
The Hidden Princess

kickass heroine
coming of age
first love

A realm in turmoil, a savior princess and an unlikely hero. Follow Angela through her journey from human to a magic savior to help her people not only survive but thrive. Her mate Cladd, her long lost Father Adden with his second chance mate Emmaline, along with her mother that gave her life to save her daughter. They all come together to take back the throne from the evil and unworthy King Thomas. The love that they all share can overcome any obstacle. Girl Power - Rebirth of Heroine Writing Contest.

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The Escape
                The sky was black without a star in it, the air was getting cold but she didn’t feel it.  She was running as fast as she could, not looking back.  Splashing though the small creek she reached the other side and came down on her knees.  Her belly heavy with child she struggled to get back up on her feet.  She could not stay there, she had to keep moving forward.  She reached for some branches to help her steady herself on her feet, her lungs burning wanting air then it happened her belly cramped ferociously and it sent her back down on her knees.  ‘Not yet baby.’ She lightly whispered and she looked down and gently touched her skin and the baby calmed. Standing back up she had to keep moving, she had to get as far away as possible before her baby entered the world.  She stepped past the bushes into a slight clearing with trees so tall you could hardly see the top of them during the day.  She started running again and then she heard something behind her, she tried run faster but in her condition she was going as fast as she could.  She heard the hoof beats, they were getting closer knowing that she was not going to out run a unicorn she leaned against a tree trying to catch her breath.  She looked over her left shoulder and there stood the most powerful pure black unicorn she had ever seen.  His chest was huge and his eyes were bright even in the darkness.  The unicorn bowed his head to her and a wave of relief swept over her.  Her plump lips curled into a small smile as she reached out to him and layed her hand on his neck.  “I need you to lay down because I cannot jump up there right now.  Please” she whispered gently in his ear and he did as he was bid. She slowly climbed up on him and hung on to his long mane has he stood up.  “To the east, my friend, until I cannot go any further.  Thank you.” She felt him move and she knew she was safe and let the wind toss her long black hair back and watch for branches.  She knew he had sent this magnificent creature to help her.  She could not look back now, only forward.  She had to get their child to safety, the child that was not supposed to be born.  Lost in her thoughts, the anger that her father had shown, the fear in her heart from her father’s words, the love in her heart she could not deny. Tears began streaming down her face.  She could cry now, she had to cry now. With daylight just on the horizon she could go no more.  She asked the unicorn to stop and he laid back down to let her off.  She stood forehead to forehead with him and took in his smell, the feeling of his hair under her fingers and whispered “You saved her life.  May you live forever my friend.  You are free to go.” The unicorn took a deep breath and slowly backed away and looked at her as if wanting to take her sight in.  He knew who she was and he did not want to leave so he stayed. Delilah sat down next to a large tree, it was time for the baby to come.  With another ferocious cramp she pushed, touching her belly and feeling the tree hold her up, she pushed with the next wave of cramps.  She could feel it, she was hoping against hope she could see her face.  Another cramp came a scream she could not keep in and it echoed through the forest.  Then she heard the cry, tears filled her eyes and she picked the baby up trying to blink the tears out so she could see her baby.  All the pain, all the sorrow was gone for that brief moment as she gazed upon her child’s face.  Perfect was the word that floated through her mind. Her lips curled into a smile showing the dimples on her cheeks as she brought her child to her chest and took in a deep breath.  For that moment everything was calm, the birds began to sing, and the forest began to come to life.  Suddenly a noise from behind her, she froze when she heard footsteps and fear crept into her heart, holding her baby close to her chest still connected to the umbilical cord. “There you are Princess Delilah.  You are a hard one to keep up with.”  Marta’s voice was soft and gentle as she came around the tree.  She stood before Delilah with her long white fur coat hanging from her shoulders covering her solid black outfit under it.  Her white bobbed hair perfectly forming around her face.  She smiled at Delilah and bent down next to her.  “And there she is, in all her glory.  The savior of our world.  What do you plan to name her?” She reached up and swiped some hair away from Delilah’s face. “Her name should be Angela because she will be an angle to our world when the time comes.” Delilah not taking her eyes off her.  She knew her time with her was limited. “I hate to hurry this along but you know time is of the essence right now.  I promise to make sure she gets everything she needs and hidden safely until the time comes.  It is time to cut the cord Delilah.” Marta looked at the ground trying very hard not to cry.  She had known Delilah since her birth so many years ago.  As a witch she also had been foretold of this day, an intersection in life where hate, love, greed and giving all come to crossroads.  It saddened her heart and her hands shook a little bit when Delilah handed her the baby.  With tears streaming down her face she looked at Marta for a brief moment “Please make sure she knows she came from love, a great love that forsaken all others in our world.” With that she touched Angela’s cheek and a bright light shone between the two “I love you to the depths of the heavens and back.”  She reached down and cut the umbilical cord and her body slowly turned to ash and Marta watched her purple aura float away.  Tears fell out of Marta’s eyes as she took Angela to the stream and cleaned her up and wrapped her up. The midnight black unicorn had stood quietly the entire time.  He knew he was needed for one more thing to help Princess Angela escape, he had been given orders.   The sun was up in the sky and the forest was alive with noises.  “We are ready Midnight.  Please open the portal to the human world.  That will the best place to hide our Princess until she is ready. “ Marta said with a air of confidence and with that the unicorn lit up his horn, reared up and tossed his head tearing open the barrier.  With her dark brown eyes Marta nodded at him letting him know she could get back on her own and she stepped through the portal.  On the other side Marta turned herself into an old woman carrying Angela in a basket, she was on a dirt road that was heavily used she presumed and felt lucky she didn’t step out in front of anybody.  She heard music and laughter and decided to head towards it until she found the couple that would be able to take Angela in.  The forest wasn’t as heavily wooded and she could see a lot further and saw some kind of celebration being had by a small village.  The scene was a cheerful one with a fire, music, dancing, laughter and food as she entered the village. The houses were close and well-built with dogs and pigs running about and she had a good feeling about everyone.  Then the bride and groom came dancing out and people cheered for them making room for them to dance.  Marta’s heart lept inside her chest as she saw them dancing about, so young and happy and most importantly in love.  Marta was a good a witch, a white witch as it was called and she could see the future often which had usually been a curse.  However today, it was extremely important to see the future she needed to be sure Angela was safe and loved.  Marta stood there for a bit and watched the celebration and investigated the future.  They would have children, and the husband was a good man who did right by his family.  She was a good mother not afraid to be both tough and loving.  They live a long and happy life together right here in this peaceful village.  Marta decided that they were the chosen ones.  So she waited, she walked back into the woods and waited 2 days.  One the second day it was raining, hard and lightening was abounding.  She knocked on their door and he opened it, shocked to see a stranger in front of him.  “Oh my, please come in out of the rain My Lady” and a pulled the door open wide for her to enter.  Their home was comfortable and clean.  He stood before her tall with light brown hair and blue eyes, his tanned face had freckles and his hands were large.  “What brings you here?” He asked as he pulled out a chair for her to sit on.  His new wife entered the room from their bedroom in the back.  She had long dark hair and bold green eyes with a cute turned up nose and dimples when she smiled.  She looked slightly like Delilah to Marta.  “Would like something to drink? Goats milk, water?” “Water would be appreciated My Lady” Marta said and drank the water gratefully. “Thank you for your kindness” and with that Angela stirred in her basket.  The wife looked at the basket with surprise as Marta bent over and uncovered Angela who looked out with big blue eyes and if you looked close enough you would see lavender flex shimmering like sunshine off the ocean.  Marta pulled her into her arms remembering to sound as exhausted as she looked and searched for the bag of goats milk without looking up at the couple and set to feeding Angela who willingly accepted the n****e.  She could feel them staring at her with questions in their eyes, just like she wanted them to. Here in the  human world there was not much magic to go around so you only had what you brought with, so she was hoping a little mystery would go a long way. “My goodness My Lady, but why do you have such a baby when you are, well old?” The wife asked. “Truth be told I found this little one by the side of the road, in this basket and nothing else.”  She watched Angela drink her milk with her precious eyes closed and breathing so peacefully.  She stayed quiet. “What do you plan to do with the baby?” The wife moved closer looking at the child now asleep in Marta’s arms.  “Well, to be honest” Marta paused trying to get a sense of the emotion in the room “I don’t know. I saw you and your husband dancing and full of love the other day and I thought” she took another pause and held the stare of them both and now she was certain they were perfect. “I hoped you would raise her as your own.  I am much too old and much too poor but I could not leave her abandoned on the side of the road.” She again went silent looking down at the sleeping babe in her arms, heartbroken that she would grow up thinking she was abandoned but she knew there was no other way.  She could not know the truth until it was time. The husband stood up, his big tall frame reached to the top of the cottage almost, he slowly walked over next to his wife and put a hand on her shoulder. “She would be a great start to the family we are already working on.”  His wife turned and looked at him with joyful tears and then looked back at Marta with the sleeping babe in her arms.  She leaned over toward Marta and reached for the sleeping child and Marta willingly gave her up not showing the emotions inside her soul.  “Did you name her?” She stared at her holding her close to her bosom and taking in her scent. “I have been calling her Angela, but I think she will learn a new name if you like.” Marta leaned back in her chair and took a sip of water and it tasted sweet on her lips and watched Angela being held by her new mother, the only mother that baby would ever know.   “I feel terrible but my name is Maria and this is my husband Jack.  I think I will keep her name Angela, it’s beautiful, just like an Angel.” Her big green eyes not moving from the baby, her baby, her heart was soaring inside. “I insist you spend the night” Jack said “I am not going to let the grandmother of our new daughter sleep out in the rain.” His voice boomed in the small cottage and a big smile crossed his face as he approached his wife with their new daughter and he put his arms around both of them and they stood their all together building a circle of love that would guide them the rest of their days.  Marta almost started crying but she held it and accepted the invitation for sleep.  Tomorrow she had a very long journey, and these human bodies were not really made for long distance activities.   Chapter 2

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