
Sins of Time (Book 4 of Desert Series)


This is the fourth book of the Desert Series.

Cynthia, or Sin as she is best known, didn't have the greatest life growing up. Her mother overdosed when she was the tender age of four years old, and her father is in prison. She grew up in the foster system like her best friend, Allie. Her story is no different from Allie's except for one key individual, her father. Sin knows nothing of him, as she's never once met him, but he knows of her and has been keeping a close eye on her. Even from behind bars, her father, Lazaro Juan Perez, has been keeping tabs on the fact that he had a child. He finds out that she's now married with children of her own and that her husband is filthy rich.

Michael, or Mikey, as those close to him, refers to him as having been living his best life. Grounded to the woman he loves with all of his soul and his children, that makes him a better man. He feels like he's on top of the world and has everything he could ever ask for. Mikey made a living as a bounty hunter. This is no secret; however, his identity having once been compromised, Mikey always feared that the second shoe would drop, and unfortunately for him and his family, that day has finally come.

Both Sin and Mikey's pasts have come back to haunt them and test their bond to the fullest. Will Sin and Mikey be able to prevail against the odds, or will the sins of time destroy their family?

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Disclaimer + Notice of Copyright
Disclaimer Hello Beautiful readers, I know that it has been a long time coming, but “Sins of Time” is finally here. First and foremost, I would like to apologize again for all the delays that took place prior to this. I know that for some, excuses will only be excuses, and unfortunately, I can’t stop how some of you will think of it all. I would like to genuinely thank those who have been patient, sympathetic, empathetic, and understanding for all of the ordeals that I have had going on. As of right now, my mom is doing as well as she can be considering what she is going through, and I’m doing as well as can be expected dealing with the recoil her cancer has caused her, my family, and myself. With that being said, I would like to announce the following disclaimers so that there will be no questions, concerns, or misunderstandings going forward— 1.) There will be no schedule for this book regarding updates. Due to the fact that my mom’s health can and will deteriorate without notice at any given moment, I have to be sure that I will be readily available for her needs. As such, writing regularly to maintain a consistent schedule will not be possible. 2.) I am still in the midst of completing another manuscript titled “Cheers to Comeuppance,” which can be found here on Dreame. Completing that manuscript will take place simultaneously while I continue the manuscript for “Sins of Time.” 3.) There is also the probability that either “Desert Heat” or even possibly “Their Gemini Wolves” (book 2 of the Blue Lake Series) could be tagged for publication depending on how well the sales for “My Miracle Luna” go. If that occurs, this book will be placed on a temporary hiatus so that editing can occur. This is only speculation at this time. Nothing definitive. 4.) Many of you know my writing style. But for those that are new or are just getting started, I do not give “warnings” of any kind. This disclaimer is your warning. If you are not comfortable with foul language, imagery of nudity, explicit s****l content, or real-life atrocities that this world is plagued with on a day-to-day basis, then do not read this book. Notice of Copyright I, Eun Chung Lee (Eunie), have asserted my right under the laws of the United States of America and Singapore as the identified author of this work. All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system without written permission from the copyright holder. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner: Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Design and composition by Eun Chung Lee.

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