zim and dib were around each other more since they had to be for their sisters tak and gaz but they still hated each other zim was 19 (irk) and dib was 15 (earth) so what was the feeling that zim felt around dib.... love? most likely but then again he was gay and the tallest accepted him for it seeing as they were also gay! and now the tension was higher then ever and the others had a bet on if they will get together... the group was very happy for them In the end and is their teacher homophobic? the whole 'no pride' thing will be hard on them but the will manage! with pride month and pride parade coming up and the tallests visiting earth and adopting the two invaders and a lot More! it will be split up into a few chapters each on focusing on a different event! ♥️ love you all so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much! ♥️