Chapter 1: Do What I Have To
The music stopped for the performer ahead of me, Velvet, who exited to the back of the stage to our private room with a hard clomp of her thick heels. I watched as she plopped down, half-naked, quickly changing out of her outfit.
Now it was time for me to go on stage. I had myself primped perfectly, my chestnut hair curled and spilling over my shoulders with plenty of makeup and lipstick accentuating my best features – my green eyes sparkled with my smokey eyeliner, my full lips painted with a medium rose color and my cheeks glittered from my rogue over my ivory skin.
Satisfied with my scantily clad outfit, I selected my songs and then entered from the side, my high heels gracefully clicking against the steps before I emerged onto the dance area. At first I stood there with an erect pose, not moving at all. Some of the clients glanced at one another, whispering. I liked making them guess sometimes. But I wasn't new, I just needed my music to inspire me.
After the first guitar riff of my favorite song filled the room, I dashed forward to the beat, easily lifting myself off the ground and twirling my athletic body around the silver pole first holding my heel to the bottom as I spun, then when I had enough momentum, I lifted off the ground and ascended.
With just my muscular thighs, I gripped the pole between my legs, squeezing tightly and for a brief moment, I remained still, the strength of my inner thighs supporting me. Nearly touching the ceiling this was a keen display of my skill and body's endurance.
Customers began to frantically yank their pockets and whip out their wallets hoping for a chance for me to get closer.
Then, as I walked where the customers were sitting, I slinked and swayed to the music using it as a natural rhythm to guide my alluring movements. Hungry eyes from the men sitting at the catwalk crawled over every inch as I stood in front of them, bending over and rubbing my bare ass as I quickly snatched the money they had placed in front of them.
As I strolled the catwalk back I unsnapped my bra, first cupping the front as the last remnants concealed me, then slowly let it drop to the floor. The ogling customers began to dig deeper into their wallets as they placed money in front of them for just a little bit of attention from me.
My silky black thong underwear fit snugly in all the right places, showing the outline of my lady parts perfectly. My firm backside twisted and twerked as I briefly greeted the customers once more, with another round.
One whistled loudly then said, "Hey beautiful, what's your name again?" I peered over my shoulder coyly as I tucked bill after bill in my garter belt. I didn't recognize him as a regular.
"Justice," I answered with a purr in my throat.
"Then please punish me." His hungry expression had a desperate edge, maybe even a wince. He dug into the front shirt pocket and flashed me a c-note - nearly unheard of here. I sauntered over, tweaking my n*****s, making sure they made my breasts look extra perky in the overhead lights.
I fluttered my hands over my voluptuous curves and swayed my hips, pulling the thong dangerously far away from the front. The customer's eyes grew ravenous as he leaned forward, almost like a magnet drawn to me. He was desperate to see what was between my legs but I wouldn't fully allow him.
"You shave everything down there don't you?" he shouted over the loud music, as I watched a trickle of sweat crawl down his Adam's apple.
"Do you think I can wear panties this small and not have a Brazilian wax?" I teased, releasing the strained straps of my thong until they slapped like a spank against my curvaceous hips. I twisted and did one spin in front of him, running my fingers up and down my body, my ribs more pronounced, my stomach flat and my buttocks firm.
He moaned and then I noticed him trace his finger over himself, his ever growing bulge in his pants. I hoped he didn't think he could do that in the open in our club. That wasn't allowed unless we were in the VIP room, but Victor the bouncer came over and warned the man. Moving on, I slinked up the catwalk again, plucking each bill until my garter was bursting with money looking like a bouquet of flowers.
In the front stage, I began to do some floor work, rolling onto my back and holding one leg in the air. The customers leaned in feverishly to glance at the tiny bits of exposed skin that my thong hugged. I turned over on my stomach and kicked my heels together, pressing to the floor like I was making love to it.
One more round of collecting bills and I had a plump plunder of cash. My song then began to fade away and I traipsed still dipping and rolling my shoulders back, lifting my breasts in the air giving them one last taste of my sexiness before I left.
As I walked through the side entrance to our backstage area I quickly grabbed a towel soaking the sweat from my neck and torso. The combination of the hot lights and my exertion had me perspiring all over.
Glancing in the mirror as I sat down, I adjusted my makeup, thinking about why I was here in Waterfall City. Penthouse club was well known as the supreme exotic dancing showcase. I was lucky they'd accepted me with no experience before this. In fact, I was still in a probationary period but winning on amateur night at the beginning of the summer had earned me a spot.
Staring into the mirror, I realized my mascara needed a touch up as it surrounded my emerald eyes with a slightly smudged look. As I dabbed the towel just underneath my lids, reality washed over me. Six years ago, I wouldn't have ever dreamed I'd be sitting in front of a vanity applying makeup to dance nearly naked for strangers. What would my father say if he were still alive?
Thoughts of my parents death crowded my mind as I used all my might to push it away. When I was on the stage, the grief of their loss was lessened but the anger about my guardian was ever pervasive, no matter where I was.
If only he'd given me the money for my tuition, my need for quick money and subsequent employment here wouldn't be necessary. A scowl gripped my lips involuntarily which made it hard to reapply my rose lipstick.
As I saw my knitted brow, my emerald eyes flickered in the light once more when I thought of Justin Lowell. Feelings of resentment continued as I rose from my seat, changing my outfit to something that would glow under the black light. This job was necessary, I told myself. Otherwise I'd never be able to pay for my tuition.
Thankfully, I had applied and gotten into Waterfall College, one of the most prestigious law schools in the United States. Shame slowly melted as that realization hit me, my stomach filled with butterflies of excitement and anxiety. I'd been working diligently and now I was in. The shame of my choice to work here slowly ebbed and I nodded once to myself in the mirror.
With my performance over, I made my way to my boss who had a pleased smirk on his face. His beefy stature intimidated me as he raised one jet black eyebrow.
"Another excellent performance, Katerina - I mean Justice."
"Thanks," I said gulping nervously. He wasn't supposed to use our real names but at least he corrected himself. "You've been one of our most popular dancers here and in such a short time. You're a natural."
"I'm not sure how," I replied, blushing. Instead of answering, he patted the stool beside him. Squinting my eyes in curiosity, I climbed up beside him taking my own seat.
"What do you say to becoming one of my permanent girls in the stable? You could really bankroll here if you worked full time."
He rested his elbows on the bar table, his sinewy biceps visible through his tight dress shirt. His jet black hair was styled perfectly to create his powerful yet professional look.
My heart pounded at the proposition. I'd only begun this job to save up for tuition as something temporary. I had hoped another more viable position would have come along by now, but I'd been turned away. Pondering, I glanced down, seeing my garter belt thick with sweaty dollars. I didn't need to think for long.
"Fine Mr. Lee, but not full time. I have school coming up so I can only perform on the weekends."
Mr. Lee's close-lipped grin indicated he was satisfied with my answer. My eyes sparkled with delight and with my enthusiastic lean in toward him, I could see a smile of conquest wash over his features.
"That's perfectly fine. See you next weekend."
After leaving the club, I couldn't wait to take a shower. Jeff, one of the head bouncers, walked me to my car which was customary for all the dancers. Once I was safely inside I waved and flashed him a polite smile, then started the engine and drove away.
Monday was upon me before I knew it and my stomach was rolling with excitement. I gripped my laptop bag by the handle then swung my backpack over my shoulders. Several times I checked to see if I had pens, notepads, my charger, snacks and as many articles of clothing I could stuff into my strained luggage. Good to go.
It was time to leave.
I was awestruck as soon as I exited the bus onto campus. Waterfall College was just even more beautiful than the pictures. As my feet pressed into the soft grass I couldn't help but feel my father's presence here with me. He was an alumni, after all. My innocent smile faded as I recalled the night my mother and father were murdered, again. Lawyers are targeted for sure, but my father helped countless people.
Who was it who killed them? I had my suspicions. Justin Lowell.
I was determined to get my law degree to find out who killed my parents. If anything, my resolve was more solidified now that I had been accepted, and the feelings of anguish and uncertainty began to melt from my heart. Pursing my lips, the image of that horrifying night faded as I remembered why I was here. Lifting my head I walked toward Plourde Hall for an orientation packet.
Entering Plourde, a line of students were waiting to get their welcome folders. I was curious as they passed by, flipping through the large collated collection of papers. It sure seemed thick for the first day of class.
After being handed my packet, I slid it into my laptop bag and I retrieved my dorm room keys. It wasn't far from Plourde. I crossed campus and trumped up three flights of stairs until I was in a quad set up. With the key in hand, I clicked the lock open, wondering just who would be on the other side.
To my surprise, my roommate had been busy long before I arrived. She'd already chosen her bed on the left side of the room, which irked me. Why didn't she think to ask?
"Oh, I'm so glad to meet you!" She rushed forward as I slowly set my bags down. "I'm Elodie Boudreau… and you are?" Once my bags were safely on the bed, I stuck my hand out.
"I'm Katerina. Katerina Sullivan."
"It's so great to meet you! I'm so glad to finally know who I'm rooming with. So where do you live outside of campus? What time is your first class? What do you think about all the hot football players practicing outside?"
Before I could answer one question, she was asking five more which only served to annoy me. Without a chance to get a word in edgewise, I slowly sat on my bed and began to flip through my welcome packet.
Constitution by Dr. Stefanie Pierce. Psychology by Dr. Serene Xa. Jurisprudence by Prof. Justin Lowell. Philosophy of Law by Megan Fager.
“What classes do we have in common?" Elodie sits next to me, invades my space, and completely makes me explode. I felt my leg shaking. Was it anxiety or deadly rage? I couldn't zone her out but, man oh man, she didn't wait for any answers. It's like she spoke to herself every—
Wait. Go back.
Hang on.
Jurisprudence by Prof. Justin Lowell.
“What the f**k?"
This can't be right.