was nothing more than a tool. She squeezed a bit on the beta's heart, and he screamed. The Alpha realized the gravity of his situation and his eyes widened. "You seem to have forgotten my presence, no matter, once I rip his beating heart from his chest you'll have no choice but to pay attention to me. I mean... I don't know why my hand in his chest doesn't alarm you. Do you lack nerves, receptors... you must have learned something about that in biology... oh wait I forgot you puppies hate human things." she spoke plainly and boldly. In all his years of living never had he never seen a female so bold, it irked him. "Do you know who you're speaking to?" He growled. "Oh yes, the stuff of nightmares, the devil's incarnate... fear me for I am Xalon, Alpha of blood rose," she said mocking him. He snarled at her, and in a growl said "Do not mock me you worthless bitch..." "Last time I checked the prize money on my head ain't no joke, do you know who I am Alpha? Because it is you that should fear me" She cut him off. "YOU WILL NOT DISRESPECT ME!" he roared in his Alpha tone expecting her to kneel. She didn't even flinch while his men fell to their knees, she faked a shiver then laughed at him. "An Alpha with a bad temper... look now, they're just trembling" She mocked him some more. "You are a female! Know your place!" His Alpha tone stronger. "You will not speak to me in such manner" he continued, She was irritated at his weak attempt to subdue her, "You will not speak to me in such manner," she mimicked him with a mischievous grin, He growled more in anger, his men still cowering in fear. She chuckled at his anger, it was too amusing her. He grabbed her by her collar, but she immediately slapped his hands away. She released a small sample of her wolf's presence and the men were on all fours. Then he felt it, the pull and Xalon got angry. "Is this some sick joke? I can't have a disrespectful mate like you! I reject you! I already have a Luna!" Though it stung her like nothing she had ever felt, the pain was her old friend, so she could keep up the facade she had always had. "I accept your rejection but please do it properly" her reply was blank and unfeeling which got Xalon enraged. "I, Xalon Black, Alpha of Blood Rose, reject...." He didn't know his beautiful mate's name, he thought but he immediately shook his head vigorously at the thought. "Scarlett Baltimore, of Dark Crystal pack now a rouge, daughter to Alpha Grey Baltimore and Luna RoseBells Baltimore only daughter alive... not son, daughter" The realization hadn't set in on any of them, but he didn't care. "Reject Scarlett Baltimore as my mate and Luna of Blood Rose pack" As he repeated the name it rang a bell. She had already accepted the rejection and made a run for it, by the time it hit him, she was gone. "Find her! Drag her here if you have to but bring her Alive" he paced his office troubled. What?! How is it possible for a female to be that strong? He was deep in thought. They looked all over, but she was gone, her reputation undermines her, the rogue that she was known as was fond of disappearing acts like Houdini. They returned to Xalon with news about her, and he threw a hissy fit. Meanwhile, Her tears ran freely, her heart was hurting. You didn't f*****g prepare me for this mother! "He had already fallen for someone else he wanted to be his Luna..." Not like she expected him to accept her but having someone else made the pain unbearable for her. She dwelt on the pain, in all her years of living nothing had made her cry and even when her mom died she was frozen solid to the heart. So this is the pain of a rejected heart. He's already mated so the pain means nothing to him, or so she thought. She howled into the night a howl so sorrowful that nearby rogues refused to go near for a rogue in that state was bound to lose their mind. And then everything blacked out as she receded to the back of her mind and her wolf in control, so she could let out their anger for how long she planned to stay a beast with red fearsome eyes. It was a stage of no return the moment a which a wolf would lose its mind or so they said. Once you taste a little darkness, it's so exhilarating that you never wanna go back. You think you're free but it keeps you bound, blind, deaf, numb, as it slowly kills you inside until you begin to decay on the outside. You won't know until it's too late. Her wolf's scarlet fur bristled in the wind as she stared in the sky with empty eyes. "There truly is nothing to live for, nothing, who will end us?" Her wolf communicated with the girl receded at the back of her mind.

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